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Thread: Oatmeal69's 4th Cycle TEST-E / TREN-A Diary / Log

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Oatmeal69's 4th Cycle TEST-E / TREN-A Diary / Log

    43 Y.O. 5'9", 162# (now), 18% (approx.) B.F. (?)
    Training weights and cardio off and on for 10 + years, going from fit to fat, to fit again. I am the definition of hard gainer. Weight gain/loss is easy. LBM has always been very, VERY difficult.

    I logged my previous cycle, stats, pix, etc. here: log

    Three previous (real) cycles with Test and/or Test/Tren. Two "prohormone" cycles previous.

    I plan to lose another couple pounds before my new cycle. Tentatively, I have the start date as March 15. My guess is that I'm about 18% BF currently. I have a "two-pack." I will post a pic taken the day I start my cycle.

    I have done very little weight training over the last 8 months. Part of this is because I had a physically demanding job in a location with no gym or space to work out. (small island town) I've also read quite a bit about muscle memory, and "Blast/Cruise." techniques. This will be somewhat of an experiment to see how much I can shock my body into new growth, and bring back what I had previously. Currently, I'm very cardio fit for my age and history - even in my 20's.

    I am starting a 5 day weight training regimen tomorrow with the idea of about 3 weeks training before AAS start to work. My routine will be very similar to what I had been doing with my last cycle, as I felt the results were outstanding. I will continue with my typical 30 minutes interval-cardio, post-workout always.

    GOAL is RE-COMPOSITION! - LEAN mass with the least fat gain possible. If I can put on 5-7 pounds of LBM, and keep or even lower my BF%, I will consider this cycle successful. After the cycle, I hope to lean up more while keeping any muscle gain. I will post pix, edit, and list progress/complications/adjustments here as I go along. I've found that keeping stats/diary is invaluable.
    Last edited by oatmeal69; 03-14-2013 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    - Cycle -
    planned with extensive viewing of Atomini's Tren thread -!

    Start March 18th
    125mg Test-E / Wk. (50/mg per injection, e3d) - 11 wks. 22 injections
    Start March 25th
    438mg Tren-A / wk. (100/mg per injection, eod) - 10 wks. 32 injections
    Exemestane 12.5mg/ED, up to 25mg/ED if gyno symptoms
    Tamoxifen 40mg/ED if gyno symptoms
    End AAS JUNE 1st

    - P.C.T. -
    Start JUNE 16th
    Exemestane 25mg/25mg ED
    Tamoxifen 40mg/40mg ED then 20mg/20mg/20mg/20mg ED
    Auxilliary: CLENBUTEROL and VITAMIN 'C' 'D' & 'E'
    End PCT JULY 15th
    Last edited by oatmeal69; 06-18-2013 at 11:44 AM. Reason: ongoing edits as cycle progresses

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Typical daily diet now:
    1,900 CALORIES @ 45% CARB, 20% FAT 35% PROTEIN.
    When I start my cycle, this will change to:
    2,400 Calories @ 45% CARB, 15% FAT 40% Protein (213 Grams/ day)

    I will edit/adjust depending on what I see in the mirror and scale, and energy during the day.

    MEAL 1
    SlimmerMe's Pancakes with SF syrup
    MEAL 2
    1/2 cup old fashioned oats (note, I will add this serving of oats to my protein shakes rather than as it's own meal.)
    150 CAL, 3gr FAT, 27 gr. CARB., 5gr. PRO
    MEAL 3 (pre)
    2 cups Lean Turkey Chili
    with 1 cup brown rice, quinoa, or pasta
    750 CAL, 17gr FAT, 75 gr. CARB., 62 gr. PRO
    MEAL 4 (post)
    Protein Shake
    MEAL 5
    1 chicken breast or piece of cod, grilled or boiled
    2 cups green vegetable - spinach or broccoli, soup, etc.
    230 CAL, 5gr FAT, 0 gr. CARB., 43 gr. PRO
    MEAL 6
    Protein Shake

    Shake Recipe - 1.2 scoop (34 grams) Dymatize Whey Isolate, + 1/2 cup egg whites + 1/2 cup FF Cottage Cheese.
    230 CAL, 2gr FAT, 8 gr. CARB., 45gr. PRO

    Pancake Recipe -1/4 cup egg whites, 4 oz. f.f. cottage cheese, 1 cup old-fashioned oats, 1-Tbsp. vanilla extract
    610 CAL, 6gr FAT, 87 gr. CARB., 58gr. PRO

    My turkey chili recipe is mostly 95% lean turkey, a few tomatoes, some black beans and green chilis with spices.

    I also will eat Turkey/Oat meatloaf quite often.
    Per Serving: Cal = 250 Car = 15 Pro = 25 Fat = 10
    Edit: I just finalized my green chili recipe.
    CAL:140 CAR:18 PRO:16 FAT:1.1
    Last edited by oatmeal69; 04-12-2013 at 07:15 PM. Reason: ongoing edits as cycle progresses

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    MEAL 2
    1/2 cup old fashioned oats - 150 CAL, 3gr FAT, 27 gr. CARB., 5gr. PRO
    What's up with this?

