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Thread: Sust & Deca VS Prop - MY EXPERIENCE.. NEED OPINIONS!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The Battle Field


    Been V. Busy with work - sorrry about lagged reply - thank you all for feedback on my PCT clomid dosage question.

    My cycle was MEANT to be like this:
    Week 1-6 Sust 500mg
    Week 1-8 Deca 400mg
    Week 6-8 150mg Prop EOD.

    How my cycle developed:
    Week 1-5 Sust 500mg
    Week 1-5 Deca 400mg
    Week 5-8 Prop Every 2 days

    At week 5 - I had gained 9lbs of watery shite and had an injured rotator cuff - to me that is pretty rubbish results because my diet/sleep/lifestyle had been PERFECT.
    Also with that I had a very incosistent labido (test vs deca battle IMO). I am convinced that deca was shutting me down badly and was scared that if I extended deca to to the end when I would only have clomid to rebuild my hormonal axis as then I would be screwed. Thought it would be better to come off early while I still had 3 weeks of prop - this would be a sort of taper - keep my test up (with the prop) and reduce a post cycle crash. I came off the deca early (was gonna do it for whole 8 weeks but decided against it to prevent a massive crash post cycle).
    I think deca was frankly rubbish - came off it and lost 3lbs of water within days..... (this is also my weight gain at the end of week one).
    So now my total weight gain 5lbs after friggin 5 weeks....

    Not a fan of sust either - I think from week 3-5 sust was terribly inconsistent in the delivery of test... For me - sust took FAR too long to kick in and is bloody inconsistent - sometime you'll be training and it'll feel like you're natural - othertimes you're raging like you're a fucking machine....

    Switched from sust to prop and WOW...
    It's possible that at end of week 5 the sust finally released some consistent concentration of test into the body - either way I shot the prop and BANG!..Strength rocketed - mass finally began to pack on and now I am up 14lbs with very little water retention... shoulder is fine (had to rest it and undergo some therapy)... feel great - taking MUCH less AAS and getting much bigger than when I was pumping 900mg of assorted shit into my body.. Also more able to control my sides which have been 99% ACNE....

    My opinion - Test Prop (virormone) is FUCKING AWESOME.

    Deca - useless water retaining SHITE that shuts you down hard.

    As for sust... - I dunno - because I'll never do it again and it's possible that just I came off it it started to work and I thought that was the prop.

    No specific questions - just intelligent discussion required - my cycles not over - I want your feedback guys.. what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    the reason you feel like that with deca might be because you didn't run it half as long as you should have, therefore i didn't kick in like it should have.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by F40
    Been V. Busy with work - sorrry about lagged reply - thank you all for feedback on my PCT clomid dosage question.

    My cycle was MEANT to be like this:
    Week 1-6 Sust 500mg
    Week 1-8 Deca 400mg
    Week 6-8 150mg Prop EOD.

    How my cycle developed:
    Week 1-5 Sust 500mg
    Week 1-5 Deca 400mg
    Week 5-8 Prop Every 2 days

    At week 5 - I had gained 9lbs of watery shite and had an injured rotator cuff - to me that is pretty rubbish results because my diet/sleep/lifestyle had been PERFECT.
    Also with that I had a very incosistent labido (test vs deca battle IMO). I am convinced that deca was shutting me down badly and was scared that if I extended deca to to the end when I would only have clomid to rebuild my hormonal axis as then I would be screwed. Thought it would be better to come off early while I still had 3 weeks of prop - this would be a sort of taper - keep my test up (with the prop) and reduce a post cycle crash. I came off the deca early (was gonna do it for whole 8 weeks but decided against it to prevent a massive crash post cycle).
    I think deca was frankly rubbish - came off it and lost 3lbs of water within days..... (this is also my weight gain at the end of week one).
    So now my total weight gain 5lbs after friggin 5 weeks....

    Not a fan of sust either - I think from week 3-5 sust was terribly inconsistent in the delivery of test... For me - sust took FAR too long to kick in and is bloody inconsistent - sometime you'll be training and it'll feel like you're natural - othertimes you're raging like you're a fucking machine....

    Switched from sust to prop and WOW...
    It's possible that at end of week 5 the sust finally released some consistent concentration of test into the body - either way I shot the prop and BANG!..Strength rocketed - mass finally began to pack on and now I am up 14lbs with very little water retention... shoulder is fine (had to rest it and undergo some therapy)... feel great - taking MUCH less AAS and getting much bigger than when I was pumping 900mg of assorted shit into my body.. Also more able to control my sides which have been 99% ACNE....

    My opinion - Test Prop (virormone) is FUCKING AWESOME.

    Deca - useless water retaining SHITE that shuts you down hard.

    As for sust... - I dunno - because I'll never do it again and it's possible that just I came off it it started to work and I thought that was the prop.

