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Thread: George Bush's CV.. This man is a fucking fool.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    George Bush's CV.. This man is a fucking fool.

    Sorry guys I know some of you find it hard taking this from Europeans, but fuck it guys, your president must be the most ridiculed person in history. Just do any google search on the fool.. Just one CV I found for him

    In a SkyNews poll in the UK this morning;

    67% said he was a greater threat to world peace than anyother world leader.
    37% said he was illiterate
    70% said he was a FOOL.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I agree he isn't the best President we have had but at the time he was the best choice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I usually stay out of US politics as I honestly don't care one way or another... but I have to admit that well.. dubyaw can be one strange fellow... this speaks for itself...

    Prez in Topless Tabloid
    London Paper Nabs Rare Bush Exclusive

    By Dana Milbank
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Saturday, November 15, 2003; Page C01

    President Bush has gone down-market.

    After coming to office with a vow to restore dignity to the White House, the president yesterday took a brief sabbatical from that effort: He granted an exclusive interview to a British tabloid that features daily photographs of nude women and articles akin to those found in our own National Enquirer.

    Press secretary Scott McClellan broke the news yesterday with nonchalance. "Good morning," he told reporters. "The president had his usual briefings this morning and just recently completed an interview with the Sun, for a discussion of his upcoming visit to the United Kingdom."

    A British journalist for a more highbrow outlet was not about to let that slip by unnoticed. "Just to clarify," he asked, "why has the president chosen to do an interview with the Sun? It's a newspaper which publishes daily pictures of topless women."

    Such comments are grossly unfair to the Sun. True, its Page 3 is devoted daily to photographs of women and their breasts. True, it this week named "classy Krystle, the beautiful brunette babe" as this year's "Page 3 Idol" and amply displayed evidence of what it called her "vital statistics of 32C-24-33."

    But the Sun is so much more than breasts. It is also reporting this week on a woman who is "made of two women" and "is NOT the biological mother of two of the children she conceived and had naturally." Other news items highlighted on the Sun's Web site: "Man begins 12-day sausage, bean and chip bath to promote Brit food," "German saboteurs plotted to bomb Palace with peas in WW2, files reveal," and "Sobbing islanders say sorry to the ancestor of minister eaten by natives."

    Bush, meanwhile, has given no solo interviews this year to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Time or Newsweek. And he hasn't given an exclusive interview in his entire presidency to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe and dozens of other major publications.

    So why did Bush choose the tabloid that last raised international attention by publishing topless pictures of Prince Edward's fiancee? It's because the Sun has huge, uh, circulation. "It has a large readership," McClellan said. Indeed, about 3.5 million Britons are said to buy it each day -- all of them, of course, for the articles.

    And the Sun is far from the raunchiest of tabloids on fetid Fleet Street. "You should've seen the ones we declined," McClellan said.

    Word on Fleet Street is it's an obvious payoff to the Sun's owner, Rupert Murdoch, the conservative publisher behind many Bush-friendly news outlets such as Fox News. Officials at the White House acknowledge that it was a reward to the Sun for its unstinting support of the United States regarding the war in Iraq. (The Sun's pro-Bush stance also got it an interview with Vice President Cheney in late 2001.) But Bush aides also said it was done on the recommendation of Tony Blair, Britain's Labor Party prime minister, who has worked hard to bring the Sun away from its Tory Party roots.

    The White House said the interview will appear Monday -- on the eve of Bush's arrival in London -- and far away from Page 3. The interview was conducted in Washington by the Sun's political editor, Trevor Kavanagh, who on Monday penned an article titled "Bush Shows Tax Cuts Can Boost Economy."

    Bush often gives foreign media outlets interviews before heading on a trip; this time, he also had a BBC interview and a roundtable with three more sober British outlets, the Financial Times, the Telegraph and the wire service Press Association. But an exclusive interview for a newspaper is a high honor, and the Sun's tabloid rivals are smarting. The Daily Mirror's front page yesterday included the headline "BUSH OFF" and stated: "Mirror poll reveals Britain thinks President is threat to world peace and not welcome here." The Mirror opposed the Iraq war.

