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Thread: 2 Questions

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    2 Questions

    I know that wheat bread is a better source of carbs than white, similarly brown rice is better than white, and wheat pasta better than regular. Can anyone explain why this is, I am interested in learning about the biology behind it.

    I have also read that carbs after a workout are important because they somehow affect your insulin. What exactly does this do and what role does insulin play in building muscle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    The whole wheat and whole grain breads/[astas are lower on the glycemic index and therefor digest at a much slower rate. This helps in keeping blood sugar constant instead of having surges in glucose which will convert to fat.

    After a workout,you need simple carbs(dextrose, maltodextrose) to help flush protein to the muscle for recovery. The simple sugars casue an immediate insulin spike which casues a surge of blood sugar in the body and thus aids in recoveryof the muscles you just wrecked on the gym

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    The whole wheat and whole grain breads/[astas are lower on the glycemic index and therefor digest at a much slower rate. This helps in keeping blood sugar constant instead of having surges in glucose which will convert to fat.

    After a workout,you need simple carbs(dextrose, maltodextrose) to help flush protein to the muscle for recovery. The simple sugars casue an immediate insulin spike which casues a surge of blood sugar in the body and thus aids in recoveryof the muscles you just wrecked on the gym
    Yeah...... what he said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    In The Chocolate Factory
    well said brotha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    Many processed foods will lose nutrients also in the process. Once you start eating good foods, you really need to just have a day to eat just shitty food to really appreciate the value of good food.

    As far as simple sugars PWO, most people will use them but they aren't necessary.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    what everyone said above is very accurate and good information.

    but there are certain things to know for your post workout shake. for example, only use 5g carbs per 10 pounds body weight when bulking and half that when cutting. also, it is very important to drink this shake slowly, over a 50-60 minute timeframe. slamming down 100g of carbs is one sure way to store fat

    read here......

    Your blood glucose levels rose too quickly! As a result of this your body secretes an overload of insulin to get rid of the blood glucose. What happens as a result of this overload? Some of it will go to start protein synthesis, but most of it gets converted to fat. Remember, excess glucose goes to fat.

    To make matters worse, your blood glucose levels begin to drop and you go back into a catabolic condition. So not only are you catabolic but you gain fat! WHOA! That’s the very opposite of what we want!

    To protect against either of the above two scenarios consume your shake at a slower rate. Your post-workout meal should be taken over the course of a 45 to 60 minute period.

    This cushioning effect will ensure a better processing job of the nutrients consumed. As a general rule of thumb, consume half of your meal immediately, and sip on the rest over the 45 to 60 minute time frame.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Nice post Psycho. I always drink my shake as fast as I can cause I hate drinking them and I almost never drink the last of it in the bottom of the glass. So now I have to drink it for an hour

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