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Thread: Alcohol Intoxication, TRT, Steroids, Bodybuilding

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Alcohol Intoxication, TRT, Steroids, Bodybuilding

    Hi Everyone! I wanted to start a thread as I was having a hard time finding a good one that really provided an all inclusive for information on Alcohol intoxication while on TRT, Steroids or even in Bodybuilding.

    #1 Liver Toxicity – of the most important aspects of the topic is whether you’re taking oral steroids, or injecting.When you take oral steroids, they are almost always hard on your liver. Since steroids are hepatoxic, they make your liver do work, which can be very bad since as you probably know so does alcohol.

    Though there is no actual proof, the general rule of thumb is that a very small dosage such as 25-30mgs of an oral compound is the equivilant of 3-4 beers per day.Lets say you drink on average 2-3 beers per day, and then run a cycle where you’re digesting 50mgs per day of winstrol. You’d be doing the damage of roughly 10 beers per day, which is definitely not a scenario you want to put yourself in.

    #2 Dehydration – One of the last things that you want to do to yourself during a cycle is get dehydrated, even to a very small extent. What does alcohol do to you? Exactly that.

    #3 Diet – Alcohol always has a negative effect on your diet. During a cycle is the most important time to have everything planned including training & diet. When you drink alcohol you a) cannot burn fat while you are metabolizing the alcohol and b) are gaining fat because of the calories in alcohol

    #4 Dedication – it is simply a matter of priority; We go to great lengths to plan our cycles often months in advance, work out like dogs, and make every effort to eat huge AND clean, why ruin it with the use of alcohol?

    #5 Alergic reaction – There have been several cases where, the use of steroids in combination with alcohol have caused a severe allergic reaction. Though you may not have an allergy to one or the other it is entirely possible to have a severe allergic reaction to them when combined.

    Conclusion: For these five reasons I would definitely not recommend mixing steroids and alcohol. It is a poor choice on multiple levels. Choose one or the other. If you don’t have the responsibility to not drink alcohol for a few short weeks while on cycle, then you don’t belong near steroids to begin with.

    Alcohol and Bodybuilding

    Alcohol or ethanol is one of the world’s oldest drink, and one which is used by almost everyone. Drinking alcohol has both positive and negative effects, which you should be aware of, especially if you are a bodybuilder.

    Although it serves as source of enjoyment and relaxation for many, if you are an athlete or bodybuilder who is focusing on muscle gains, you will be surprised to know how detrimental it is to building muscle.

    Empty Calories

    Alcohol lacks in vitamins and nutrients and simply provides empty calories. It provides 7 calories per gram, which means that just one shot of 80 proof vodka will give you 100 calories, which is a lot if you are trying to lose fat. Increased alcohol intake in the diet provides high calorie content, which is something bodybuilders do not want. Alcohol intake also slows down the metabolism rate as it disrupts the Kreb’s cycle. When the Kreb’s cycle is not working correctly, the body is unable to break down fats. Moreover, the body has to work extra hard to digest and metabolize the alcohol, that fat burning stops all together.

    Alcohol Causes Dehydration

    Alcohol consumption has both short-term and long-term effects. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes excessive urination. The presence of fluid in alcohol itself results in more urine formation. Excessive urination also leads to a loss of ions, such as sodium, potassium and magnesium etc. which are required by the body cells to perform properly.

    Moreover, the water lost in urine is disproportionate to the amount of ions lost in urine. When the concentration of ions in the blood increases, water is pushed out of the cells, thereby depleting the amount of water present in the cells. This causes dehydration and an overall feeling of thirst.

    Water retention is important for bodybuilders, as it gives a lean and hard look. However, dehydration as a result of alcohol consumption makes it harder to build muscle cells. Increased alcohol intake by bodybuilders is known to severely hurt muscle growth as it blocks the absorption of important nutrients needed for muscle contraction, relaxation, repair and growth.

    Alcohol Slows Down Protein Synthesis

    Protein synthesis is the process by which nitrogen from amino acids is used by individual cells to construct proteins. Both DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are involved in this process. Large consumption of alcohol can significantly affect gains.

    Lowered Testosterone Levels and Increased Estrogen Levels

    Higher blood alcohol levels result in a lowering of testosterone levels. Studies carried out to find the relationship between the level of intoxication and testosterone levels show that testosterone levels drop to an average of 25% lower at the most intoxicated state. Alcohol also causes a quicker aromatization of androgens into estrogens. This is why bodybuilders taking androgens should avoid alcohol intake at all costs as there is a high risk of them getting gynecomastia. Therefore, bodybuilders taking androgens and drinking are putting themselves at a risk for aromatization. In other studies carried out, it is also known that alcohol intake reduced the levels of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) by up to 42%.

    Moreover, when there is a decrease in testosterone levels as a result of alcohol consumption in bodybuilders, they often feel really horny. This is because the body tries to bring back the testosterone levels by releasing the Luteinizing hormone (LH) in very large quantities.

