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  1. #1
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    OBama Care

    Well I aint going to go in dept on this.But just read wat it is about and it isn't good.Starts out at $30.00 a month per person.And if you have a lot of medical problems.Well it will go up.And the lie about you can keep your present coverage.Well that isn't true either.I can see why he didn't make his cohorts have it.Beacuse they know it sucks and would've voted it in if they had too.Well you Obama lovers did it now enjoy this mess up.

  2. #2
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    You have only scratched the surface. $30 a month? Maybe if you are in PERFECT health and promise to NEVER go to the doctor. lol I think it's $30 a month to just sign up, not counting any type of medical care except from on automated doctor saying take 2 aspirin and email me in the morning.

  3. #3
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    nah, not here bro. ALabama is well over 300 a month for a working class man. Like me, I still haven't heard from my employer of whats changing. They keep holding off. The self employed people Is who really suffer with this shit. AND, you are fined if you don't get it starting march 2014. You will pay 95 bucks per person on your taxes, the next year close to 600, the next it maxes out at up to 2500 bucks or 2.5 percent of your income. At least here it does.

    Many people report deductibles through private carriers DOUBLING. Self employed people can pay up to 1000 bucks a month. And yeah, thanks to the asses that voted him back in office.

    I believe if you are in the poverty level it is 8 or 10 percent of total income. Which is still a lot.

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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    Is Obama still president? Haven't been following...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  5. #5
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    Everyone else always knows better.

    I could be a better president *sips coffee.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Everyone else always knows better.

    I could be a better president *sips coffee.
    DSM for prez!!!!

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    Union - Exempt
    Yeah, theres a good chance that wont be around long either from what im hearing here down south. He wants to sell a Government owned and operated power plant down here for something like 300 billion, funny how plants are closing left and right.

    Example. Where I live a major plant closed, just up and done, lost 1100 jobs here and we are RURAL! that keels our economy here in the private sectors.
    Another, Big plant proposes new motor for diesel trucks and will hire 1800 people soon, NOPE, good ole OBama and the EPA say no, it wont work. Guess what, plant lays off workers instead of hiring more.f

    He has a bigger impact on local gov's than people think.

  9. #9
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    Over $200/month for my gf and I...... Per person and in good health. I'm either going private or not taking insurance at all. Ill pay $95 the first year and even $600 the first year. It's fvcking cheaper than paying $5000 for insurance.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Wow.. Eye opening. Very scary and frustrating.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Awesome and sad at the same time.

  13. #13
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    The sad thing is that no matter how bad it it.The next guy will have a hell of a time getting rid of it if he wanted to.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    The sad thing is that no matter how bad it it.The next guy will have a hell of a time getting rid of it if he wanted to.
    I don't think anyone will get rid of it. No matter how much it sucks, its still control over the people and money for the government who runs it.

  15. #15
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    My premium through private doubled, co pay doubled, and went from no deductible to a 1500 deductible. F*** obamacare

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    My premium through private doubled, co pay doubled, and went from no deductible to a 1500 deductible. F*** obamacare
    You should feel good. People are getting help. Affordable healthcare. It's a blessing for the country and its people.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357

    You should feel good. People are getting help. Affordable healthcare. It's a blessing for the country and its people.
    Lmfao yep..... We should all sleep better at night now

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    My premium through private doubled, co pay doubled, and went from no deductible to a 1500 deductible. F*** obamacare
    Exactly the same stories I have been hearing.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post

    Exactly the same stories I have been hearing.
    Who cares if you pay more. Step in the right direction. Forget your private health insurance I hear the government is in the business of selling some good stuff.

  20. #20
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Its has its pros and cons just like everything else but that being said I'm not really looking forward to it.

  21. #21
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    I have to laugh when people refer to health control as health care...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    I have to laugh when people refer to health control as health care...
    I like that phrase "health control"

  23. #23
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    Can someone explain what this obama care is for people outside of america? I've too many stories from our media would prefer to hear from the people who have to go through it

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Can someone explain what this obama care is for people outside of america? I've too many stories from our media would prefer to hear from the people who have to go through it
    As shown in this article, most do not understand. They grab one little part of it which they do not like and focus on that with 100% of their efforts and how it will screw them. That's what politics in the US always does - focuses on one little fraction and tries to turn you against it.

