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Thread: Mid cycle blood review help

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Mid cycle blood review help

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    First Cycle, 43 yr old, 500 Test E (split 2X's/wk), wk 5 of a planned 10 weeks.
    (Fasted for 12 hours if its relevant)

    -I didn't get the sensitive Estradiol test because, frankly, I couldn't figure out how to order it that way... I've seen other values here at 100... but I know that's not particularly helpful for men... but thoughts? I'm not taking any adex or similar currently, I wanted to see how only TestE would effect me, but I have it. Does it seem reasonable to start given this?
    -My test was 2112 (250-1100ng/dL), so that seems to be going well.
    -FSH/LH.... they're low... but from what I read on here, not insightful while on cycle.
    -I'm having a hard time using The Google to really understand what RDW and ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES means to me, if anything.

    - Start Aromasin or adex (I have both on hand), thoughts?
    - I feel terrific (other than some aches in my testicles) and everything seems to be going well, my diet is good, and my gym time continues to improve..... any reason i SHOULDN'T stretch this to a 12 or 16 wk cycle?

    I'd be happy to hear anyone's input on my numbers.... aside from the Estradiol, it seems to be going fine.

    Thanks again,

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Bump for any help.

    Particularly on this question, I know I didn't get the "sensitive E" test , but does that mean the 100 reading is a total non-indicator?

    I think I'm going to start the aromasin. Mine are dosed at 10mg capsules, I'm uncertain where to start, 20mg eod? 20 ed?

    Lots of interesting thoughts on that here :

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Bump for any help.

    Particularly on this question, I know I didn't get the "sensitive E" test , but does that mean the 100 reading is a total non-indicator?

    I think I'm going to start the aromasin. Mine are dosed at 10mg capsules, I'm uncertain where to start, 20mg eod? 20 ed?

    Lots of interesting thoughts on that here :
    Yes, you should been running AI. For aromasin dose it at 25mgs ed.

    About the rest of blodwork shouldnt be nothing to worry, retest after cycle.

    You test is probably under dosed. How many days from last pin to draw blood?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You test is probably under dosed. How many days from last pin to draw blood?
    not necessarily:

    i found these figures from another board, im not sure how accurate they are but supposedly its from a reliable source.

    250mg of test a week- T level should be 1100-1600ng/dl
    500mg of test a week- T level should be 1800-2500ng/dl
    750mg of test a week- levels should be well into the 3000's

    According to an official clinical application :

    25mg of test a week- T level was 253ng/dl
    50mg of test a week- T level was 306ng/dl
    125mg of test a week- T level was 542ng/dl
    300mg of test a week- T level was 1,345ng/dl
    600mg of test a week- lT level was 2,370 ng/dl

    And the e-ester takes away 20%.
    I would say his test e is pharma, he is 43 and most likely he is not natty superhigh due to his age.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-08-2016 at 07:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    not necessarily: i found these figures from another board, im not sure how accurate they are but supposedly its from a reliable source. 250mg of test a week- T level should be 1100-1600ng/dl 500mg of test a week- T level should be 1800-2500ng/dl 750mg of test a week- levels should be well into the 3000's According to an official clinical application : 25mg of test a week- T level was 253ng/dl 50mg of test a week- T level was 306ng/dl 125mg of test a week- T level was 542ng/dl 300mg of test a week- T level was 1,345ng/dl 600mg of test a week- lT level was 2,370 ng/dl And the e-ester takes away 20%. I would say his test e is pharma, he is 43 and most likely he is not natty superhigh due to his age.

    Just no.

    Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.

    General rule of thumb...
    Test E or C...
    Your test levels will be about 700 for every 100mg of test.
    Thus 500mg of test will usually be about 3500.

    I have two blood tests using Balkan gear that fits this profile.

    Also, once on a cycle, a person no longer produces his own test, so one's starting level has zero effect on one's test level on cycle.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 06-08-2016 at 09:46 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Just no.

    General rule of thumb...
    Test E or C...
    Your test levels will be about 700 times your ml.
    Thus 500mg of test will usually be about 3500.

    I have two blood tests using Balkan gear that fits this profile.

    Also, once on a cycle, a person no longer produces his own test, so one's starting level has zero effect on one's test level on cycle.
    Ok, not believe what other bords say but believe this?. Well, only test i remember was 150 mg propionate which gave me 1100 and this backs up your statement.
    Im not so sure that age do not interfer though. Intuitively i would say a 20 year old responds more effectively than a 40year old due to "more fresh" ARs. But just speculations from my side. But i dont bother googling this one:-)

  7. #7
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    May 2015
    Your RDW is a bit high. But your MCV is normal. Google: A final possibility is that the RDW level is increased and the MCV level is normal. This can be caused
    by the beginning stages of a decrease in vitamin B12 or folic acid (a type of vitamin) in the body. It can
    also be caused by the beginning stages of iron deficiency anemia. The value Ferritin in BW would answer to the last one there.

