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Thread: Tell me What u think about this CYCLE

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Tell me What u think about this CYCLE

    5'10 195 and goals are simply strength and mass.
    1-4 Dbol 30mg ed
    1-11 Test Prop 75mg eod
    1-11 Test Enan 400mg week
    1-11 EQ 400mg week
    Clomid 300mg/ 100mg/ 50mg
    Have nolva on hand. As far as water weight do u bros think it will be alot with this cycle? And was thinking of doing eq,test e, and test prop all in the glute and then a day off then prop in the triceps, then a day off then all 3 again. Sound good? Are tri's hard to stick ? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    running the prop all the way through with the enan seem like a waste to me....i'd do this instead:

    1-4 dbol 30-40mg ed
    1-11 test enan 400mg /week
    1-10 eq 400mg /week
    11-13 test prop 100mg eod

    clomid 3 days after your last injection.......

    peace I4L

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    How bout some Winny in there while running the prop, just my 2Cents

    1-4 dbol 30-40mg ed
    1-11 test enan 400mg /week
    1-10 eq 400mg /week
    11-13 test prop 100mg eod
    8-13 Winny 50mg/ed

    clomid of course


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I agree with Iron. Theres no need for the prop full cycle. Is this you first cycle? If so 700mg of test is way too much anyway. Also I see no need for the winny. One oral is enough specially if this is your first cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Iron hit the nail on the head. Go with his cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    both of those cycles look good..just depends if you wanna run winny or not

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    How many cycles have you done?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    This will be my first cycle. Thanks for all the input. Is 400mg of test Ean going to be enough. I've been told that it must be greater than the EQ. Please let me know. I really do appreciate all of the help. Couldnt have put a cycle together without you guys. Myself and BIG-G have been working on it. Thanks for letting me know. Why would you not run the prop all the way through? BTW i have a 30ml bottle of prop. 100mg/ml. The gear that i have is as follows let me know how you would run it. 30ml or prop, 100mg/ml. 10ml of Test Enan. 400mg/ml. 10ml of EQ, 400mg/ml. 100 10mg Dbols. And i know how to do the clomid.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by CHSDOG55
    This will be my first cycle. Thanks for all the input. Is 400mg of test Ean going to be enough. I've been told that it must be greater than the EQ. Please let me know.
    Theres no need bro. Most people confuse eq and deca when they say that. 400mg of test for a first cycle is ok. Don't worry about the eq. It could even be ran with no test.

    Why would you not run the prop all the way through?

    One thing is test is test. So if you add the e and prop together its about 700mg per week. Way to much. Plus there is no need for making yourself shoot eod on your first go around.

    BTW i have a 30ml bottle of prop. 100mg/ml. The gear that i have is as follows let me know how you would run it. 30ml or prop, 100mg/ml. 10ml of Test Enan. 400mg/ml. 10ml of EQ, 400mg/ml. 100 10mg Dbols. And i know how to do the clomid.

    Run it like Iron said IMO. I have ran cycles similar and it worked good for me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    actually he was gonna run it at 75mg eod making the test at 625mg every 8 days. Would be the same if u ran testanon 250 cause the ingredients are t-eth and prop. I do see RON's point on confusing eq with deca cause i was under the same impression that the test should be higher. I ran mine all the way through cause it was cheap enough and i loved the short acting esters 'punch' over the enethate. Everybody has a view on running a correct cycle of given esters so maybee im a bit off. Maybee save the prop and do it like ironforlife said exept id add a week in the begining. BIG-G

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