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    TB500 run. Shoulder Pain.

    Hi everyone,

    I have decided to do a run of TB500 in the hopes that it will alleviate the shoulder pain I have been having for the past few months.

    It was mostly my left shoulder that hurt but I think it is beginning in my right shoulder as well.
    The pain ironically started suddenly, while I was just standing behind someone during one of my hobbies. I presume it might be an overuse/chronic injury considering it hurts during the day and not only during exercise or specific activities. I am linking the origin to posibbly opening a heavy door.

    I have tried extended rest ( several weeks ) but to no avail. I have allready dropped the weights during the exercises that bother me the most ( bench press, shoulder press, lateral cable lift ) and have even stopped doing some ( narrow neutral grip pulldown and narrow grip seated cable rows, standing barbell curl ).

    I bought the TB500 from a peptide supplier other than the board sponsor ( problem with creditcard, could not be resolved ).

    However they sent me ( according to the stickers on the vial ) a lot more than I had ordered
    I now have 5mg vials instead of 2mg vials. ( at least that is what the stickers say, I guess I won't know untill the first injection ).

    That is why I was thinking of doing 5mgs/ week for 4 weeks and then following up with 2.5mgs for another 4 weeks.

    Is this amount overkill?
    Should I spread out the 5mgs to multiple injections or should I inject the 5mgs in one go??
    Will the TB500 degrade if kept in the fridge for 3 days ( reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water )?
    Is there any sense in using larger doses or is there a saturation whereafter increases in dose do not equal increases in effect?

    Hoping to get some answers from people with more experience, although everyone is welcome to chime in.

    I will be posting progress every once and a while.

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    EDIT; I forgot to mention, I also have artritis ( worn down cartilage ) of both knees diagnosed since 7 or 8 years ago. ( probably in other places as well, my guess is hips and back and ankles )
    I also have a neural problem, probably compression of nerve around thoracal vertebrae 9 or 10, this is accompanied by daily pain, and dysregulated orthosympathetic system.

    Hoping that the TB500 will help with all these, who knows.

    Last edited by SHAGGY; 05-15-2013 at 03:10 PM.

  2. #2
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    You can pin all 5mg at once or just load with 2.5mg's, I've seen people do both on a peptide forum I am active on and I haven't seen them post anything different in terms of healing speed (But some people like running it higher "just in case" it helps).

    Also, your TB-500 should be good in BAC water for a full month, so don't sweat it if you leave it in the fridge for 3 days. Good luck with your treatment!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow530i View Post
    You can pin all 5mg at once or just load with 2.5mg's, I've seen people do both on a peptide forum I am active on and I haven't seen them post anything different in terms of healing speed (But some people like running it higher "just in case" it helps).

    Also, your TB-500 should be good in BAC water for a full month, so don't sweat it if you leave it in the fridge for 3 days. Good luck with your treatment!
    Thank you for your reply.

    I was aware that the bac water remains good for 30 days after opening according to the manufacturer hospira. I merely have concerns regarding the degradation of the peptide once in suspension. I don't think a 3 day time period should present any problems, however I have no previous experience with TB500 or any other peptide for that matter. Do you by any chance have any articles or empirical evidence that it does not degrade for 72 hours or so?

    Regarding the higher doses I do wonder wether or not splitting it up can affect uptake. I tend to split up all the supplements I use, unless otherwise indicated.

    Thank you in advance for your reply.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHAGGY View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I have decided to do a run of TB500 in the hopes that it will alleviate the shoulder pain I have been having for the past few months.

    It was mostly my left shoulder that hurt but I think it is beginning in my right shoulder as well.
    The pain ironically started suddenly, while I was just standing behind someone during one of my hobbies. I presume it might be an overuse/chronic injury considering it hurts during the day and not only during exercise or specific activities. I am linking the origin to posibbly opening a heavy door.

    I have tried extended rest ( several weeks ) but to no avail. I have allready dropped the weights during the exercises that bother me the most ( bench press, shoulder press, lateral cable lift ) and have even stopped doing some ( narrow neutral grip pulldown and narrow grip seated cable rows, standing barbell curl ).

    I bought the TB500 from a peptide supplier other than the board sponsor ( problem with creditcard, could not be resolved ).

