Well whats up people.
Yours truly, Thunder nuts is back.
Heres the cycle I started today--
Weeks 1-10 (750 QV enan weekly/ Mon&Thurs split)
Weeks 1-8 (450 EQ weekly/ Tues&Fri split)
Weeks 7-13 (200 Fina/ E. O. D.)
Weeks 5-6 summer beach fucking (2 Sluts/ E.D.)
Im at 185 and soft.
My last Fina cycle-- posted here somewhere--
Basically dropped my fat levels big time.
Currently Im a lil soft but hellofa lot better shape than before.
My goal is to lean out as close to 200 as I can get.
195 make me happy though figuring Im a little soft now.
Any comments, slams, flames, love-letters from educated hot chics, donations, charity, nude photos greatly appreciated.