    Opinion: Worried about Obamacare? Fear not -

    or here -
    Last edited by Brett N; 10-20-2013 at 02:44 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N

    As shown in this article, most do not understand. They grab one little part of it which they do not like and focus on that with 100% of their efforts and how it will screw them. That's what politics in the US always does - focuses on one little fraction and tries to turn you against it.

    Opinion: Worried about Obamacare? Fear not -

    or here -
    That's very misleading...... It's factual in how it was intended but its not paning out so well for many ppl. I will explain later when I'm not driving.

  26. #26
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    Thanks for the links

  27. #27
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    How can you say it isn't panning out? I have to admit that I am not 100% informed on it but I also know that any type of reform will take some time to actually start working. No system will start working with all bugs ironed out on the first day.

    The healthcare costs in the US sucks ass. The cost of healthcare is not an opinion, it's a fact. At some point, something needs to change.

    I am in the International Brick and Stone Masons union. For now, I am exempt from the affordable healthcare act. I know as a collective bargaining member that I pay about $8 an hour to my healthcare. I need 300 hours a quarter to maintain it. That's $800 a month. If I have 250 hours, I lose all the wages that I paid into my healthcare plus I get to pay $750 a month (cobra) until I am able to work enough hours to get my insurance back. I get it back after I wourk 300 hours in a quarter and wait for 45 days after that.

    You tell me...that's not ****ed up?

    So, maybe this system is going to be flawed. I guarantee you it will. But, as unpopular as it is, it is a step in the direction that we need to be moving. I am not one of the well off workers that this will take 1% of my income. I bust my ass and destroy my body for my trade which I picked but then I have to struggle to make enough extra so I can get tubes in my daughters ears so she can hear. That's not right.

    Sure, this will likely benefit those who are leeches on the system and will take advantage of any and every government program out there. They would just go to the emergency room and not pay their bills anyways so it makes no difference to them. But, there are many out there who have built this infrastructure that the rest of the country thrives on that deserve to have some sort of insurance that they can afford to buy for their families.

    A step in the right direction is better than taking no step at all. That's my opinion. We will iron out the bugs during the process.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N

    A step in the right direction is better than taking no step at all. That's my opinion. We will iron out the bugs during the process.

    When you plan a cycle do you plan for everything that can happen or do you say "fvck it..... Ill worry about gyno if it comes"?

    Shit man..... Romneys idea would have benefitted you more! He wanted to create a free market and make health plans available nationwide and not state by state. That would have driven plan costs down atleast. It wouldn't help the "uninsurables" but it woulda helped a VAST majority of Americans who can't afford healthcare.

  29. #29
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    Ill explain why as soon as I can. The ACA isn't affordable either. There have also been a shit ton of I intended consequences
    Last edited by Hazard; 10-20-2013 at 03:19 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Is Obama still president? Haven't been following...
    No and he never was a president or at leas he has never been presidential. He is a whining little socialist dictator who blames everyone else for any problems and throws a temper tantrum luke he did last week when things don't go his way.

    Have you ever heard a president or leader who played the blame game like him? Every time he gives a speach I know to expect the exact opposite of what he says.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-20-2013 at 03:36 PM.

  31. #31
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    Now if this health care was so great.Then why don't the people in Congress have to get it like the rest of the country?My wife is always in the hospital or the doctors office.I cant wait to see wat they are going to charge us

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    How can you say it isn't panning out? I have to admit that I am not 100% informed on it but I also know that any type of reform will take some time to actually start working. No system will start working with all bugs ironed out on the first day.

    The healthcare costs in the US sucks ass. The cost of healthcare is not an opinion, it's a fact. At some point, something needs to change.

    I am in the International Brick and Stone Masons union. For now, I am exempt from the affordable healthcare act. I know as a collective bargaining member that I pay about $8 an hour to my healthcare. I need 300 hours a quarter to maintain it. That's $800 a month. If I have 250 hours, I lose all the wages that I paid into my healthcare plus I get to pay $750 a month (cobra) until I am able to work enough hours to get my insurance back. I get it back after I wourk 300 hours in a quarter and wait for 45 days after that.

    You tell me...that's not ****ed up?

    So, maybe this system is going to be flawed. I guarantee you it will. But, as unpopular as it is, it is a step in the direction that we need to be moving. I am not one of the well off workers that this will take 1% of my income. I bust my ass and destroy my body for my trade which I picked but then I have to struggle to make enough extra so I can get tubes in my daughters ears so she can hear. That's not right.