    However they sent me ( according to the stickers on the vial ) a lot more than I had ordered
    I now have 5mg vials instead of 2mg vials. ( at least that is what the stickers say, I guess I won't know untill the first injection ).

    That is why I was thinking of doing 5mgs/ week for 4 weeks and then following up with 2.5mgs for another 4 weeks.

    Is this amount overkill?
    Should I spread out the 5mgs to multiple injections or should I inject the 5mgs in one go??
    Will the TB500 degrade if kept in the fridge for 3 days ( reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water )?
    Is there any sense in using larger doses or is there a saturation whereafter increases in dose do not equal increases in effect?

    Hoping to get some answers from people with more experience, although everyone is welcome to chime in.

    I will be posting progress every once and a while.

    Thanks in advance for any replies.


    I like the bold above. Also id split my weekly dose into 2 injections. Keep us posted!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I like the bold above. Also id split my weekly dose into 2 injections. Keep us posted!
    Thank you for your reply.

    Do you have any experience with TB500??

    Have you ever tried a lighter dose and how did it compare to 5mg/week?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHAGGY View Post
    Thank you for your reply.

    Do you have any experience with TB500??

    Have you ever tried a lighter dose and how did it compare to 5mg/week?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

    I've taken TB500 several times, and have a good supply upstairs waiting, "just in case".

    There really is no standards yet, as far as dose protocol is concerned. Personally, I don't think you will see much in the way of result prior to 14mg AND 6 weeks have elapsed. it seems to me however you want to work out your dosing protocol, both these minimums have to be met prior to noticing benefits/improvements.

    You can read my rather lengthy log here if you like:

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I've taken TB500 several times, and have a good supply upstairs waiting, "just in case".

    There really is no standards yet, as far as dose protocol is concerned. Personally, I don't think you will see much in the way of result prior to 14mg AND 6 weeks have elapsed. it seems to me however you want to work out your dosing protocol, both these minimums have to be met prior to noticing benefits/improvements.

    You can read my rather lengthy log here if you like:

    Thank you for chiming in.

    I have read your entire log allready, twice I believe.

    Thanks by the way for the valuable information, it is partly due to your blog that I decided to give it a go.

    I am still unsure however, how the TB500 works exactly, in what class of drug it may be put.
    I normally don't tend to use ANY product unless it has been thoroughly used and reviewed and I have a firm grasp on how it works, through which mechanisms.

    Considering I will be starting the TB500 in 3 days from now, this is my biggest gamble ( since being out of my crazy, foolish teens ) yet.

    If anyone has any reviewed data on the exact mechanisms in play, please share.

    THanks in advance for any replies.


  8. #8
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    I'm running 5mgs/week for six weeks.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'm running 5mgs/week for six weeks.
    Thanks for your response.

    I seemed to remember that you didn't respond well to your first run of TB500, I also found out that now apparently you are responding to the second run. That sounds great.

    Do you pin the 5mg in one go or do you spread it out over 2 or more injections/week.

    As I have seen that many people are starting to use TB500, it strikes me as strange that there are so few logs or first hand information about it.
    I expect this to change though.

    Any one with first hand experience had any side effects??
    Things to look out for/monitor?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.


  10. #10
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    Personally I've not noticed any bad sides. I pin 5mgs every Monday morning at the same time I pin my test cyp for trt. I think the reason the first round didn't help much is because I have a pretty extensive amount of damage to the tendons. I now have days with virtually no pain but I do tend to tweek it every now and then in the weight room. You'd think I'd learn more patience and I am trying but just being able to lift again has been great and it's hard to go slow sometimes. Case in point, last night I was doing front dumbbell raises and even though I felt it twinge a bit I pressed on. That was a mistake. The nice thing is this morning it is already recovering nicely which in the past it would have taken days if not weeks. The TB-500 is working but I need to work with the TB-500 to let it do its job. Stubborn is not always a virtue...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Personally I've not noticed any bad sides. I pin 5mgs every Monday morning at the same time I pin my test cyp for trt. I think the reason the first round didn't help much is because I have a pretty extensive amount of damage to the tendons. I now have days with virtually no pain but I do tend to tweek it every now and then in the weight room. You'd think I'd learn more patience and I am trying but just being able to lift again has been great and it's hard to go slow sometimes. Case in point, last night I was doing front dumbbell raises and even though I felt it twinge a bit I pressed on. That was a mistake. The nice thing is this morning it is already recovering nicely which in the past it would have taken days if not weeks. The TB-500 is working but I need to work with the TB-500 to let it do its job. Stubborn is not always a virtue...
    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes I know it is hard to pace oneself. After my break for a couple of weeks, I control myself in the gym too. Now that I am gaining strength again after the break from workouts I have to keep reminding myself to not raise the weight, despite knowing I can take more. ( pretty demotivating, considering I am still not back to the weights I used before the break ).

