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Thread: E2 crash after aromasin

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  1. #1

    E2 crash after aromasin

    Took aro for 6 weeks (12.5mg EOD) and started to see the sides: achey joints, depression and loss of libido. Dropped the aro and I'm just taking nolva (just started my 3rd week of PCT). Joints are feeling better and depression/anxiety is a lot better too, but the libido isn't totally back. Can this be more mental than physiological?

    I realize I took it for way too long, but was given advice by countless sources on eroids to take until my PCT was over. I now realize I never needed it for a test-e only cycle.
    Went for blood work the other day, but it was only after 2 days of no aromasin. Gonna go again in 4 weeks when I'm 2 weeks off my PCT.

    Thinking about dropping my nolva, too.

    Someone help me out here.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by dallasxbrown; 03-25-2013 at 02:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Go about get BW about 3 weeks after you drop the nolva. That should clear things up and give you reliable data. In terms of using 12.5 mg of aromasin throughout pct, I'd only do that if you were doing a HCG blast. It might be unnecessary during pct if you are using nolva and clomid because of the way those serms work. Although having high estradiol is bad, imho I think crashing your e2 is significantly worse. Face it we need some e2 in our system especially when increasing our test levels with compounds that we use. Once you crash, it can take over 3 weeks to get the libido back. Some people may get it back quicker than others. A lot of people try to increase their e2 by increasing their test dose but I say if your e2 crashes on cycle, to increase your hcg dose or use it more frequently that way the test levels can stay stable and you're not ****ing with that.

    What cycle were you on? How long? When did you introduce the aromasin?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    You didn't crash your E2 with 6wks of Aromasin @ 12.5 EOD,. You are likely suffering from high E2 levels, not low. The symptoms are similar.

    This "cycle" sounds messed up. What exactly was your cycle, and exactly where are you in your cycle? Also having bloods in 4 wks from now is not going to give you much information. You need to square this "PCT" away first.


    wk 1 - ? blah blah blah
    wk 1 - ? blah blah blah

    wks //// Aromasin @ x mg/?
    wks //// Nolva

    I am now at wk ?

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