    Sure, this will likely benefit those who are leeches on the system and will take advantage of any and every government program out there. They would just go to the emergency room and not pay their bills anyways so it makes no difference to them. But, there are many out there who have built this infrastructure that the rest of the country thrives on that deserve to have some sort of insurance that they can afford to buy for their families.

    A step in the right direction is better than taking no step at all. That's my opinion. We will iron out the bugs during the process.
    So in your case its misery loves company? Because your health care system is fvcked up will it make you feel better knowing everyone's is just as fvuked as yours now?

    It isn't going to get better or cheaper. Now you will have a government pannel who will decide for you what of any medication you should take, if pain meds are a better/cheaper option than corrective surgery or if you r eally need an xray or mri. Oh and xray or mri will take weeks or more to approve. Good luck

  33. #33
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    @lovbyts - No, it's not about misery loves company at all. It's about doing something, anything to help reign in the prices of healthcare. A blue collar worker that makes under $50k a year should be able to provide health benefits for his children that don't cost more than housing and feeding them.

    Also, when you say my healthcare system...are you not in the United States? The healthcare system is a whole here, it is all intertwined. My insurance company already dictates if I can have an MRI and where I need to go to visit a doctor. They also tell me what meds they will cover and if I want a specific brand it costs me more. I also have to get pre approval on any surgery that is not needed by being life threatening - this includes rotator cuff surgery which I needed so I could go to work. How will this new system be any different?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    @lovbyts - No, it's not about misery loves company at all. It's about doing something, anything to help reign in the prices of healthcare. A blue collar worker that makes under $50k a year should be able to provide health benefits for his children that don't cost more than housing and feeding them.

    Also, when you say my healthcare system...are you not in the United States? The healthcare system is a whole here, it is all intertwined. My insurance company already dictates if I can have an MRI and where I need to go to visit a doctor. They also tell me what meds they will cover and if I want a specific brand it costs me more. I also have to get pre approval on any surgery that is not needed by being life threatening - this includes rotator cuff surgery which I needed so I could go to work. How will this new system be any different?
    Well your healthcare is a lot different than mine and yes I'm in the US. I go to the doctor and if I need an xray it's done in 5 minutes. MRI is usually 1-2 days. If I dont want a certain prescription I tell my doctor and he/she changes it within reason.

    I had rotator cuff surgery just over a year ago. I chose my doctor, not my insurance. I have a friend who is on government provided insurance. It took him 4 years before he was able to get much needed knee surgery and by that time it was so bad he had to have a complete knee replacement. As he puts it everything is life or limb. They wont do anything unless your life depends on it.

    Sorry but I dont think everyone should have or deserves the exact same coverage, health care just as everyone does not deserve to drive the same car, own the same house or eat the same foods. Some things in life need to be earned and some of us look at them as incentives to do better for ourselves.

    If you are not happy with what you have then find a way to improve it without expecting someone else to pay for it.

    Yes there needs to be exceptions such as cancer or other life threatening diseases where people should not have to loose everything they have worked for just to get treatment but I may get threatment with a private nurse 24/7 and eat gourmet meals when I am at the hospital and you may only get cheese and crackers depending on what kind of coverage you have. Bottom line is it's not all equal and should not be otherwise there is not incentive for anyone to do better.

    The difference is it's going to suck for most everyone now like it does in many other countries where it takes weeks or months to get simple things like xray, mri or prescriptions approve. Weeks to get into see a doctor instead of hours or a day or two and the prices will not go down but continue to go out.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N

    As shown in this article, most do not understand. They grab one little part of it which they do not like and focus on that with 100% of their efforts and how it will screw them. That's what politics in the US always does - focuses on one little fraction and tries to turn you against it.

    Opinion: Worried about Obamacare? Fear not -

    or here -
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    How can you say it isn't panning out? I have to admit that I am not 100% informed on it but I also know that any type of reform will take some time to actually start working. No system will start working with all bugs ironed out on the first day.

    The healthcare costs in the US sucks ass. The cost of healthcare is not an opinion, it's a fact. At some point, something needs to change.

    I am in the International Brick and Stone Masons union. For now, I am exempt from the affordable healthcare act. I know as a collective bargaining member that I pay about $8 an hour to my healthcare. I need 300 hours a quarter to maintain it. That's $800 a month. If I have 250 hours, I lose all the wages that I paid into my healthcare plus I get to pay $750 a month (cobra) until I am able to work enough hours to get my insurance back. I get it back after I wourk 300 hours in a quarter and wait for 45 days after that.

