Hey Guys!
Thankfully I am doing the below cycle because of a diagnosed condition of Low T WITH a prescription for all this. I am going to start this next Tuesday/Wednesday but let me give you a little history:
I started by finding out I had low T (See my 1st post in New Members). Got prescribed by an Endo for .75 cc bi-weekly. Found out this wasn't enough AND some could aromatize so I went to Kingsberg Medical. They are going to start me on the below. Before all that, in March-ish 2011 I took 2 days of T3 40mcg/day and 4 days of Clen 80mcg/day. Also took GHRP-6/CJC-1293 at 80ishmg? for about 3 weeks (RUI). Had all the T3/T4 Free/Total levels checked and they're fine. But I've gained 30ish lbs over the past year. Gonna also LEGALLY start a GHRP-6/Semerolin cycle here soon once I have the money as it's all Outofpocket no insurance covers it.
24 Week Testosterone Program
Testosterone Cypionate (Watson Brand)
Protocol: 200mg/1 ml weekly 2(10ml) vials
Anastrozole (20) .05MG capsules
Tamoxifen (20) 11 MG capsules
Protocol: Take 1 capsule one time per week
B-12 Cyanacobalamin (1) 1000mcg / 30ml vial
Protocol: one injection of 1 ml / 1000mcg per week
HCG (1) 5000 unit
Protocol: 250 units 2 x per week
Post Cycle Starts 2 weeks after last IM
HCG (1) 11000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 1000 units for 10 days
Clomiphene Citrate (30) 51mg capsules
Protocol: One capsule 2 X per day