    I am wondering wether or not I should raise calories to maintenance or higher during the TB500 run.
    Currently I am on a Protein sparing modified fast ( Rapid Fat loss program from Lyle mcdonald ) and have noticed that the DOMS take longer to dissapear.
    Does anyone think that calorie deficit will influence healing time ( seems logical ).

    Thanks in advance for any replies.


  12. #12
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    Thanks for the thread and the responses. Thought about getting HGH. Times stated that TB500 worked for him. The man knows his stuff. I am reading as much as I can about the product.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    Thanks for the thread and the responses. Thought about getting HGH. Times stated that TB500 worked for him. The man knows his stuff. I am reading as much as I can about the product.

    I figured that the more people report about their experiences the better empirical information is out there.
    One of the most frustrating things about TB500 is the lack of information about it.

    Will keep you posted.


  14. #14
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    I've considered HGH but from what I can find the TB-500 seems to be a better way to go. Easier to get too. I'm interested in BPC 157 but can't find much about it.

  15. #15
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    Where can I get tb 500. I have a shoulder injury. My ac joint is screwed up. I will probably need surgery but will tb500 help heal it without surgery.
    Last edited by ssp; 05-19-2013 at 07:27 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssp View Post
    Where can I get tb 500. I have a shoulder injury. My ac joint is screwed up. I will probably need surgery but will tb500 help heal it without surgery.
    Hi there,

    I don't know if TB500 will actually heal your shoulder. Frankly nodobody on here can give you accurate information because they can't understand the details and intricacies of your situation.

    It might help with the symptoms, it's worth I try I guess.
    But if you have the oppertunity, talk to your doctor about your situation and alternatives.

    Best of luck.


    edit; Forgot to mention; The board sponsor offers TB500 for research purposes.
    Last edited by SHAGGY; 05-20-2013 at 07:12 AM.

  17. #17
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    I am starting the TB500 tomorrow.

    The first 4 weeks ( depending on how it goes ) I will be using 5mg/week split up in 2 injections of 2.5mg every 3 days ( give or take ).
    For instance;
    Injection 1-----Tuesday------2.5mg
    Injection 2-----Friday--------2.5mg
    Injection 3-----Monday------2.5mg
    Injection 4-----Thursday-----2.5mg
    and so on . . .

    The 4 weeks after that I intend to do the following schedule;

    Injection 1-----Monday------2.5mg
    Injection 2-----Sunday------2.5mg
    Injection 3-----Saturday-----2.5mg
    Injection 4-----Friday--------2.5mg
    and so on . . .

    Any last tips before I start tomorrow??

    Will keep you all posted on the process.


  18. #18
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    Hello thank you. But where can I find this.

  19. #19
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    How do you take this stuff. Can I ask my doctor or can I buy it from the store. Pls let me know

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssp View Post
    How do you take this stuff. Can I ask my doctor or can I buy it from the store. Pls let me know
    How old are you?
    What country are you from?

    You can order it from the board sponsor Ar-r ( on the top left side of the screen, they also provide Clen, Tamoxifen, and more), click the red picture.

    Before you use it though, you should read up on the subject as much as you can.
    Check for the link in this thread by a user called Times Roman, read his log.

    Also use the search function on this website and look for TB500.

    Your doctor will probably not be able to prescribe it.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssp View Post
    How do you take this stuff. Can I ask my doctor or can I buy it from the store. Pls let me know
    Your doctor might be able to prescribe tb-500 but I doubt he/she would. I do know it has been used in stroke victims but don't know what else.