    You tell me...that's not ****ed up?

    So, maybe this system is going to be flawed. I guarantee you it will. But, as unpopular as it is, it is a step in the direction that we need to be moving. I am not one of the well off workers that this will take 1% of my income. I bust my ass and destroy my body for my trade which I picked but then I have to struggle to make enough extra so I can get tubes in my daughters ears so she can hear. That's not right.

    Sure, this will likely benefit those who are leeches on the system and will take advantage of any and every government program out there. They would just go to the emergency room and not pay their bills anyways so it makes no difference to them. But, there are many out there who have built this infrastructure that the rest of the country thrives on that deserve to have some sort of insurance that they can afford to buy for their families.

    A step in the right direction is better than taking no step at all. That's my opinion. We will iron out the bugs during the process.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    @lovbyts - No, it's not about misery loves company at all. It's about doing something, anything to help reign in the prices of healthcare. A blue collar worker that makes under $50k a year should be able to provide health benefits for his children that don't cost more than housing and feeding them.

    Also, when you say my healthcare system...are you not in the United States? The healthcare system is a whole here, it is all intertwined. My insurance company already dictates if I can have an MRI and where I need to go to visit a doctor. They also tell me what meds they will cover and if I want a specific brand it costs me more. I also have to get pre approval on any surgery that is not needed by being life threatening - this includes rotator cuff surgery which I needed so I could go to work. How will this new system be any different?
    Ok first off.... Nothing is personal. That goes to anyone in this thread lol. Shit always gets carried away etc.....

    With that said..... My response.

    You say "They grab one little part of it which they do not like and focus on that with 100% of their efforts and how it will screw them. That's what politics in the US always does - focuses on one little fraction and tries to turn you against it." - if someone doesn't agree with one part of it because it does not benefit them don't they have a right to be against it? So far you are only "for" obamacare because it benefits YOU and not everyone.

    Obamacare CAN'T benefit everyone. It actually doesn't benefit a lot of people. It will benefit those who qualify for subsidies. Now idunno how poor you have to be but I'm out of a job with a daughter and my healthcare is over $200/month for JUST ME. That's for the cheapest shittiest plan they have. I won't even go into the bills that will be left over from any care I need and the deductible ill have to meet.

    How familiar with medicaid are you? Those who flat out can't afford insurance at all will either qualify for medicaid or flat out wont be insured. How does this benefit them? Did you know medicaid is already a failing government program? My wife had to get on it for a short time and she couldn't locate a doctor anywhere near us for what she needed. The closest one was 2 hours away in Pennsylvania. How will this benefit anyone? What about those who can't afford a car?

    Did you know doctors can opt out of accepting obamacare plans? So just because the government says you HAVE to have insurance...... And the government FORCES you to buy their "affordable" insurance..... DOES NOT mean that a doctor in your immediate area will accept that insurance. How will this benefit those people?

    The obamacare website cost is over $100 million. They were afraid that the influx of people would crash the site so it was made "bulletproof" - it crashed anyways and guess how many people signed up upon its opening..... 50,000.

    The website won't offer you prices unless you sign up and provide a social security number. You know why? According to the director - they don't want people getting scared off by the prices of the plans before signing up. Does that sound affordable?

    They set up a fund of hundreds o millions of dollars, Around $300 million if I'm not mistaken but could be wrong, to go towards those with pre-existing conditions. That fund has already been exhausted and we're not a year in yet.

    Healthcare needs to be reformed..... EVERYONE agrees on that..... But you say "A step in the right direction is better than taking no step at all. That's my opinion. We will iron out the bugs during the process." - now I don't know about you but this isn't a step in the right direction for me or many other people. We'll never have an exact number so its not worth debating but sometimes its better to sit on what you have and bring options to the table and weighs the benefits vs cons BEFORE we throw $1 trillion into something. Throw caution to the wind..... Instead of gambling with tax payer money and tax payer lives.

    Also, and this is the last thing, thousands upon thousands of workers have been laid off or have had hours cut so their employers wouldn't have to provide them healthcare. Is it right? You're damned right its not but they are businesses and they will cut costs where they can. This should have been foreseen by our own government above anyone else. The simple fact remains..... They saw it coming. They know their will be casualties..... But it doesn't matter because the government will have more control and they'll have more money flowing into the system for them to shuffle around.

