Just wanted to wish a good bro a happy birthday!
Just wanted to wish a good bro a happy birthday!
I was going to post on FG but it said he was only 26? Ive thoguth he was 30 something...
Anyway, Happy birthday bro!
Say it isn't so! Big T is another year older...................bro medicare is right around the corner for you soon. hahahaha
Happy Birthday Bro! I got cha a Chia Pet! As soon as you make it down for a visit you can have it.![]()
Happy Bday Tex! Hope you get to celebrate some w/ your kids today -
Happy Birthday Big Texan........Wishing you the very Best on your Special Day
Happy birthday bro
Awww gee guys.... all the crap ya'll talk and ya still care.Thanks guys!
palme.... 30 something!?!?!?!? Damn bro, I'm looking at my driver's license and it says date of birth October 22, 1977. SO I'm 26...![]()
Jugg, medicare huh??? Hell by the time I get old enough to collect that and Social Security there won't be anything left!
No special plans tonight though. Just family thing with a good home cooked dinner from my mommyand cake and presents if anyone even got me anything.
Jugg, ya better water and take care of my chia pet!!!
I don't know bro...............I've been taking care of it but it's not doing too good..................I don't know what I'm doing wrong........I mean I give it a shot of wiskey every damn day..........must be defective or something. How about a clapper bro? I hear their pretty sweet! hahahaha
Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
Happy Birthday Tex
Man.... I want one.... I'm sick of getting up to shut the lights off when I'm laying down.Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
LAMO im sorry texit´s your military background that made me think your an old geezer like jugg
Happy birthday again![]()
Hell I'll take a clapper...that way I can quit tripping over my daughters toys while searching for the light switch.
Palme... yeah, Jugg is an old geezer, I'm still a young buck.![]()
Mudd....shhhhh.... don't tell Jugg, but I'll just give ya the one he's getting me.![]()
What happens when you have the clapper and your watching a Tv Show with a bunch of clapping....Do the lights flicker?Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
I'll hold 'em, you guys get your paddles ready!!
happy B-day B-Tex!!
Oh this will prove interesting.... sorry to say it's going to take more than just you to hold me down.Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
I know thats the truth BT,,, hell I'm so out of shape at the moment I can hardly hold my own pecker!![]()
Happy Birthday Bid T..........this is your day........have fun with it.......because come tomorrow it's all forgottin(since your so old)![]()
bornbad....it's hard to come up with a good comeback....I keep staring at your damn avatar.Originally Posted by bornbad71
OK I'll be quiet.......... Thanks bro
Mass good question
Mental note to self; give everyone the clap.......no,no.......give everyone the Clapper! Got to remember that. hahahaha
You guys are nuts! But I still love ya. YES Palme, I love you more than the rest......you're like my favorite teddy bear. hahahah
Btw......thanks for not making me feel old! Smart mouth punks! hahahaha
Everyone tells me i look like a big (supercute) teddybear. It must be true!Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
You just couldn't help but throw in the "supercute" comment could you? All right then which bear are you......Smokie, Cuddles, Paddington or Fuzzy Wuzzy? Btw, one near sighted woman saying you look like a, and I quote "a big (supercute) teddybear" dosen't mean everyone says that. hahahahaOriginally Posted by palme
T, Yung Won is sending strippers bro!!!!!....................however he forgot to tell you their all men! It was cheaper.............he said the females were to expensive..................he almost managed to send the old strippers from the retirement home but, alas, tonight's Bingo night! hahahaha
remember right after everyone sings happy birthday..................headbutt the cake.![]()
Happy birthday bro. Man I thought you were older than that too. Now I am starting to feel old.
Originally Posted by PTbyJason
Sorry bro. Everyone always tells me I act and look older than I really am. I guess if ya've gone through what I have in my 26 years you get older much faster.
Happy b-day!!! How ya celebrating?
Celebrating??? What do ya mean?Actually it looks as though we'll just be having it at my mother's house.... she's baking me a cake and cooking me some supper.
Other than that, nothing special.... pretty much the same thing every year, sad to say.
Happy b day to you........, happy b-day to you.......happy b-day BIG T,,,,,,
Happy B-day to you..
God, If you could only hear me sing, It would ruin the moment....
Happy b-day bro...Sorry if its a be-lated one, but at least i thought i should say it.
Happy Birthday bro
The Big 2-6..........
Happy Birthday Big Brotha!!!!
Have No Fear, Those Strippers Are On There Way!!!
Yo BigT happy Birthday!!!! If only you were in Houston I might have to fork over a vial or two....sigh..oh well, more for me![]()
Originally Posted by majorpecs
Well damn.... guess I'll be in Houston for my bday next year.Thanks bro, how's things going for ya?
Da Bull, you may be older than Jugg, but he's more fun to pick on.But that's ok, there's enough Geritol to go around for both of ya.
Thanks Big T,just what I wanted for XmasOriginally Posted by BIG TEXAN
How'd the B-day go bro?Get a nice bomb on did ya?
Well got invited to a bar from guys at work, so I went and kept getting hit on by the bartender, she paid for all my drinks.Originally Posted by Da Bull
than went home, fought with the misses, than my two dogs tore into each other, fought with the wife some more, had some cake, opened presents, played with my daughter and son, went to bed. So all in all my b-day.....SUCKED! The *itch of a wife sorta ruined with her damn temper tantrem. Oh well, better days ahead I guess.
Happy Bithday Big T,enjoy yourself and grubb down.As for everyone picking on Jugg,he's younger than me,so I'll take all the age abuse on his behalf,but do keep in mind I'll smoke 90% of you in the gym anyday of the weekagain have a great B-day bro ,wishing you all the best
That sucks,after all the things you been through lately,I was hoping you'd have a good day for a change,but at least your positive,better days ahead,keep up the chin and keep fighting bro,you know we're all in your corner.Be cool DB
Da Bull, all I have is bad days broBesides with her bi-polar, most days are bad anyway. But I'm like a cockroach.... I survive damn near anything and everything.
Don't know how i missed this one but Happy Belated Birthday hon
Thanks darlin.....so whatcha get me?Originally Posted by CutieFace
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