    Low Absol.lymf could be from a tiny infection or something more says like HIV.
    But my memory tells my this is often an issue. Guys with gearbloodwork often complains about this value. I guess ass put pressure on white bloodcells and that why its so easy getting the flu when you go off.

    For estrogen: Include Cruciferous Vegetables in your diett. It lowers estrogen naturally. Google explains well.
    Dont use both. I would go for aromasin.

    Good luc

    btw, personally i would miss vital values from your BW. Cholestrol and hct is maybe the most important i would go for. Your gear is pharma and then i guess your hct will increase. HIGH hct is maybe the number one most dangerous gearrelated sideeffect. BP is also important. Heartbeat at rest also. The last you can check for your self. It should be max 75, but you should try to get it below 70 with 50-60 as ideal.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-08-2016 at 05:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thanks for the helpful comments.

    I should have said in my post my pulse and blood pressure are normal, and my cholesterol (checked during my physical, but admittedly before my cycle) was boringly normal but I'll have it checked too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post

    For estrogen: Include Cruciferous Vegetables in your diett. It lowers estrogen naturally. Google explains well.
    Dont use both. I would go for aromasin.
    I never heard that about the vegetables, I eat a ton of spinach... But it doesn't count apparently

    As for the Aromasin... I feel great currently, so the dosing of this is going to be hard to figure out. Normally I read people say they base it on how they feel.... I'm still wondering where to start? I'm leaning towards 20mg eod....or maybe daily? ? Not sure... (10mg in the a.m., 10 in the p.m.). I *assume* the only way to check (in the absence of "feeling it") is more BW. Is there a single test for sensitive estrogen? I couldn't find it when I did my first set of values.

  9. #9
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    May 2015
    I think i remember a vet in here recommended 12,5 mg every day when on 500. I would add. As generally speaking, that is when your at 15% bodyfat. Lower bodyfat lower dose, higher bodyfat higher dose.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    I'm having a hard time using The Google to really understand what RDW and ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES means to me, if anything.
    I don't understand your rational for no AI.

    If you care about your health then you should start taking some dex.

    Having elevated RDW while MCV is in range is usually an early indicator for iron, b12, or folate deficiency.

    However, most doctors would ignore these types of abnormalities.

    Depending of the clinical setting these counts may be important but I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Blood tests are based on statistics and statistically speaking if you run enough tests on someone you will find abnormalities.
    Last edited by numbere; 06-08-2016 at 11:41 AM.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    not necessarily:
    I would say his test e is pharma, he is 43 and most likely he is not natty super high due to his age.
    About 11 months ago, from my physical, I was 414 (240-950 ng/dL)

    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I don't understand your rational for no AI.
    Maybe this is mis-guided but... Since its my first cycle, I was hoping to see two things, how I reacted to the Test E in absence of any other influences (since I'm committed to carrying on with this). Also, I'd read a great post on another forum where someone had some trouble with their first cycle, the Test was bunk, and he had all kinds of problems. Given many of the warnings here,, and the warning here :, I thought I'd be prepared having everything onhand, but also baby-step my way along for the first cycle, knowing I'd get blood work, being a bit reactive in an appropriate way.

    The internet makes it impossible not to overthink my remaining question i guess with how to walk my way up with Aromasin to the right, dosage? (again, I have 10mg capsules) 20 mg/day, or EOD?
    "In a performance setting, standard Aromasin doses will normally be 12.5-25mg every other day. Most should be fine with 12.5mg every other day, with some getting by with only two to three doses per week."

    But this counters the above:

    How long does it take to see effects? Is blood work the only way to see whats happening? ... I'd like to not crash if I can avoid it.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2014
    It is very hard to crash e2 with aromasin, it is a somewhat weak AI, although it has the advantage of being a suicidal aromataze inhibitor.

    You should follow the most updated information (2nd link).

    But yes the only way to know for sure is through bloodwork, for example I can spend months with e2 close to zero and not feel a thing although high e2 I feel water retention and bloat, some ppl are more sensitive than others. Crashing e2 is over rated IMHO, high e2 effects are worse.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    It is very hard to crash e2 with aromasin, it is a somewhat weak AI, although it has the advantage of being a suicidal aromataze inhibitor.

    You should follow the most updated information (2nd link).

    But yes the only way to know for sure is through bloodwork, for example I can spend months with e2 close to zero and not feel a thing although high e2 I feel water retention and bloat, some ppl are more sensitive than others. Crashing e2 is over rated IMHO, high e2 effects are worse.
    Thanks Mr.BB, I appreciate the guidance. I'll stick with the 20mgs/day and see how things are in a couple weeks.

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