Im on the atkins diet right now and Im wondering, is it ok to have aspartame? If it counts towards my total carb count, how much of it can I have?
Im on the atkins diet right now and Im wondering, is it ok to have aspartame? If it counts towards my total carb count, how much of it can I have?
I drink bucketloads of aspartame-flavored soft drinks on all keto diets (usually CKDs) and I've never had any problem with them at all, however, I've head, anecdotally, that some people can't handle it at all and it boots 'em right out of ketosis.
Your best bet is to simply test it on yourself and see if you can tolerate it.
FWIW, though, I've never known anyone, personally, that hasn't been able to handle it.
Does it count to overall carb count?
I've never counted it, but I imagine it would count if you have trouble tolerating it while in ketosis.
anyone else?
I can drink diet soda and crystal lite (a lot of it I might add) and I stay in KETO. Some people can't, it has to do with the acid.
I lost 20 lbs on the Atkins the first time. It came back in half the time it took to lose it. The second time I stayed with diet soda ( code red diet dew) after i came off the diet. Been off for three months and only gaind five pounds back, which should be musscle. 30 lbs off the second time.
205 b4 diet 2nd time
now 180-183
10-12% BF
Winny Freak, what were your habits after the first time?
Did you consume normal soda?> What about cal intake? Did you go bizerk or bulk up?
What did you do differently the second time other than drink diet dew?
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