    Re: test @ 125mg/week - should be fine as you're only running it to counter your natural test production (most likely less than 125mg/week) shutting down. Tren is the workhorse here, let it do it's thing.

    Really hoping this works out for ya Oat... personally I'd ditch meal 2 and just add it to PWO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    - Workout Routine -

    Day 1 - Chest
    Flat bench press
    Machine bench press
    Flies &/or pec-dec
    Decline machine press

    Day 2 - Legs
    Leg Press / sled
    Leg extensions
    Standing calf raise
    Seated calf raise

    Day 3 - Arms
    Machine skull crushers
    Straight bar curls
    Cable triceps rope extension
    Concentration curls
    Rear weighted dips

    Day 4 - Back
    Lat pull-downs - narrow grip to chest
    Dead Lifts
    Machine Rows - lateral
    Machine Rows - high

    Day 5 - Shoulders
    Machine military press
    Dumbell Press
    Machine extensions
    Machine rear delt. flies

    Day 6 - Abdominals
    Dan's Ab Routine -

    In order, with NO REST between sets.
    Decline Bench Crunches: 1 x Failure
    Hanging Leg Lifts: 1 x Failure
    Hanging Leg Kicks: 1 x Failure
    Hanging Side Leg Lifts: 1 x Failure (each side)
    Hanging V: 1 x Failure
    Wood Chop High to Low: 1 x 50 (each side)
    Wood Chop Low to High: 1 x 50 (each side)
    Decline Bench Twist Crunch: 1 x Failure
    Leg Cross Twist Crunch: 1 x Failure

    Day 7 - OFF

    Each day is ended with 30 min. interval cardio on elliptical.
    I will move body parts around (legs usually) if I feel I haven't had enough rest, and I take my days off on different days too.

    Update May 2013 I've started using suggestions from Marcus regarding HIT training. My sets now consist of a light warmup set followed by two to three sets starting near my max. I go for failure and then drop-set down three or 4 times, going for failure at each drop, with no rest. Total reps will usually be 12-14.
    I am not doing as many different exercises, but have greatly increased intensity on each.
    I feel like I'm giving much more damage to muscle fibers this way, and I'm definitely getting stronger and showing new development.
    Last edited by oatmeal69; 05-30-2013 at 06:42 PM. Reason: Ongoing changes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    20mg of test e ED??? Why??

    Aromasin has NO place in PCT.

    Do clomid&nolva.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    20mg of test e ED??? Why??
    Injecting Tren-A ED, simply mixing the correct Test dose with the Tren. this makes for once daily injections.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Aromasin has NO place in PCT.
    Atomini and many others, myself included, would disagree.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Do clomid&nolva.
    While I have done this in the past, new information suggests otherwise. Read the thread.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    anything for prolactin?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Up the Aromasin dose, and initiate Nolvadex. At this dose it isn't likely to be an issue, I've not had issues before. Again, my primary knowledge base for this cycle will come from Atomini's post. This specific one addresses extreme prolactin issues:
    I can also cite Swifto when I say that when one adequately controls estrogen, one controls progesterone and prolactin by default.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    - in addition to protein shake listed in "diet"

    Fish Oil
    Creatine Monohydrate
    mixed in protein shakes

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Glad I'm getting myself back into condition before starting my cycle, my legs and chest are ON FIRE today!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Two weeks out from start of Tren-A here are a couple pix. I'm still trying to lean up more, but I hate that I lose muscle along with it.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0273.jpg 
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ID:	134855Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0274.jpg 
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ID:	134854

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Shouldn't be losing too much.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Haven't seen your log yet bro, I will follow it for sure.

    Just a couple of things. I can't say that PCT looks appetizing (just my opinion). Also the test dosage seems a bit low to me. I am thinking that the test should be a bit higher to fight off some off the tren sides, primarily ED.

    Why no caber or prami?

    I will most likely wind up starting my tren ace and prop cycle a bit late, probably about the time you are almost done.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2011
    Well, I've been following this thread pretty closely:!
    His ideas of only using Test more like TRT and just to keep normal body function really ring in my ears, as well as what he had to say about A.I.'s, PCT, etc. I posted several times in the last pages of it recently too and got some good answers, so that's what I'm going to try. Read 'em over and see what you think.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I only run 200 test on Tren runs, you should be fine

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    First Test-E only pin today. Plan is to start Tren-A next week, but I might extend that out another week to let the Test work a bit more before I shut down on Tren.
    I'm at 161 pounds right now. I'm going to continue my cutting diet and focusing more on cardio until I start Tren, at which time I will up my cals by 500, and increase my protein intake ratio by 5%.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Good luck on your cycle I will be following to see how it turns out. I'm getting ready to start my first cycle so I don't have any advice for you. I'm going to change up my training and do back on my deadlift day instead of doing other leg exercises that day. Why no squats?

  19. #19
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    Squats - Never liked how they make my mid-section feel, or my shoulders/back. It's a dangerous lift if not done exactly right, and when one is doing heavy weight even more so. I've done enough of them in cross fit to develop a healthy respect. I also feel I get more out of the sled and extensions.