  22. #22
    Do i inject 5mg in one go on the first week ?? Does it matter how much water

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigballsmgee View Post
    Do i inject 5mg in one go on the first week ?? Does it matter how much water
    I'm mixing 20 units (.2 ml if I did the math right) of bac stat water with mine. Seems to be an effective amount. I'm doing 5mgs a week but there really is no set protocol. Some do more and some do less. This is my second cycle of tb-500. My first cycle didn't seem do much but it did help a little. I decided to give it another try but with an increased dosage over a longer period of time and so far it is doing a great job.
    Last edited by Brazensol; 05-20-2013 at 07:10 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'm mixing 20 units (.2 ml if I did the math right) of bac stat water with mine. Seems to be an effective amount. I'm doing 5mgs a week but there really is no set protocol. Some do more and some do less. This is my second cycle of tb-500. My first cycle didn't seem do much but it did help a little. I decided to give it another try but with an increased dosage over a longer period of time and so far it is doing a great job.

    Wow, does this mean you use .2ml to reconstitute 5mgs of TB500?
    Will that amount suffice? Also how do you go around the practicalities of injecting?
    Taking .2ml from a vial and injecting it sounds a lot more difficult than taking for instance 1ml.

    I was thinking of using 2mls of bac water to reconstitute 1 vial of 5mgs, this way I also have the least loss of the product from left overs ( the dead space you cant squeeze out ) in the syringe and needle. ( I guess I better check if 2mls will even fit the vial, if not 1ml will do I guess )

    I am going to do my first injection in approximately 2 hours from now.
    ( around noon where I live, is 4 hours after waking today on an empty stomach ).


  25. #25
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    Ok thanks I will try that. I'm 32 from Canada

  26. #26
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    It's been working fine. 5mgs of tb-500 is a very small amount. It might look like a lot because it is freeze dried into a little ball of material but as soon as the water hits it it dissolves instantly. I have to pop the tops off my vial and slightly bend the needle to get all the tb-500 out but it works just fine. I put 20 units of water in and I get 20 units back out. I personally don't want to inject a 1ml of material subq let alone 2ml!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    It's been working fine. 5mgs of tb-500 is a very small amount. It might look like a lot because it is freeze dried into a little ball of material but as soon as the water hits it it dissolves instantly. I have to pop the tops off my vial and slightly bend the needle to get all the tb-500 out but it works just fine. I put 20 units of water in and I get 20 units back out. I personally don't want to inject a 1ml of material subq let alone 2ml!

    I have no issues injecting 1ml of fluid subQ. I sometimes inject vit b12, comes in 1ml ampules ( pharmacy bought ).

    2ml might be a bit much, but I split up my injections.


  28. #28
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    Injection #1


    Did my first injection of TB500 today, at approximately 13h00 some 4 hours after waking.
    Had first meal ( lean steak ) of the day 30 minutes after the injection.

    Went as follows;

    Reconstituted 5mgs of TB500 with 2 mls of Bacteriostatic water from Hospira.

    Upon reconstitution I noticed that the vial I had from the supplier is packaged under a vacuum, ( wondering if this is the usual standard ).

    After putting in the needle it automatically sucked in the bac water due to the strong vacuum.
    I pointed the needle tot the side of the vial so that the water would drip on to the peptide, not fall on it.

    The TB500 was instantly dissolved, no swirling or waiting needed.

    Injected the TB500 subQ into right side of lower abdomen.
    Apparantly injected a small airbubble as well, tried to aspirate it back out, but didn't work, however upon aspirating, some fluid ( the peptide solution I presume ) came out of the sides of the needle where it punctured my skin. Hoping I didn't waste to much of the product.

    Put the rest of the vial in fridge and will be used 3 days from now.

    Will mind the bubbles more in the future, but the reason I didn't tap the syringe was to not "damage" the peptide. ( Probably being overly carefull, I know ).

    Had no flushing feeling or anything odd. Relatively painless.

    Will keep you all updated.