    Even in the colonies, Bush's Sun interview is bound to create jealousies. His only other one-on-one interviews with print publications this year have been with USA Today, Leaders magazine and Sports Illustrated.

    After McClellan's bombshell at yesterday's briefing, this correspondent asked whether the other publications present would get Bush interviews if they ran nude photos. "I hope you're not talking about yourself," McClellan replied.

    Correspondent Glenn Frankel in London contributed to this report.

    © 2003 The Washington Post Company


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I agree he isn't the best President we have had but at the time he was the best choice.
    Do you know how BAD thats sounds?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Do you know how BAD thats sounds?
    It may sound bad but at the time, at least IMO it's the truth................ I love living in America but I'm not going to lie and say that we had 2 of the greatest men of all time running.............. The only thing that won me over with Bush was he's stance on capital punishment. If not for that I would have never voted in that election.

    I don't like talking polotics because everyone has their own view and most times the discussion ends in a fight.

  6. #6
    37% in a poll said he was illiterate?

    Last time I checked he was an alumni of Harvard. I'm sure being the son of a former President had everything to do with him getting in but nobody took the classes and pass the exams for him. You need some smarts to graduate from our nation's top university.
    I'm sure all of the bashing he gets is from those opposed to his views and decisions.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    This is why I dont vote. It is the responsibility of the voters to elect a good presedent. Yall should try to do a better job next time.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by nevaenuf
    This is why I dont vote. It is the responsibility of the voters to elect a good presedent. Yall should try to do a better job next time.
    YOU should vote if you don't like the result.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It's all the same everywhere...

    Here in Canada, most elections end up with people voting for the "less bad" candidate and not the "good" candidate.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    There are imcompetent people working in every job on the planet, I can't see why public office would be any different. George Bush ( Jr ) might be an intelligent person, but what I see of him on tv and what I read in print he comes accross as a complete fool.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    I'm not sure when people will ever understand that the USA is not run by the president.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Anyone who literally thinks that George W. Bush is a fool needs to take a serious look at their own intelligence. If someone was monitoring your every move, I'd guess you would do and say some things that make you look like a moron too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'm not going to judge any mans intelligence...But having RED,WHITE,AND BLUE running through my viens,I am devasted that the Supreme court could vote in a President against the people's choice,therefore I shall never vote again....It's my decision and have the right to do so..I'm hurt by my decision,not proud of it at all,but this left me no option...Yours truly, A Discusted American.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I'm not going to judge any mans intelligence...But having RED,WHITE,AND BLUE running through my viens,I am devasted that the Supreme court could vote in a President against the people's choice,therefore I shall never vote again....It's my decision and have the right to do so..I'm hurt by my decision,not proud of it at all,but this left me no option...Yours truly, A Discusted American.
    Thats ok bro.....I hear they're making another ammendment to the constitution which will take the right to vote away from citizens over the age of 43. ............I think you guys are way to critical over Bush...I think hes doing an excellent job, especially what he has had to face during his term.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Thats ok bro.....I hear they're making another ammendment to the constitution which will take the right to vote away from citizens over the age of 43. ............I think you guys are way to critical over Bush...I think hes doing an excellent job, especially what he has had to face during his term.
    I don't think thats an excuse. A couple years ago the US had the world's sympathy, rightfully so, now the world views us as the world's largest threat. There is something very wrong with that, I'm not saying that I have the solution but there has to have been a better way.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by saboudian
    I don't think thats an excuse. A couple years ago the US had the world's sympathy, rightfully so, now the world views us as the world's largest threat. There is something very wrong with that, I'm not saying that I have the solution but there has to have been a better way.
    That's a very good point..We're no longer a world power,we're a world threat!!I don't think I like that title On that note,I'm out of this conversation

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by saboudian
    I don't think thats an excuse. A couple years ago the US had the world's sympathy, rightfully so, now the world views us as the world's largest threat. There is something very wrong with that, I'm not saying that I have the solution but there has to have been a better way.
    Who would you have at the helm then and why?

