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Thread: dextrose with carb or carb free drink?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Question dextrose with carb or carb free drink?

    Ok i have a diet plan that i'm sticking to... Yesterday i got my R-ALA tabs (100mg tab) and my Dextrose from Supplement Direct.

    Now normally after my workout i take a carb/pro drink that consists of

    4 scoops= 50g protien, 150g carbs.
    Now i was taking 3 scoops of that. It has maltodextrine in it to.

    After looking at the ingredients of dextrose it says:
    1/3 cup (80g) Total Carbs 75g Sugars 75g
    Ingredient: DEXTROSE

    Now my first question is this.
    Should i just take a carb free drink(iso pure)50g protein, and add the servinges of the dextrose to that? Or mix it with my pro/carb drink? the way i see it, if i add it to the carb/pro drink that would be to many carbs.
    i will be taking 400mg r-ala with that... one hour after that i will be eating brown rice with chicken breast.

    My 2nd and last question is this.
    1/3 cup? i suck at mesuring shit like that when it comes with no scoop. If i am only taking it with a carb free drink(iso pure) how many heaping table spoons should i take? or how many oz? making it easier for me to measure it. or how much of a normal scoop should i use? because i have a free scoop from my friends cell-tech?

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    If your drink already contains 150g of carbs from maltodextrone you don't need dextrose. I mean dextrose is better in my opinion but maltdextrone is just as good. If you are going to use dextrose get uorself a low to 0 carb protein powder like Iso-Pure or PRO-RATED and mix the dextrose to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ok sounds good. I'll mix a 50g protien 0carb drink with my dextrose... thank you for your fast response... how about my 2nd question about messurments? anyone

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston

    Re: dextrose with carb or carb free drink?

    My 2nd and last question is this.
    1/3 cup? i suck at mesuring shit like that when it comes with no scoop. If i am only taking it with a carb free drink(iso pure) how many heaping table spoons should i take? or how many oz? making it easier for me to measure it. or how much of a normal scoop should i use? because i have a free scoop from my friends cell-tech?

    thank you [/B][/QUOTE]

    Buy a plastic measuring cup and your problem is solved.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Re: dextrose with carb or carb free drink?

    Originally posted by durbin22
    Buy a plastic measuring cup and your problem is solved.
    I'm sorry, I found this answer to be funny as hell. He is right, go buy a measuring cup bro.

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