Is anybody on here on TRT due to having hypogonadism through steroid use ?
Is anybody on here on TRT due to having hypogonadism through steroid use ?
Last edited by vinny t; 07-05-2014 at 07:08 PM.
Not abuse, but use yes.
Yes by a dr, but I didn't tell them I used steroids.
If that's actually you in the avi, it would be laughable of you to deny past AS use so the whole point is moot. The odds are severely against any successful restart at this point. Just find the right Doc to get properly diagnosed & then get on TRT. You'll never look back…
I have never denied past steroid use . I went toi my doctors 4 years ago withg low test sypmptons and told my doctor i had used steroids for many years, he referred me to an endo i told him about all my past steroid use who put me on trt . like i said i have never denied past steroid use
I knew I didn't go back to normal after a cycle, never felt right. Year later went to dr and had low t. Signed up with and they figured it out, I am primary.
They put me on hcg,I forgot the doses but they was high I think 500 three times a week and they somehow knew because I didn't respond to it. I am primary. I didn't use hcg on cycle and one of my testicals shrunk and still hasn't came back. I believe this is what happened to me.
Sure....heavy steroid use for a decade+
Without TRT my levels stay in the 50-60 ng/dl range. With TRT I'm fine.
Regrets? No, what's the point in regrets? It's not like you can change anything.
Do I find TRT difficult or a bother? No, I honestly hardly ever think about it unless I'm on here talking about it.
According to this calculator 50 ng/dl = 1.735 nmol/l
Testosterone ng/dL nmol/L Unit Conversion -- EndMemo
Test done, just standard blood test, Free and Total, LH and FSH and all the rest...this was 5yrs ago, I don't remember every last panel on there but all the other standard things like CBC and lipids and all that were on there.
Anyway, Once I started TRT, it had been 1.5yrs since I had touched any gear of any kind....without TRT my levels are tanked, with TRT I'm good. I should also note my thyroid is fine despite years of T3 use...IMO, the hype and fear surrounding T3 is blown way out of proportion, but that's another argument/discussion.
As far as how long...I took a blood test and had a doctors appt. That was it, didn't take long.
I'm secondary....most guys who have low testosterone due to steroid use are secondary, not primary.
Im primary as my LH and FSH levels are very high and test levels very low ..
I thought most would be primary as the testcles will have been not having to work for the duration of steroid use thus rendering them innactive , .
I thought secondary was due to not having LH anfd FSH signals sent due to some disorder with the pituaty.
Steroids shut down the production of LH and FSH, which as you said causes the testicles to stop producing testosterone. However, that doesn't mean the testicles are dead. If they were completely dead HCG would have no affect on them or at least very little. This is also why some steroid users can successfully attempt a restart of their HPTA, which is the restart of adequate LH and FSH production, primarily LH. Granted, restarts aren't successful at a high rate...the more than not find their test levels fall back down once the treatment is over, but it does have a chance of working for some guys, generally young guys. Middle age and up or guys that have years and years of steroid use under their belt, I'd be shocked if a restart worked.
In my opinion, with as much LH as you're pumping out your test levels should be much higher if things stood a chance in terms of natural recovery. But regardless, I hope it works out for you.
Myself and two friends about the same age were competitive bodybuilders and power lifters in the mid 80's. All three of us were diagnosed with low T at 50 years old or 25 years later. That said we all continued to weight train and are more in tune with our bodies than our non lifting friends. That said, our non lifting friends that are our age may also have low T but may have no idea they have it. They gripe and moan about getting old but wont get their Testosterone checked because somehow they feel awkward asking or doing it.
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