  18. #18
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by saboudian
    A couple years ago the US had the world's sympathy, rightfully so, now the world views us as the world's largest threat.
    Those people that view the U.S. as the world's largest threat have been saying it for decades, not just recently. The United States is the most successfull nation in the history of the world. This is just an international example of what jealousy can cause people to say and do.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Death
    Those people that view the U.S. as the world's largest threat have been saying it for decades, not just recently. The United States is the most successfull nation in the history of the world. This is just an international example of what jealousy can cause people to say and do.
    Germans were saying how they were riding the crest of a wave pre WWII too. As far as history goes, your country is only 200 yrs old. Anyway like I said, this is about your president, not your country. Which btw, I think is a great place and somewhere you should rightly be proud of.

  20. #20
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    The Asshole Capitol
    He has had a rough time of it. A lot of shit went down that would challenge any leader. I think he has done a good job though. I wouldn't have made all the same decisions, but who ever agrees completely?

    He has been blamed for a lot of things that were not his fault, like the economy, and the mess that evolved from 9/11. I think that people just need someone to blame, and he is a convenient target. I like it that he doesn't let it get to him though. A good leader should never be swayed by popular opinion when he believes he is doing the right thing.

    The bashing is just beginning though. With the election coming up, the Dems are going to try to turn everything against him. But the Republicans would do the same to a Democratic president. Its just politics, and winning the election is the most important thing to all of them. Sadly, it may be the only thing that is truly important.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testify
    He has had a rough time of it. A lot of shit went down that would challenge any leader. I think he has done a good job though. I wouldn't have made all the same decisions, but who ever agrees completely?

    He has been blamed for a lot of things that were not his fault, like the economy, and the mess that evolved from 9/11. I think that people just need someone to blame, and he is a convenient target. I like it that he doesn't let it get to him though. A good leader should never be swayed by popular opinion when he believes he is doing the right thing.

    The bashing is just beginning though. With the election coming up, the Dems are going to try to turn everything against him. But the Republicans would do the same to a Democratic president. Its just politics, and winning the election is the most important thing to all of them. Sadly, it may be the only thing that is truly important.
    well said

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Arnold for prez.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I'm gonna bow out of this one too, but I would have been interested in seeing Mccain. And I have the vague feeling we would be part of Canada if Gore was running things USA! USA!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Wherever necessary
    Quote Originally Posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Sorry guys I know some of you find it hard taking this from Europeans, but fuck it guys, your president must be the most ridiculed person in history. Just do any google search on the fool.. Just one CV I found for him

    In a SkyNews poll in the UK this morning;

    67% said he was a greater threat to world peace than anyother world leader.
    37% said he was illiterate
    70% said he was a FOOL.

    Hate to say this brother - but when your country and the UK get their stuff together - then you can start talking about mine

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Hate to say this brother - but when your country and the UK get their stuff together - then you can start talking about mine

    amen cyc!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Hate to say this brother - but when your country and the UK get their stuff together - then you can start talking about mine

    Yeah, guess thats where some people here can identify with Iraq. We were invaded by outsider's and kicked their ass too.

    However having said that the post was about your president, NOT your country. Unlike President Bush our president isn't seen as a threat to world peace, or indeed as an incompetent fool.


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Behind Ur booty
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Hate to say this brother - but when your country and the UK get their stuff together - then you can start talking about mine
    Bump Bump! amen brother. Bush has some serious issues to deal with in his term. IMO we needed to get a foot hold in that side of the hemisphere sometime soon anywho. If thats what this is about. Not for world domination but for world balance. Its always the U.S. going in at it alone as usual and the rest of the world knocking us until its time for big brother to come to the rescue again. Bush is doing ok.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Aukland, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Hate to say this brother - but when your country and the UK get their stuff together - then you can start talking about mine

    EUROPE... Brought to by the United States of America!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I love Bush!!!! 4 more years!!!!

