Started feeling crappy on Saturday (chills, shortness of breath, coughing, and on and off fever). highest temp was 100 6, shortness of breath was pretty bad my spo2 would drop into the mid to high 80s.
Started feeling crappy on Saturday (chills, shortness of breath, coughing, and on and off fever). highest temp was 100 6, shortness of breath was pretty bad my spo2 would drop into the mid to high 80s.
Above all, stay calm. I’m sure you know all of the precautions to protect others (unless you have some folks you flat out dislike, lol).
Watch your shortness of breath & maybe give your m.d. a heads up.
Are you at risk: age, prior respiratory issues?
I'm not at risk. Symptoms are greatly better now, haven't had a fever in 2 days if it wasn't for this whole thing going around I wouldn't have thought much of it. Only thing that kinda concerned me was the blood oxygen levels but I keep an eye on it, and it has improved.
I had something a few weeks back. Ran a fever for a few days. Was so congested I could breath through my nose without using nasal spray but the kicker was I had a hard time breathing, I went out and mowed the yard and it took me like 15 minutes to get my breath back. It was like I had pneumonia. That lasted 3 days and boom it was just gone. Corona wasn’t really here yet so I thought nothing of it and just pushed through
That's exactly what I experience plus some bad coughing but that was only after smoking. Oddly I know over a dozen people who had the same symptoms in the past couple months. The entire highway department for my town was out all tested negative for the flu and were told they had some sort of respitory infection, their was also a guy who nearly died, and a kid who did die in my town. Kinda makes me wonder if this has been around and over a month ago they would have never thought to test for it.
I was coughing my lungs up and my throat was on fire for a couple days over the winter. I ignored it and kept going to work but napped in the van here and there. But now that i think of it, it did just randomly go away suddenly. This corona thing has probably been around for a year.
What I am trying to say is... Dont be a pussy.
Mild to moderate symptoms...
Do you know what "mild to moderate" is in todays day and age?
It looks like asexual pussy girlboy.
It feels like a tenth of the flu.
It spreads like the media.
Welcome to CV!
Stop being a bitch.
This is the greatest hoax ever pulled on people.
Where are the bodies?
We used to say that about steroids being lethal.
Where are these dead mfers?
Why are we basing death statistics off "confirmed cases" when I personally called to have my daughters tested and they wouldnt do it!?
Fuck this goddamn faggot ass virus and any pussy mfer supporting this endless cycle of media
Regretfully they are on the way. Now, question is, just how many dead will “satisfy”? Will it be what the flu “normally kills”? Maybe not, maybe the epidemic of 1918? OK., still not “satisfied”. 100,000? Or perhaps it will be who is dying that matters? Is it the old folks, well f-it they lived their life (and btw, now we’re off the hook for paying them social security). How about the homeless (useless fucks really, get a job you bum, shit you deserve to die mf’r, always hassling me for handouts). Maybe, it should be the uninsured (now you better believe there is a fuck of a lot of wealthy folks that could give a flying fuck about them).
So the question remains how many people and which people will satisfy the outcry?
So your kids can’t get tests? Of course, as there aren’t enough tests, just like there won’t be enough medical services IF this shit really hits the fan. Crap my doctor insisted I get the test cause my wife works in the med profession; 2.5 weeks later I still don’t know. Am I surprised, no.
Now what you DON’T want is the possibility that the medical profession doesn’t get overwhelmed. Why, because then your kids might not have access to basic medical care in a timely manner. Speaking of not getting medical care, IF it gets to the point where they have to decide who and who doesn’t get treated, guess who is out of luck? Guys on this forum with preexisting heart or lung issues. What if they ask if you are using “illegal” drugs before you get accepted for care and you lie? You’ve committed fraud and if they get wind of that?
By the way, it’s predominantly an urban issue right now, but don’t fret, it’s making its way to the rural areas, slowly yes, but surely.
Do I REALLY care about any of this? My stress level and BP has never been lower. If I would have died, I dodged a bullet, if I get it, I’ll die because my age will likely prohibit me from care (hell Im drinking myself to death as it is, lol). We’ve got savings, my wife is as strong as granite and we have no dependents.
The tattooed flag on my arm is there because I believe we are special in this country, despite the fact that we could be as shitty as they come. I’m not saying that you are wrong, but dammit, if this hits the fan, a lot of folks will die from non-corona causes because of a lack of healthcare.
Damn, only one glass in.
Added, deaths doubled in USA in 2 days. Now 2,000. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,000 - sure hope not.
Last edited by Proximal; 03-28-2020 at 06:40 PM.
I just posted on an open group this same question.
Not a sinle person stepped forward and said they knew anyone who died of this but at least two lost an elderly member to the flu.
Done with this gay pussy ass shit.
You all pretend to hide in a kind of sort of way. In the mean time I will be me.
Part of the problem right here.
That was an urban group btw.
I came from the darkest hell any pussy today can imagine. I live in the irban ateas most of the days of my life.
Come on now!
You pussy with trouble breathing read about Rita! She died of pneumonia just prior.
Start talking prox.
Who have you lost?
No one, not that I would care. I’m not as caring as you (and I’m NOT being sarcastic). What you do for others is beyond my capacity, I’m deep down a selfish a-hole.
I don’t have anyone that I care about except my wife and IF she dies from it, she’s had a great life, I won’t kill myself though out of grief, because of my cat (f’n weird, I know).
Never liked my folks or sister, don’t care.
I have 2 friends I care about and they are close to my age. She just survived open heart surgery, but she’s finally doing good.
Someone give me a fucking name!
Come on.. I gave you Rita.
She died of COPD....
Someone give me a goddamn name!
Thats right! None!
Now go to work and stop watching the goddamn news
Fuck I look hood in the mirror right now!
All swole up from sex!
Whos a sexy boy!?
This guy!
I got the sniffles too!
I might die!
No wait... Its allergy season.
All these poor young people coming down with mild symptoms... God it must be rough...
Fuck it.. I will go lick my saw its more fun.
You saw it on the news therefore you fear!
Omg I might die!
Welcome to my every cocksucking day!
I fucking welcome the day that takes my hard ass away from all these candy ass bitches.
I got the clomid too....
You guys all sound like you had much too severe symptoms to have had corona virus
It’s odd road, I really am a selfish a-hole deep inside & at times I overcompensate to make up for it, I just don’t know. The person that I am deep inside is cold. The stuff that I am re-reading now (not here, books at home) reminds me of what I really am.
I just know that I’m loyal to the people that I love and / or care about.
Dude, a lot of f’d up stuff on the news and a lot of overreactions.
I enjoy these talks. Much love back buddy, I care and worry for you, your family and many of the members here.
Last edited by Proximal; 03-28-2020 at 08:50 PM.
Btw prox...
The answer to our probs is more sex and women.
I tried everything.
Pussy makes it all better.
You can love her physically but not emotionally.
Doesnt get much better than that
Calling obs road feels weird like im calling my moms new boyfriend dad
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