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Thread: Fightin against my gyneco, please help

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  1. #1

    Exclamation Fightin against my gyneco, please help

    Hi guys.

    I started my cycle without problems, taking 10mg tamoxifen ED. I'm using 200mg test + 300mg deca.
    Now I went up to a dose of 30mg ED of Tamoxifen because I bring a small gyne of years and it started to hurt.
    I still have that area sensitive to touch. The only thing that bothers me is the pain, its appearance does not bother me.
    Should I continue to increase the dose of tamoxifen to 40mg ED? Or should I add an AI such as anastrozole 0.5 E3D? I read forum users who combine them but there are studies that say that should not be done since tamoxifen reduces the effectiveness of AI.
    But it turns out that I think the only viable solution is to combine them, since tamoxifen blocks the receptors of the breasts and an AI eliminates the estrogens.
    I read in this forum, too, that they recommend after solving the pain, withdraw the SERM and maintain the AI. But, should not both be maintained once the pain is eliminated? Let's say 20mg ED tamox + 0.5 E3D anastrozole? In this way tamoxifen would keep the breast receptors blinded and the AI ​​would keep the estrogens low by eliminating them, I believe. Am I wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Wtf is gyneco

    Dex + more dex - then surgery when the dex stops working

  3. #3

    Ok. I will start using dex. Should I stop using tamoxifen or do I still use it? How do I start with a dose of 1mg e3d the first week and then go down to 0.5mg and maintain during the cycles?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    What is dex vs tamoxifen


  5. #5
    Well, I am going to comment on my experience.

    I started a protocol for 7 days of 40 mg of tamoxifen per day, in 2 doses of 20 mg each one every 12 hours. I am on day 4 and the pains disappeared, likewise any kind of touch sensitivity. The size is also reduced, it does not feel hard anymore.
    I will complete the 7 days and I will return to 20mg per day, in 2 doses of 10mg each one every 12 hours while it is in cycle. Remember that, and I quote a text published by this forum:
    "Fortunately, the aromatase level of Deca Durabolin is low, but there is another factor to consider, which is its progestin nature. Nandrolone has a strong affinity for the progesterone receptor, as well as the ability to significantly stimulate the estrogenic mechanism in the mammary tissue enhancing the risk of gynecomastia. "
    ... that also says: "In order to protect from the possible estrogenic and progesterone related side effects of Deca Durabolin, an anti-estrogen medication is recommended. There are two primary choices in anti-estrogens, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM's ) Like Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) and Aromatase Inhibitors (AI's) like Arimidex (Anastrozole). AI's will be far more effective, but SERM's should be the first choice if they can get the job done. What are the symptoms of cholesterol, what are the symptoms of the disease, what is the effect of the anabolic steroids? In fact, SERM's have actually been shown to improve cholesterol levels. "

    Due to all the aforementioned, is that I will continue with tamoxifen.
    But if, with a dose of 20mg, the pain and size returned, I am considering using an AI (anastrozole) along with tamoxifen. And again I quote another article from this forum (link:
    "Due to the possible cholesterol issues, moderate anabolic steroid cycles may be best served with SERM’s in order to protect against estrogenic related side effects. SERM’s will not negatively affect cholesterol; in fact, SERM’s like Nolvadex have been shown to promote healthy cholesterol levels due to their ability to act as estrogen in the liver. However, for many a SERM won’t be enough and AI’s will be necessary. If an AI is necessary, the individual should limit his use and only use as much as is actually needed. Some have suggested that a 10mg per day dosing of Nolvadex along with your Arimidex use may actually aid in cholesterol management."

    So, with the 20 mg dose of tamoxifen, should I start with 0.25mg of anastrozole E3D?

    I was thinking about adding Masteron (300mg week), because the DECA is Progestin derived steroid but in my country I do not get it.
    Last edited by CorsairAR; 06-25-2019 at 06:14 PM.

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