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Thread: Andy's EQ/ENAN/FINA Diary Begin 6/2

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Knoxville, TN

    Andy's EQ/ENAN/FINA Diary Begin 6/2

    Well whats up people.
    Yours truly, Thunder nuts is back.

    Heres the cycle I started today--

    Weeks 1-10 (750 QV enan weekly/ Mon&Thurs split)
    Weeks 1-8 (450 EQ weekly/ Tues&Fri split)
    Weeks 7-13 (200 Fina/ E. O. D.)
    Weeks 5-6 summer beach fucking (2 Sluts/ E.D.)

    Im at 185 and soft.
    My last Fina cycle-- posted here somewhere--
    Basically dropped my fat levels big time.
    Currently Im a lil soft but hellofa lot better shape than before.

    My goal is to lean out as close to 200 as I can get.
    195 make me happy though figuring Im a little soft now.
    Any comments, slams, flames, love-letters from educated hot chics, donations, charity, nude photos greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Looks good, especially weeks 5 and 6. However, I'd up the dosage to at least 3 sluts/ED... two doesn't really do too much for me!!!!!

    Good luck big guy!!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    I would also divide the dosages up into two parts. Take 1 slut in the morning right after you wake up, and 2 sluts at the same time right before bed (take one orally and inject the other). Also, 2 weeks is much to short, extend the summer beach fucking throughout the summer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I agree with FatMike. I would definately inject the last two...
    Good luck. Also I would do your fina shots right after the beach fucking so you can avoid fina dick (the sluts won't like that). Take 75mg ED or 150mg EOD... 200 seems to be a lot. Once again good luck.


  5. #5
    Funny you should mention it , but I did specifically plane the Fina to start as soon as I get back. The biggest reason I did that is because the shit is high-maintenance in my opinion. No problem injecting, but every other day gets old when your busy.

    Anyways Day 3 now and I have gained 22 lbs and bench up 30lbs so far I will keep you all posted. I expect to diet in the morning and drop to 2 percent bf by late afternoon. Oh yeah, after work I mean. Ha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    this is the crazeyest post i've read in a while
    the slut thing had me rolling laughing so hard
    but i cant figure out last post is andy2 really andy and did he have to add a 2 because he gained 22lbs in 3 days

    i also think the fina is too high ---75mg per day area is best

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Knoxville, TN
    Yeah Andy2 is really me by the way, and as far the gaining 22lbs it was just a little humor-

    K DAY 6 updates
    Shaved my head last night, looks better than I thought it would.
    Shaved my nuts too and my girl loved it. HAHA biatch
    I feel cool and the gym keeps me out of bars.
    I can't wait for my gear to kick in.
    Still trying to decide on where to go for vacation. Anyone have any recomendations?
    Somewhere close to Florida
    I was thining a cruise or maybe even Bahamas
    I just want to meet some tropical hottie with a Brazilian Booty , American Titties, and an Italian personality.

    Hmm my quad is pretty soar from puttin 1 and a half enan in it. The EQ doesnt make me to soar, barely feel it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by Andy
    Yeah Andy2 is really me by the way, and as far the gaining 22lbs it was just a little humor-

    K DAY 6 updates
    Shaved my head last night, looks better than I thought it would.
    Shaved my nuts too and my girl loved it. HAHA biatch
    I feel cool and the gym keeps me out of bars.
    I can't wait for my gear to kick in.
    Still trying to decide on where to go for vacation. Anyone have any recomendations?
    Somewhere close to Florida
    I was thining a cruise or maybe even Bahamas
    I just want to meet some tropical hottie with a Brazilian Booty , American Titties, and an Italian personality.
    Funny shit. And go to the Bahamas or Carma del Playa in Mexico, those are the two best vacation spots IN THE WORLD!!! btw... good luck finding a girl like that



  9. #9
    Day 7
    Feeling good/nothing happenin yet ofcourse
    Thinking seriously about Playa Del Carmen. I found some packages on travelocity im looking into. I really wanna see the Mayan ruins, as I am a geology major also making it up my alley. Might get me a lil extra bump while im there anyways heheheh

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Keep us updated bro! Im thinking about running the same cycle as you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    HHHEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO....are you still there andy!!!

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