    What's scary is if this actually fails. Lets say we wasted $1 trillion. Just forget about that. That's not the important issue. What happens when people are all of a sudden uninsured..... And private insurance decides to not accept anyone that had an obamacare plan. What then? I know this disaster won't be overturned so we all better lower our heads an fvcking pray that it all works out.

  36. #36
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    Since I left home at 18, I have always had ins. It's not that hard to find a job that provides it if you apply yourself. I've worked union and non union. It's never been an issue or too expensive. I fear that that is going to change.
    Last edited by ac guy; 10-20-2013 at 05:20 PM.

  37. #37
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    You kind of covered that comment in both of your posts but that's cool. Nothing personal taken.

    I haven't planned a cycle because I have not done one. I haven't read more into the affordable healthcare act more because as of right now, it doesn't apply to members of collective bargaining agreements. (unions)

    I am not pro or anti of obamacare. I am for healthcare reform though. I have never used medicaid so I cannot comment on it. Nor, have I used any government assistance and hopefully I will not have to. I have been fortunate enough where I have been able to make ends meet one way or another.

    I just know that for every administration, there is always something where people can point fingers and pass judgement without knowing most of the facts. I am guilty of this also. Did it with Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr. Nothing has changed, just the blame that's being directed to a different name.

    Honestly, I think the parties like it that way. I think they like us arguing among ourselves and keeping busy being occupied by stuff that at the end of the day doesn't amount to anything .

    I think all government is corrupt here, all sides. Do I think this so called Obamacare will affect my life, No. Not in the least. I think this is just the new "thing" presented to us for us to worry about. It will pass and then they will present us with another new thing to argue about.

    At the end of the day, people without insurance and without money aren't going to pay a penny for medical. They will go to the emergency room for everything from a sore throat to arthritis. They always will. But, I think this will force the WalMarts of the country to offer healthcare to their employees instead of only giving them enough hours to not be full time.

    Will this raise prices, probably. Then, I will continue going to my mom and pop grocer who isn't a huge chain and buy the stuff I always buy at the regular price there.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    You kind of covered that comment in both of your posts but that's cool. Nothing personal taken.

    I haven't planned a cycle because I have not done one. I haven't read more into the affordable healthcare act more because as of right now, it doesn't apply to members of collective bargaining agreements. (unions)

    I am not pro or anti of obamacare. I am for healthcare reform though. I have never used medicaid so I cannot comment on it. Nor, have I used any government assistance and hopefully I will not have to. I have been fortunate enough where I have been able to make ends meet one way or another.

    I just know that for every administration, there is always something where people can point fingers and pass judgement without knowing most of the facts. I am guilty of this also. Did it with Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr. Nothing has changed, just the blame that's being directed to a different name.

    Honestly, I think the parties like it that way. I think they like us arguing among ourselves and keeping busy being occupied by stuff that at the end of the day doesn't amount to anything .

    I think all government is corrupt here, all sides. Agreed 100%
    Do I think this so called Obamacare will affect my life, No. Not in the least. I think this is just the new "thing" presented to us for us to worry about. It will pass and then they will present us with another new thing to argue about. Disagree. I think it will affect you and a large majority of the working class.

    At the end of the day, people without insurance and without money aren't going to pay a penny for medical. They will go to the emergency room for everything from a sore throat to arthritis. They always will. But, I think this will force the WalMarts of the country to offer healthcare to their employees instead of only giving them enough hours to not be full time.

    Will this raise prices, probably. Then, I will continue going to my mom and pop grocer who isn't a huge chain and buy the stuff I always buy at the regular price there.
    In red above.

  39. #39
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    I'm done with the whole politics debating on here lol. At the end of the day I just want what's best for me and my family as does every other person.

    In years past this stuff has not been discussed adult like so its really been a pleasure to be able to voice opinions and talk.

    You're in a tuff trade my friend lol. Lots of ball breaking work. I applaud you. Been there done that..... It's not easy

  40. #40
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Passed a bill without reading it.
    Congress exempted themselves from it.
    Exempted others beneficial to them.
    Unions are against it.
    Majority of Americans against it (refer to any poll)
    Government has never been more effective and efficient than a free market society. At anything.
    Debt, debt and more debt for our children.
    Lets take care of everyone so no one has to work hard.

    Ben Stein is correct.

    Interesting quote from Charles Barkley:

    Quote of the week from our esteemed friend Sir Charles Barkley:

    "Poor People have been voting for Democrats for the last 50 years,
    ............and they are still poor.""
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