MLG Pharma has tons of positive reviews. However, I recently have been reading some negative reviews ranging from undersosed to bottles being under-filled.
MLG Pharma has tons of positive reviews. However, I recently have been reading some negative reviews ranging from undersosed to bottles being under-filled.
they're good to go. Kinda expensive, but their stuff is good.
No UGL underdoses or underfills on purpose. Most overdose and overfill to stay competitive.
Not at all...I think you have the wrong lab.
MLG is pretty cheap
I don't understand the Q. OP are you having issues with this lab or are you just fishing for some random reviews. You can get them thru Google. ...crazy mike
First off Crazy Mike-
Your a clown.
OBVIOUSLY I'm looking for a review for the company. Isn't that what this section is for?
If you can't add anything constructive--then keep your pie hole shut and move on.
well i use mexican stuff and raws so i probably have a whole different opinion on prices than most people lol
I've sent some tren e for mass spec. Ill have results in a couple weeks
Did u end up using the mlg. If so what did u think of it. I ask cause im debating on geyyjng some deca but I to have heard the recent under dosing reviews.
No...I didn't get anything from MLG yet. Prob wont, judging by all the negative reviews I read on one particular site.
Funny....There is one site where everybody SWEARS by them. No negative feedback at all.
But they DO exists on other sites.
All I want is quality Tren A
Ive heard tons of positive just recently a few people saying its underdosed I dont know one one hand I wanna try and see for myself since its so cheap but on the other hand I wanna listen to the current reviews and not get junk gear lol.
I apologize, I never followed up on that. I'll check into it
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