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Thread: Where's Shol'va?

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  1. #1
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    Where's Shol'va?

    I know he's around here somewhere?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Would he possibly be the person in the upper left quadrant that is displaying a color filter of black and white? Legit idk if it is my vision, but one person up in the left seems to be just black and white.

  3. #3
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    naw, that aint him....

    ...........look closer mate!

  4. #4
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    To be honest I don't know what he looks like. I was just looking for some 6' muscle mutant. Could it possibly be the only guy who thought it was acceptable to wear a red shirt? The one in the middle.

  5. #5
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    not red. his color is blue...........................

  6. #6
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    Give me a second I'm going to look him up. I'm pretty new to this board and I feel I started off on the wrong foot here.

  7. #7
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    I shit you not I type in Shol'va in the search bar and I somehow got a **** thread within the first 5 selections. And my bad for even mentioning that 4 letter word.

  8. #8
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    Shol'va is one of our more colorful board members. Been around for years. Sometimes I imagine him to be like my kid brother. But he's been AWOL for awhile and I was hoping to bait him in here with this thread.

  9. #9
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    I think I saw him post some rather interesting pictures in ask DSM anything. Nothing wrong with being a little different! I'm just trying to be more social on this board and get to know everyone. So much information such little time.

  10. #10
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    I think we all are a little different.

    can you imagine a homogeneous society like Japan a couple of decades ago?

  11. #11
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    Not to call you old or anything I'm sure you can out do me on exercises but a couple decades ago I was just an embryo or how my siblings tell me. Test tube baby. And Indiana's educational system is CRAP! I was still learning about the Indian war my senior year of high school? I know nothing about history, except that it tends to repeat itself.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    Not to call you old or anything I'm sure you can out do me on exercises but a couple decades ago I was just an embryo or how my siblings tell me. Test tube baby. And Indiana's educational system is CRAP! I was still learning about the Indian war my senior year of high school? I know nothing about history, except that it tends to repeat itself.
    your school growing up is only one of many sources of information. Did you have access to a library? Access to the internet?

    I try to define one's age in ways other than how many candles on the birthday cake.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    your school growing up is only one of many sources of information. Did you have access to a library? Access to the internet?

    I try to define one's age in ways other than how many candles on the birthday cake.
    If I can think back to my earliest memory. I always had a computer in my room. If not I used my dad's in his office or my moms old apple. (The one that has word processor and that's about it!)
    I actually enjoy reading. Hard to believe coming from the most recent generation. Reading is actually quite relaxing and it expands the vocabulary. It is hard to tell by your picture..can I ask how old you are TB?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    If I can think back to my earliest memory. I always had a computer in my room. If not I used my dad's in his office or my moms old apple. (The one that has word processor and that's about it!)
    I actually enjoy reading. Hard to believe coming from the most recent generation. Reading is actually quite relaxing and it expands the vocabulary. It is hard to tell by your picture..can I ask how old you are TB?

    I was in the sixth grade and using a slide rule for solving math problems.....
    .....probably never seen one, have you?

  15. #15
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    I tried to bait him in to saying something in that other thread... I'm sure he's probably just busy with life.

  16. #16
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    I think he is mad at me because I still have not gotten him an autographed picture of Jeff Seid.

    I have not forgotten, just not as easy as I though. I'm still working on it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    your school growing up is only one of many sources of information. Did you have access to a library? Access to the internet?

    I try to define one's age in ways other than how many candles on the birthday cake.
    I only had 3 candles on my birthday cake today.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I only had 3 candles on my birthday cake today.
    today your B'day?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I only had 3 candles on my birthday cake today.
    and in your case, 1 candle = a score of years

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I only had 3 candles on my birthday cake today.
    Happy bday lov!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I only had 3 candles on my birthday cake today.

    Happy Birthday. Here's a b-day present from me:

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Happy Birthday. Here's a b-day present from me:

    very superficial, unless backed up by a doorbell that gets rung?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    very superficial, unless backed up by a doorbell that gets rung?
    I want more than my doorbell rang

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I want more than my doorbell rang
    my luck the doorbell would ring, the woman would get it and send them off...............

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I want more than my doorbell rang
    Sholva will help you...
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Sholva will help you...
    OK I definitely walked into that one. lol

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OK I definitely walked into that one. lol
    I was going to say something about an anatomical comparison between the push button on the doorbell and a part on the male anatomy, but decided I'd play nice in the sandbox this time

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    my luck the doorbell would ring, the woman would get it and send them off...............
    That's good because they would be at the wrong house.

  29. #29
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    Had to ask my room mate and he said, "he is probably around my age.." So with that being said.. I'm guessing your 50 years old?
    Just looked it up on google image. do those things even work? Is it like a primitive calculator?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    Had to ask my room mate and he said, "he is probably around my age.." So with that being said.. I'm guessing your 50 years old?
    Just looked it up on google image. do those things even work? Is it like a primitive calculator?
    Primitive Calculator?

    Whoa there Nelly

    That "primitive calculator" as you call it was responsible for the design and architecture of some of the most advanced aircraft the world has ever seen. For example, the SR-71 to this day STILL holds, without question, ALL world records for air speed. Top speed is STILL classified, but most think it is in the realms of Mach 5+ (Most jet fighters cannot even do half the speed of an SR-71)

    Back in my day, people actually had to understand how things worked. Nothing primitive about it. It is VERY precise.