  20. #20
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    Thanks GB - I was just thinking about that this morning. I left MEAL 2 in there because I will be adding 1/4 cup oats to each of my shakes. I really like the idea of having some complex carbs in there with all that protein. But yeah, I don't think I'll be eating that as it's posted.

    Yes, the 125mG/week is the average of what pinning e3d will be. It's just a maintenance while Tren is the work horse.

    Regarding the book we were sent - UD 2.0 It looks pretty fascinating. I can see myself trying to do a lean bulk / recomp with this cycle and then immediately jumping into a UD 2, carb cycling thing during PCT.

  21. #21
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    I had started my first Test injection back on the 14th. Then my Mom decided to have a stroke on the 15th. She will be fine, but I had to drop everything and fly out to take care of all that. Meanwhile, I've been eating whatever I want, with dessert and not exercising. I will be back to it Thursday. I'm going to give myself another week to get back into cardio and lifting before I start Tren.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    ^^ sorry to hear this brother. Life/family comes first. Good thing is, it's never too late to jump back on (the wagon, not cycle). Take care of what you need to... then get your ass back in gear!

  23. #23
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    Oh, I'm feeling mighty guilty, I've been eating everything in sight! I only did 20mg Test-E one time though, so no big deal. I will start again tomorrow when I get home. I know I gained some fat, but I'm also going to look at it as a colossal re-feed. I'm almost thinking I can leap-frog myself over the next week, and then be primed for my cycle to start.

  24. #24
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    First Tren pin today. I'd have liked to be at 160# at start, but my current 163# is pretty close. I was at 160# three weeks ago, but had family issues for a week where I didn't train and ate whatever was put in front of me.
    My goal is re-comp, so hopefully there will be some more fat loss.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Following for sure. . . I am starting my Tren and Prop cycle this Saturday @ about 2x your dose.

    I am trying my best not to set high hopes for this cycle. But, it sounds like it should do some serious shit.

  26. #26
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    The only thing I might add is to drop your dosage of Tren, at least for the first few weeks. ESPECIALLY if it's your first time with Tren, 700mG/Wk. is a LOT. Not saying it wouldn't make you a monster, but the sides are NOTHING to sneeze at Se how you do first, you can always up the dose. If you've only done Test, etc. before, Tren is a whole different animal.

  27. #27
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    @Samson -
    Post a log, I'm interested to see how you do. I'll subscribe!!

    The last cycle I did was a year ago, Tren-E and Test-E. I was in very good shape, but was holding more fat than I am now. I'm sticking with the same dose for now as I did then. I have 11-12 weeks worth though, so I may up the Tren dose around week 6-8 and do a shorter cycle. I want to see how my side effects are first though. If you haven't read Atomini's thread, DEFINITELY do so. It changed my mind about a lot of things. One of which is that I want to do a shorter cycle than I did before.

    All I can say is that I'd done a Test/EQ cycle prior, and a test only cycle prior to that. Tren is WAY more powerful. Even a scrawny runt like me, I blew up fast. I stopped training other than running over the Summer, but as soon as I started again, I noticed I kept a lot of the gains. There is nothing better for building REAL muscle - not just adding soft weight.

  28. #28
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    Second Tren pin this A.M. Probably too early to tell and placebo, etc... But I was kinda moody and angry/aggressive yesterday. Maybe just a bad day, but one of the most pronounced effects of my past experiences with Tren has been heightened temper, shortness of patience, etc.

  29. #29
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    Sweat like a pig last night and the night before. Again too early to tell, but this happened for the duration of my last experiences with Tren, so it's a good sign.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69
    Sweat like a pig last night and the night before. Again too early to tell, but this happened for the duration of my last experiences with Tren, so it's a good sign.
    You responded well to eq. Why are you not low dosing that this time?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I didn't respond at all to EQ. Where did you get that? Now that I know better, I realize it's the most useless AAS ever invented.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    How long have you been training?

  33. #33
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    On and off since my teens. Solidly since about 2004. With the exception of this past Summer when I was cardio only, it's been non-stop since 2010.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Good luck bro, hit it hard. . . .

  35. #35
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    It's official, The Tren has kicked in. Today I suddenly noticed increased definition and size, not to mention strength.
    I have gained about 5 pounds in the last couple weeks, but I think most of this is me just filling out from my cutting diet, and starting Creatine. I almost feel like I'm getting leaner, but I've noticed in the past that once I'm done dieting, my muscles kinda fill out.

  36. #36
    Just wanna ask, are you still on 700 tren per week or did you lower your dosage? I'm curious why and how did you come to use this dosage?

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaiblade View Post
    Just wanna ask, are you still on 700 tren per week or did you lower your dosage? I'm curious why and how did you come to use this dosage?
    I am not, and have never been on 700mG/Wk. I think you overlooked the dosing schedule - it's 100mG EVERY OTHER DAY.

  38. #38
    ahh so sorry

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    LOL I'd be THE HULK!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Seeing any changes bro?

    Just trying to measure my cycle against others a bit.

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