Just sharing for anyone interested with my deeds with TRT, and welcome to my bizzaro's magic world of paradox and contradiction
Current list of drugs
TE 2x weekly 50 mg
Tren ? 1ml weekly. Stopped 1 week before drawing blood.
Caber .25 e3d (Idiopatic high PRL)
Winstrol 10mg divided AM/PM (for SHBG reduction). 4 weeks in so far.
Complete Blood Count
September 2016 November 2016 WBC 7.5 9.4 RBC 6.71 6.61 HGB 14.2 13.6 HCT 44.5 43.3 MCV 66.3 65.5 RDW 15.5 15.6 PLT 138 272
I was getting ready for phlebotomy but counts actually lowered... well never mind. Let's get to hormones.
Sept '16 Nov '16 ranges Total Test >13.50 3.98 2.3 - 10.3 ng/ml E2 56.21 70.49 7-43 pg/ml SHBG 45.7 7.9 13-71 nmol/l PRL 54 18.23 3-25 ng/ml
Well what can I say... PRL lowered, but not to desired value. SHBG was literally crushed by the winstrol.
Back in September protocol was 75mg 2x/weekly, no AI. Levels were above readable. Let's suppose they landed at 1500, by reducing weekly dosage by 30% one can expect through levels at about 1000. However, as I was expecting (not to this extent though), reducing SHBG also incredibly increased metabolism and rate of excretion. I'm almost hypogonadal now lol. Both measurements I was using the same vial of Test, so fake gear is not a concern.
That E2 reading is highly suggestive of interference by the tren. Or, see later...
Kydney. Some dehydration likely going on here. I just woke up and went to the lab.
value range BUN 32 10-50 mg/dl Creatinine 1.2 0.62-1.28 mg/dl
Lipids. Impact here is quite bad. I must add I haven't been eating exactly clean lately. Lots of extra sugar.
value Sept '16 Nov '16 Colesterol, total 148 149 HDL 60 31 LDL-C 82 111 Try 31 33
Liver is actually the most concerning. I cannot picture that low dose of winstrol doing that. What I can recall is I have abused high dose ibuprofen (800mg RP) because of bad gingival infection/inflammation from a broken/dead tooth (notice the WBC). I cannot exclude it as a factor.
I wonder whether the high E2 is from Tren interference or the liver being unable to get rid of it.
reading range AST 67 10-42 IU/L ALT 122 10-40 IU/L ALP 39 30-120 IU/L
Stopping both tren and winstrol is a no brainer. Not sure what else to do.
Any input?