  31. #31
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    The Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" is a long-range, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft that was operated by the United States Air Force.[1] It was developed as a black project from the Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft in the 1960s by Lockheed and its Skunk Works division. Renowned American aerospace engineer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson was responsible for many of the design's ********** concepts. During reconnaissance missions, the SR-71 operated at high speeds and altitudes to allow it to outrace threats. If a surface-to-air missile launch was detected, the standard evasive action was simply to accelerate and outfly the missile.[2] The SR-71 was designed to have basic stealthy characteristics and served as precursor to future stealth aircraft.[3]

    The SR-71 served with the U.S. Air Force from 1964 to 1998. A total of 32 aircraft were built; 12 were lost in accidents, but none lost to enemy action.[4][5] The SR-71 has been given several nicknames, including Blackbird and Habu.[6] Since 1976, it has held the world record for the fastest air-breathing manned aircraft, a record previously held by the YF-12.

    This is the part I like

  32. #32
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    Didn't mean any offense. Hopefully none was taken. I may have chose the wrong word...
    By the way that is fascinating about the plane you mentioned. I learn something everyday here! Half the time its not even fitness related!

  33. #33
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    no offense. it's human nature to think new is better. it's not. just newer.

    did you catch the part of outrunning a surface to air missile? the Russians would launch SAMs at the SR-71, and would miss by miles and miles.

    The SR-71 was a truly exotic aircraft. After it took off, it immediately needed to refuel, as aircraft fuel would literally pour out of it. only when it was doing mach speeds and the titanium skin surfaces would heat up to hundreds of degrees and expand, would the joints finally seal and hold the jet fuel.

    it was so fast, it needed absolutely no defensive weaponry. why would it need it? it was faster than any bullet, any rocket, and any other fighter jet by multiples of the speed of sound.

    pilots would say it was a beast to maneuver until it was traveling faster than mach, and then it smoothed out an purred like a kitty. it's normal airspeed, what it was designed to do, was above mach 1. It's most efficient speed was mach 3.2.

    the way the jet engines worked, the faster it flew, the stronger it got up to a certain point, and then it also had after burners. the airforce will not release how fast they have flown it, but casually say mach 3+. many suspect double that. the fear is that something structural could happen at extreme speeds. in the event that happened, there was no plan "B". The pilot just accepted death was inevitable, same as astronauts.

    I would love to pour over the speed data the Airforce is still hiding.

    All brought to you by your parents generation, and the trusty slide rule

  34. #34
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    I feel the death at that speed would be relatively quick. I stay away from planes. I only get on after heavily medicated with various benzodiazepines, but then I really don't remember ever getting on.

  35. #35
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    I don't understand phobias.

    pretty much conquered all my fears except one................

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    I don't understand phobias. pretty much conquered all my fears except one................

  37. #37
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    I was a child and had a horrific incident while we were landing in Las Vegas. As we were landing a plane was on the runway so the pilot had to do a rather abrupt movement and then circle the city to the point where I could clearly see people on the ground. The turbulence was so wild that the masks came down. I'm sure if I was older I wouldn't have been so alarmed, but it scarred me. I don't know why. I was so terrified of getting back on a plane after the vacation my parents canceled the plane and drove back. I know eventually I'll have to get over it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    I was a child and had a horrific incident while we were landing in Las Vegas. As we were landing a plane was on the runway so the pilot had to do a rather abrupt movement and then circle the city to the point where I could clearly see people on the ground. The turbulence was so wild that the masks came down. I'm sure if I was older I wouldn't have been so alarmed, but it scarred me. I don't know why. I was so terrified of getting back on a plane after the vacation my parents canceled the plane and drove back. I know eventually I'll have to get over it.
    Sounds like fun to me. I was on a late night flight from reno to Vegas with only a dozen or so passengers and we hit a thunderstorm that tossed around a lot.

    I Came a few feet off the chair a few times. My buddy was sitting across from me and was worried. The stewardess asked if he was ok and he said no. She asked him If I was ok because I was laughing. He told her yeah he likes this stuff. Its true..

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Sounds like fun to me. I was on a late night flight from reno to Vegas with only a dozen or so passengers and we hit a thunderstorm that tossed around a lot.

    I Came a few feet off the chair a few times. My buddy was sitting across from me and was worried. The stewardess asked if he was ok and he said no. She asked him If I was ok because I was laughing. He told her yeah he likes this stuff. Its true..
    I've flown on military craft, not designed for the wine sipping and cheese eating public. Strapped in, next to jeeps and tanks. fvcked up little seats. lost hydraulics on landing gear one time.

    flown on blackhawks on some covert ops (training). lights out. total darkness. did that a few times. survived a near miss between two blackhawks one time.

    I don't know, not much about flying bothers me. except just sitting there for hours and hours................

  40. #40
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    I wish I could just laugh it off. I was around 10 years old when that happened. Have yet to go on a plane conscious since. I bet if I had someone like you to fly your lack of fear would probably keep me from psyching myself out. Its hard to leave the U.S when planes are the number 1 fear in your life.

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