would mixing malto and dextrose be good for post workout? maybe 35g's of each? or should i just stick with one. If i do stick with one, which is more potent? Thanks!
would mixing malto and dextrose be good for post workout? maybe 35g's of each? or should i just stick with one. If i do stick with one, which is more potent? Thanks!
Either will do as they both cause a large increase in insulin (malto is actually higher on the GI scale) but since malto is complex carb by nature it will take your body a little longer to convert it to glycogen, which will slow the process of refilling your muscle stores, not what you want. Dext is better IMO, but malto will work. A combo could be good as you will get an initial surge from the dext and then a little time released action from the malto. Give it a try and tell us what you think.
thanks alot pain. I plan on buying it from
(i found it through a yahoo search, it was a sponsor match). Anyway, I was wondering if I should buy the CORN Sugar dextrose, or the Priming surag dextrose. If anyone knows of any other online stores could you please let me know. Thanks!!
I have never used that site so I cant comment on them, but you can get the corn sugar dextrose that is chemically how it is made and derived from. Try searching for a company NowFoods, they have good dextrose, a bit pricy but good. Most bros here say to go to a brewery store and buy it there, it is very very cheap.
Sounds good. Thanks for all your help pain.
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