    Reduced Energy Levels and Strength Performance

    If you have had alcohol to drink in the last 1-2 days of a workout, you will experience reduced energy levels and a negative impact on strength performance. Alcohol affects the metabolism of other substances in the body, including fats and carbohydrates. This reduced performance levels and energy levels also have a negative impact on cardiovascular function. The limited carbohydrate metabolism also limits the muscle glycogen levels, resulting in fatigue.

    So if you are a serious bodybuilder, you do not want to get involved in alcohol consumption as it has many adverse effects on not just muscle gain, but other body functions as well. Not only should you avoid consuming alcohol directly before or after a workout, but you should avoid consuming alcohol altogether. This is because taking a few drinks the night before can also cause a negative impact on your workout routine.


    Side effects can be serious when you're on a steroid. Mixing alcohol with a large amount of steroids may increase this risk, although this is uncertain. Some serious side effects include pancreatitis, coughing up blood, swelling, rapid weight gain, eye pain, seeing halos, low potassium (which can cause an uneven heartbeat, muscular weakness, and other effects), and dangerously high blood pressure, which can be indicated by a severe headache, seizure, uneven heartbeat, chest pain, and other symptoms. Less serious symptoms caused by steroid use include insomnia, mood changes, acne, slower healing, dizziness, and changes in the shape or location of body fat. These side effects may be made worse with the use of alcohol, particularly in stomach-related symptoms.

    What would you like to add to this? What experiences have you had that you can contribute? I am not saying in this post that people should or should not drink. Do what you want. It is your body. Just wanted some collective information.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    I took a quick interest in this topic because of old experiences and also something that happened yesterday. I am personally on TRT and decided to have some drinks yesterday to help relax. 2 turned to 10+ and long story short I have decided to keep drinks to extremely rare occasions now and only drinking where socially "necessary." I will also not be drinking more than 1 drink.

    For the first time and I think this may be because I am on TRT I became very emotional when drinking (very odd for me). I also had extreme munchies, had a quart of ice cream with chocolate, box of mac and cheese, two chicken breasts, possibly a few slices of pizza and half a bag of chips. After wards I became very sad and emotional and now have a very embarrassing video of last night on the g/fs phone. Today I woke up dehydrated, can't imagine following my meal plan, feel like I am starving and am definitely not doing cardio today. While I think my emotions yesterday are comical, I have come to realize that drinking cannot be allowed in my lifestyle as it throws everything off course.

    Drinking throws me off of my meal plan completely into food binges, apparently can bring a wave of emotion across me, and ruins training for the following day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Good stuff here!

    I'll admit that I've used bourbon quite often to unwind at night and help me get to sleep, , its not ideal and its definitely not the healthiest thing to do especially when running Tren and the tren is keeping me up anyways. I'm just starting a 12 week recomp/prep so the bourbon is going to have to go.

    One thing I'll add here , especially for guys like myself that use insulin, is that the combination of large bolus amounts of insulin combined with alcohol is a bad combo.. Alcohol by itself can strip your body of potassium and cause your heart to go out of rhythm , now you add in insulin which is a hormone that HAS TO use potassium to uptake glucose into cells and that potassium is then stripped from the blood stream and taken in to the cell. . which can cause hypokalemia , dangerously low blood potassium (resulting in your heart stopping and death).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Thanks GH! Really good addition to the post with insulin! I never would have thought of that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I use to drink 8-12 beers everyday, and often lots more, until June of last year. I had the classic beer gut and had become the worst shape of my life. I still let myself drink a few once a week, at supper, but for the most part have quit altogether. I stopped smoking also in June

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Guitarzan good job and cutting out all of that alcohol and stopping smoking! I used to drink several beers every day up until two years ago. Then just weekends.. then a few a week. Then maybe get a really good buzz once or twice a month. Pretty much cutting it out all together minus special occasions now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BuddyGlove1 View Post
    Guitarzan good job and cutting out all of that alcohol and stopping smoking! I used to drink several beers every day up until two years ago. Then just weekends.. then a few a week. Then maybe get a really good buzz once or twice a month. Pretty much cutting it out all together minus special occasions now.
    Thanks buddy. Not only is it helping me get back in shape, but my severe acid reflux went away a few weeks after I stopped smoking. I don't seem to get sick as much either

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    You are welcome! And I bet! Seems that most people I know who smoke get sick more often than others

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    Need to quit drinking entirely myself. I have a drink here or there, but I always hate myself for it. I do love bourbon though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Clove! I think a drink here or there is good. Problem is when it is all the time or 1-2 turns into 10. I wouldn't worry too much if you keep moderation on it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    red wine.

    I will never give you up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    I especially feel guilty when I’m on cycle

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    I especially feel guilty when I’m on cycle
    Oh man! Orals or injectables?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    No orals, just injectables. I’m on my first cycle, just test e. I still feel bad if i have a drink though. I have pretty much stopped all together

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I made the mistake of drinking around 20 beers on a tren cycle one time. Bad mistake!!!! I was up all night with killer heartburn, burping up acid all night. Won't do that again...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Probably Good thing stopping altogether Clove! And Guitarzan! 20 period would have me "burping" up acid all night! Lol wild!

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