I’m going to have less free time soon so I’m hoping a log helps me keep on track.
-pubertal gyno reduction/elimination
-evaluate if test makes me feel better sense of well-being and less fatigue to see if I’d wanna do TRT
Background info and injuries:
-230lbs currently.
-I was a traveling commercial contractor with a very physical job before injury and I also worked out in hotel gyms as much as possible.
I was 255 and 20% bf when injured. Blimped up to 275lbs over next couple years from laying down most of 9 months and then sitting around a lot for another 18 months.
-after this I did a couple years of physical therapy and got serious about my nutrition.
-I got down to 230lbs but lost tons of muscle and had low energy and struggled to add lean mass. About 32% bf now at lower weight…my strength and ability to gain muscle felt like I was a 14 year old.
-22% BF and 225lbs at start of test-e cycle. I know this is a bit high % to cycle but since my test is low, I already have pubertal gyno, and I felt low energy often so I felt the risk/reward was worth it. I don’t recommend others to do the same at such high bf% ESPECIALLY guys in their 20s or guys with normal T levels.
-minor scoliosis
-back injured in multiple ways/places (years ago) from SUV rolling over multiple times. doc says he wants me to build stronger core and put off surgery until absolutely necessary because once I get back surgery I could have to get it redone every 10-15 years.
-impinged/narrowed spinal canal causes some minor neuropathy in hands/feet sometimes
-torn adductor (healed)
-grade 2 shoulder separation (healed but was very weak compared to right)
-TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
-rhabdomyolysis went undiagnosed by the “go on disability” Dr. and I ended up hospitalized. Dr no longer has a medical license (not cause of me but he Fd up other people too and one almost died)
-I’m sure I’m not mentioning other minor things like every single herniated disc or broken finger etc but those are the major ones
How I think I got low T
-I was laid up for 9 months after injury several years ago, then prescribed opiates in pain management after my injury. 1 Dr said I should go on part-time disability and find an under the table job. I fired him.
-I was also diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome a year after the injury. I think this is a false diagnosis because they didn’t even do full hormone panel. My T levels were low end of normal but free test wasn’t done. Thyroid was good.
-They RXd opiates during the 9 months of recovery which was great, I needed them. The problem is they sent me to pain management afterwards and my dumbass complied got dependent on a nasty sized daily dose of oxycodone (they raised me 30mg per month until I got to 120mg per day) I now know that it was overprescribed and also that low T is very common with back injury patients. The opiates made me feel “better” as far as the fatigue so I ignored the fact it was stupid for them to keep raising my dose despite me healing more.
-I now know that opiates lower test levels.
I think my T dropped some from age and more likely dropped more from the back injuries and 3 years of opiates.
12 week Cycle
-400mg test-e, split into 200 twice a week
-anavar for weeks 1-4. 25-50mg per day. I did a week at 25 then a couple weeks at 50mg but didn’t like it so went back to 25mg.
-Raloxifene: 60mg per day for a week and now 30mg per day everyday.
-Aromasin for AI. Went from 6.25 (1/4th pill) twice a week, to once a week, to as needed.
-Winstrol 15mg per day weeks 7 and 8 (read below for explanation)
Thoughts so far (just finished week 8)
-I feel the best I have in years, for sure the best I have been post-injury.
-I will PCT and do some recovery time and then look into TRT. Pretty sure I need it.
-I know it is not advisable to use multiple compounds 1st cycle.
-I know 15mg winstrol is hardly anything and might seem pointless but this is why: I have read about how higher testosterone levels with lowered estrogen can make gyno go away faster.
-I have also read a study about how DHT has been effectively used to treat pubertal gyno in teens. I figure DHT AAS can raise my levels of testosterone and DHT which could theoretically dissolve gyno faster.
-my buddy had some 5mg lady winstrol for his gf but their summer beach plans changed and she didn’t want them so he gave them to me. Otherwise I wouldn’t have added them. DHTs don’t make me lose hair and it may help gyno go away faster so seemed worth it.
-recomp is going well. Body weight is still at 230 but much more muscular and less fat. Will check bf% again after cycle.
-Gyno reduction has been amazing. There are lines where the pec sagged and they are a good half-inch below where pec is now.
-before cycle muscles grew slow but my chest was the hardest of all for me to build. I read that mammary tissue can inhibit/discourage pec muscle growth which is why we often see women with strong pecs having little mammary tissue.
I’m taking pics of the progress and I likely will share them in the future but I’d like to get a bit more progress first.
After this cycle I will PCT and take some time off AAS and then look at starting TRT. I want to do a primo stack in the future but I will stick to only test until I have lost more fat and hit a strength plateau.
I have been working out 5-6 days per week and am gaining muscle while losing fat without change in weight (other than water fluctuation) so my diet is dialed in I’d say. I workout weekly with a trainer but mostly on my own. I will need to reevaluate diet in future when recomp is complete to meet the next goal.