    No specific questions - just intelligent discussion required - my cycles not over - I want your feedback guys.. what do you think?
    Losing 3 pounds days after quitting deca is impossible. Deca would be in your system for another 3 weeks min. As for water, deca does tend to add a little water, but it is'nt dbol. As for the injury, that's very odd. Deca gives me the power to work right through injury's, one of the reasons i run deca. Im not really a sus fan, because it can be hard to get consistent dosage. As i have learned from others, it needs to be run amp eod, so 750mg/week. Maybe you were'nt getting frequent enough injects with the sus. 2

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The Battle Field
    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    Losing 3 pounds days after quitting deca is impossible. Deca would be in your system for another 3 weeks min. As for water, deca does tend to add a little water, but it is'nt dbol. As for the injury, that's very odd. Deca gives me the power to work right through injury's, one of the reasons i run deca. Im not really a sus fan, because it can be hard to get consistent dosage. As i have learned from others, it needs to be run amp eod, so 750mg/week. Maybe you were'nt getting frequent enough injects with the sus. 2
    I think it would be silly to say that losing 3lbs after quitting deca is IMPOSSIBLE - NOTHING is impossible.
    Having said that I am prepared to conceed that inconsistencies in weight measurement may have resulted in some of that weight.

    I KNOW my stuff wasn't fake so what the HELL was going on? Tell me guys.

    Keep the opinions coming.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by F40
    I think it would be silly to say that losing 3lbs after quitting deca is IMPOSSIBLE - NOTHING is impossible.
    Having said that I am prepared to conceed that inconsistencies in weight measurement may have resulted in some of that weight.

    I KNOW my stuff wasn't fake so what the HELL was going on? Tell me guys.

    Keep the opinions coming.
    if you know your gear is legit, then it is chemically impossible for deca to leave your system in 3 days. there is a reason you need to wait 3 weeks after your last deca shot to begin pct

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    It takes about 4 to 5 weeks for the sust to kick in, that coupled with the fast prop is why you gained so quickly.
    BTW the 3 pounds could be from an assortment of things. I.E. food intake, water intake and when you last took a crap....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by F40
    Been V. Busy with work - sorrry about lagged reply - thank you all for feedback on my PCT clomid dosage question.

    My cycle was MEANT to be like this:
    Week 1-6 Sust 500mg
    Week 1-8 Deca 400mg
    Week 6-8 150mg Prop EOD.

    How my cycle developed:
    Week 1-5 Sust 500mg
    Week 1-5 Deca 400mg
    Week 5-8 Prop Every 2 days

    At week 5 - I had gained 9lbs of watery shite and had an injured rotator cuff - to me that is pretty rubbish results because my diet/sleep/lifestyle had been PERFECT.
    Also with that I had a very incosistent labido (test vs deca battle IMO). I am convinced that deca was shutting me down badly and was scared that if I extended deca to to the end when I would only have clomid to rebuild my hormonal axis as then I would be screwed. Thought it would be better to come off early while I still had 3 weeks of prop - this would be a sort of taper - keep my test up (with the prop) and reduce a post cycle crash. I came off the deca early (was gonna do it for whole 8 weeks but decided against it to prevent a massive crash post cycle).
    I think deca was frankly rubbish - came off it and lost 3lbs of water within days..... (this is also my weight gain at the end of week one).
    So now my total weight gain 5lbs after friggin 5 weeks....

    Not a fan of sust either - I think from week 3-5 sust was terribly inconsistent in the delivery of test... For me - sust took FAR too long to kick in and is bloody inconsistent - sometime you'll be training and it'll feel like you're natural - othertimes you're raging like you're a fucking machine....

    Switched from sust to prop and WOW...
    It's possible that at end of week 5 the sust finally released some consistent concentration of test into the body - either way I shot the prop and BANG!..Strength rocketed - mass finally began to pack on and now I am up 14lbs with very little water retention... shoulder is fine (had to rest it and undergo some therapy)... feel great - taking MUCH less AAS and getting much bigger than when I was pumping 900mg of assorted shit into my body.. Also more able to control my sides which have been 99% ACNE....

    My opinion - Test Prop (virormone) is FUCKING AWESOME.

    Deca - useless water retaining SHITE that shuts you down hard.

    As for sust... - I dunno - because I'll never do it again and it's possible that just I came off it it started to work and I thought that was the prop.

    No specific questions - just intelligent discussion required - my cycles not over - I want your feedback guys.. what do you think?
    1) sust is a mixture of different esters. to maintain consistent test levels, ideally you should front load on sust, and shoot ED, not 1x/wk. with your use, as i see it, your test levels would spike, then crash for the rest of the week. this is likely the cause of your loss of libido, and poor gains.

    2) deca kicks in at wk it would have just begun to work. it's activity is maintained for at least 3 weeks after your last shot, so the weight loss is most likely not from cessation of deca usage. the perceived weight loss could be a number of things, including, but not limited to dehydration, caloric intake, time of weighing during the day (normal body weight fluctuations), etc.

    3) an injury is possible, regardless of how 'perfect' you believe your diet/lifestyle to be. it happens to the best of us.

    4) your original cycle idea wouldn't have received a thumbs up from me. it had some flaws

    i wouldn't cross deca off the list. i have used it with great success, as many have, although i will be the first to admit, deca dick isn't fun.

    my suggestion is to keep running the prop until the end (at least wk 8) and start clomid 2 days after last prop as discussed. next time you're ready to do a cycle, get some feedback from the board on your cycle plan before beginning. you could have avoided some of the problems and uncertianty you encountered.

    good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    im currently on a sustenon deca cycleweek 6 and have gained around 10 lbs and seeing strength increase im also running nolva and have noticed litle if any water weight or bloating.if you needed results sooner you could have kick started your cycle with the prop.

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