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Thread: Quit Smoking Cycle

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Quit Smoking Cycle

    Just Quit SMOKING! What's up everyone looking for some input on this cycle. I have done my research and have read many threads but I seriously need any opinions so please take a minute to reply. Thanks in advance. 6' 185, lifting 5 yrs on/off 2 pretty hard. Looking to put on some size and maintain some cut, but the reason I'm running the deca is for my shoulders. 2 previous cycles test/eq-test/deca both 10 weeks.
    Here it is
    Wk 1-4 D-Bol 35 mg ED
    Wk 1-10 QV Test Enanthate-250 (500 EW/2cc)
    Wk 1-10 QV Eq-200 (400 EW/2cc)
    Wk 1-9 QV Deca-300 (300 EW/1cc)
    Wk 8-13 Winstrol tabs

    How does this look? Should I switch anything up? How much winny?
    Sorry for the questions I just want to do this right and get the best gains possible. So what would you do is my question? Also, How would you suggest seperating in the pins? (only holds 3cc's)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Everything looks fine except for your winny. I would do it from 7-12 as your last inject of enan will be wk 10 right. Enan has a half life of ~2 weeks so do the winny so that its done 2 weeks after your last inj. and then start your post cycle therapy of clomid. Keep nolva on hand and also u can use l-dex or femara ed or eod until pct is finished as well.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Everything looks fine except for your winny. I would do it from 7-12 as your last inject of enan will be wk 10 right. Enan has a half life of ~2 weeks so do the winny so that its done 2 weeks after your last inj. and then start your post cycle therapy of clomid. Keep nolva on hand and also u can use l-dex or femara ed or eod until pct is finished as well.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    I thought enan's half life was 3-4 weeks...Looks fine to me

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