Hey. I guess the title of this basically explains it, but i'm a 21 year old, 150 lb 5'9 male with 7% body fat. I've always had real trouble gaining weight, and have been lifting for about 3 years. Since i started my max bench went from 135 to 225, but i've been plateaued at this for over 4 months. I'm on a 2500 calorie a day diet.. fast metabolism.. take in 175 grams protien a day on average. I hope that's enough background. I have access to basically any gear on the market, and i'm leaning towards doing a cycle to break through my plateaus and gain some weight. I have tremendous willpower, and this will be a one time thing, as my long term goal is 170 lbs and current body fat.
basically i was wondering what type of gear would give me optimal results with the least side effects. Thanks. I know that i'll probably get some nay sayers, but i realize that you've been involved in this far longer than me and therefore have valuable input.. so i would welcome, nay, would be indebted to your input. thanks in advance.