  29. #29
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    From what I've learned this peptide is not that fragile. Mine are also vaccuum packed so you got to be a little careful when adding the water but it's no big deal. Why you splitting the dose?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    From what I've learned this peptide is not that fragile. Mine are also vaccuum packed so you got to be a little careful when adding the water but it's no big deal. Why you splitting the dose?
    Well, honestly, splitting up the dose is not based on any specific information. I asked the question wether or not a certain threshold must be reached before the TB500 exerts its effect or if there is a maximum amount at wich it can be absorbed. Nobody seemed to know/answer. I still don't have any info regarding halflife.

    I try to split up anything I take as much as possible, from a certain standpoint ( especially oral absorption through the GI tract ) it makes sense and some products tend to have larger absorption when spread out.

    I am presuming that for subQ absorption this is NOT the case, however it seemed more logical to have 2 peaks of TB500/week.
    It's not based on facts, just hoping that it is the right approach. I think that the TB500 does not last long in the body and that the effects come through certain genes that it activates, this would explain to some extent the time required for it to work ( gene expression ) and why we can get away with weekly injections, but honestly, this is all hearsay, no facts.

    Do you have any info that might contradict this train of thought?


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHAGGY View Post
    Well, honestly, splitting up the dose is not based on any specific information. I asked the question wether or not a certain threshold must be reached before the TB500 exerts its effect or if there is a maximum amount at wich it can be absorbed. Nobody seemed to know/answer. I still don't have any info regarding halflife.

    I try to split up anything I take as much as possible, from a certain standpoint ( especially oral absorption through the GI tract ) it makes sense and some products tend to have larger absorption when spread out.

    I am presuming that for subQ absorption this is NOT the case, however it seemed more logical to have 2 peaks of TB500/week.
    It's not based on facts, just hoping that it is the right approach. I think that the TB500 does not last long in the body and that the effects come through certain genes that it activates, this would explain to some extent the time required for it to work ( gene expression ) and why we can get away with weekly injections, but honestly, this is all hearsay, no facts.

    Do you have any info that might contradict this train of thought?

    I know most people front load a little heavy but not sure about twice a week. But what you are saying does make some sense. Let us know how it works for you.

  32. #32
    Hey Brazensol, do you have any articles saying that the TB is no that fragile, just curious because i added some water to a 5mg vial one time and alot of water came shooting out of the needle in one go, luckily down the side of the vial. Little bit worried that it may have damaged it but not sure. So just interested to see how you know that applying the water is no bigy? cheers! Rich.

  33. #33
    So i use this once a week right?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigballsmgee View Post
    So i use this once a week right?
    Most people do once a week. Some follow up with a maintenance dose once a month after the original cycle is over. I followed Times Roman's protocol and did not get much relief but my injury was probably fairly more severe and I have had it for 10+ years. I am now in an 8 week cycle of 5mgs/week and have gotten some pretty impressive results thus far. I started my first dose at 7.5mgs and 5mgs every week thereafter. I am on my 5th week.

  35. #35
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    How many ml do u get in a vial of tb500.

  36. #36
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    So when I get the tb500 it's 2 mg so how long does that last me and how much water do I add to it. Also what needle size do I order with it. Thanks

  37. #37
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    It comes freeze dried. I've seen 2mg, 5mg, and 10 mg vials. You add the bac stat water to the tb-500. I use 20 units. Some people like to use more. I put 20 in and draw twenty out so if I'm losing any it is minimal. How long it lasts depends on how much you plan to use. I am using 5mg/week. Two (2) mgs. would only be good for one injection imo.

    If nothing else read Times Roman's log on tb-500. At least the first post. Very informative.

  38. #38
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    Thanks for the info I'm looking at Ar r .com. There's is 2 mg but not sure how many injections it has

  39. #39
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    2mgs is ONE injection at best. That's a very small amount of tb-500. You will need at LEAST this much (I'd go higher) every week for 6-8 weeks. Why not go with 5mgs/week?

  40. #40
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    Quick update day 2


    I tried stretching my infraspinatus muscle through the sleeper stretch last night, big mistake, made the pain much worse and present all day long now.

    Should note, I think I might have nicked a vein going in yesterday, today the injection site had some contusion underneath skin, but not warm or painfull/swollen. Yesterday I had no visible bleeding after injection.

    Will keep my eye on it.

    No effect yet ( which is normal ).


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