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Thread: Profusely Sweating on Cycle?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating

    Profusely Sweating on Cycle?

    Is ridiculous amount of sweating the norm on cycle? I mean during and after the workouts my shirt is SOAKED. I mean the whole friggin shirt. I normally sweat and wear a hoodie over my t-shirt but its where if I take my hoodie off its like im wearing the tightest leather shirt in existence, almost embarrassing.

    I have upped my water intake due to this also during lifting. I am pondering on buying a bigger jug for while I am at the gym, I am going through 3-4 Poland spring bottles while in the gym alone.


    500mg Test E
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Totally normal bro you're body is far more anabolic, protein synthesis is kicked through the roof, metabolism is cranking... Typically guys complain about sweating from Tren but FOR SURE I've had it with other compounds and seen it with many others so you're doing the right thing by increasing water intake.. You may wanna grab some EmergenC packets as they're loaded with electrolytes and you'll wanna keep yourself saturated with them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Gym or Eating
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Totally normal bro you're body is far more anabolic, protein synthesis is kicked through the roof, metabolism is cranking... Typically guys complain about sweating from Tren but FOR SURE I've had it with other compounds and seen it with many others so you're doing the right thing by increasing water intake.. You may wanna grab some EmergenC packets as they're loaded with electrolytes and you'll wanna keep yourself saturated with them.
    Yea I was thinking of adding in some BCAA's during the workout.....

  4. #4
    Its the night sweats which are the worst, soaked sheets for weeks every night is no fun for anyone.

    Get used to it buddy [emoji106]

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by gb123 View Post
    Its the night sweats which are the worst, soaked sheets for weeks every night is no fun for anyone.

    Get used to it buddy [emoji106]

    Sent from my SGP512 using Tapatalk
    I've only had it with TREN and nothing else.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I've only had it with TREN and nothing else.
    Tren is definately worse but an increase in metabolism and protein synthesis/productuon will increase body temprature as you are burning more calories.

    You may not notice it or even be susceptable to it yourself but for those who are it is one of the more challenging side effects of being on gear.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    BCAA's are different than electrolytes bro, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to add some branched chains as well....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    This is one of the main problems I have, I literally lose litres of water during my training. I’ve always been a sweater so AAS just makes things ten times worse. I literally have to sleep with a fan on. My partner complains because my side of the bed smells, that’s because I’m just sweating all night, and that’s only using test and deca, maybe tren isn’t for me that’s for sure.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    BCAA are a waste of money. Increase your water intake as well as electrolytes.


    The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are leucine, valine, and isoleucine. A multi-million dollar industry of nutritional supplements has grown around the concept that dietary supplements of BCAAs alone produce an anabolic response in humans driven by a stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. In this brief review the theoretical and empirical bases for that claim are discussed. Theoretically, the maximal stimulation of muscle protein synthesis in the post-absorptive state in response to BCAAs alone is the difference between muscle protein breakdown and muscle protein synthesis (about 30% greater than synthesis), because the other EAAs required for synthesis of new protein can only be derived from muscle protein breakdown. Realistically, a maximal increase in muscle protein synthesis of 30% is an over-estimate because the obligatory oxidation of EAAs can never be completely suppressed. An extensive search of the literature has revealed no studies in human subjects in which the response of muscle protein synthesis to orally-ingested BCAAs alone was quantified, and only two studies in which the effect of intravenously infused BCAAs alone was assessed. Both of these intravenous infusion studies found that BCAAs decreased muscle protein synthesis as well as protein breakdown, meaning a decrease in muscle protein turnover. The catabolic state in which the rate of muscle protein breakdown exceeded the rate of muscle protein synthesis persisted during BCAA infusion. We conclude that the claim that consumption of dietary BCAAs stimulates muscle protein synthesis or produces an anabolic response in human subjects is unwarranted.

    A physiologically-significant increase in the rate of muscle protein synthesis requires adequate availability of all amino acid precursors. The source of EAAs for muscle protein synthesis in the post-absorptive state is the free intracellular pool. Intracellular free EAAs that are available for incorporation into protein are derived from muscle protein breakdown. Under normal conditions about 70% of EAAs released by muscle protein breakdown are reincorporated into muscle protein. The efficiency of reincorporation of EAAs from protein breakdown back into muscle protein can only be increased to a limited extent. For this fundamental reason, a dietary supplement of BCAAs alone cannot support an increased rate of muscle protein synthesis. The availability of the other EAAs will rapidly become rate limiting for accelerated protein synthesis. Consistent with this perspective, the few studies in human subjects have reported decreases, rather than increases, in muscle protein synthesis after intake of BCAAs. We conclude that dietary BCAA supplements alone do not promote muscle anabolism.

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I drink pedialite while training or I dehydrate and run out is steam quickly. Try some sugar free Gatorade also. During the summer I’m so bad I don’t leave the house without at least one extra shirt........white so you can’t see how nasty I am

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
    On my first cycle is when I notices PROFUSE sweating. I never used to sweat much prior to running cycles. I remember walking to the grocery store from my car and when I got to the door of the store, my shirt was completely soaked. I was alarmed at my perspiration rate. Now I just take it for granted. I can soak 3 gym towels or 1 hoodie in a single workout.

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