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Fort Worth
    The voters are the real problem . . . yes, there are an awful lot of incompetant politicans in office, but that's only because American voters keep putting them there. Won't be until they (we) smarten up and insist on a proven record of ability and intelligent leadership that things will change. Until then, we'll keep picking inexperienced millionaires who have to learn their job skills as they go along.

    Yah, it ain't them, bros, it's us.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    bush is an idiot (completely made up a nuclear threat in iraq to wage war)
    north korea says fuck you US, were gona make nukes
    what does the US do? innitiate peace talks....but immediately invades weakling iraq....

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    I am really suprised to hear this coming from a person who's contry has a history of being enslaved by an evil dictator. I am way too right wing to get into this. It will only get into a flame fest with me and that is not the way a Mod should act on this board IMO. So I will lead by example and keep my mouth shut.

    OOOOHHH its hard to be good

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    I am really suprised to hear this coming from a person who's contry has a history of being enslaved by an evil dictator. I am way too right wing to get into this. It will only get into a flame fest with me and that is not the way a Mod should act on this board IMO. So I will lead by example and keep my mouth shut.

    OOOOHHH its hard to be good
    lol...mods desearve to do some flaming....

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    lol...mods desearve to do some flaming....
    Yes I do but I need to keep the pease not start a all out riot.

    One thing I will agree with you is we should have taken out north korea but I think they might have already had ICBM's before we found out and I bet Iraq was only in the early stages of development. Once a country has nukes its a little late to try to prevent anything.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    Yes I do but I need to keep the pease not start a all out riot.

    One thing I will agree with you is we should have taken out north korea but I think they might have already had ICBM's before we found out and I bet Iraq was only in the early stages of development. Once a country has nukes its a little late to try to prevent anything.
    true true ron....snl said that bush was starting on the axis of evil alphabetically...i then

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Strong Island, NY
    You can all blame former president Clinton for the problems in our country now, including 9/11. Clinton could have had Bin Laden in 1996, but he felt he was not a real threat, even though he was a known terrorist, and even though he was involved in the first attack on the world trade center. Clinton never took any real action, he would make any empty meaningless speech about how "we will hunt down and punish those responsible for attacks on our nation". Clinton is the worst President the U.S. ever had. His lack of action and resolve encouraged terrorism to grow, the terrorist knew he wouldn't lift a finger to stop them. Bush inherited a load of problems from Clinton, they didn't just spring up out of no where. All Clinton cared about was the image of his presidency.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    You can all blame former president Clinton for the problems in our country now, including 9/11. Clinton could have had Bin Laden in 1996, but he felt he was not a real threat, even though he was a known terrorist, and even though he was involved in the first attack on the world trade center. Clinton never took any real action, he would make any empty meaningless speech about how "we will hunt down and punish those responsible for attacks on our nation". Clinton is the worst President the U.S. ever had. His lack of action and resolve encouraged terrorism to grow, the terrorist knew he wouldn't lift a finger to stop them. Bush inherited a load of problems from Clinton, they didn't just spring up out of no where. All Clinton cared about was the image of his presidency.

    I agree totally. Everyone was on Bush's side right after 9/11 now this guy made couple of mistakes everyone leaves his side. So what if he didn't find any weapons that still doesn't make What Saddamn has done over the last decade right. If he didn't have anything then he should have let the inspectors look when and where ever they wanted to. No matter what. Its easy to make fun now that the hard part was over just like the French, as soon as the "war" was over they jumped on the US/British bandwagon. For all who know me here you know I was in the USMC I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR MY COUNTRY, so I'm a little partial but who gives a rats ass!!


  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    You can all blame former president Clinton for the problems in our country now, including 9/11. Clinton could have had Bin Laden in 1996, but he felt he was not a real threat, even though he was a known terrorist, and even though he was involved in the first attack on the world trade center. Clinton never took any real action, he would make any empty meaningless speech about how "we will hunt down and punish those responsible for attacks on our nation". Clinton is the worst President the U.S. ever had. His lack of action and resolve encouraged terrorism to grow, the terrorist knew he wouldn't lift a finger to stop them. Bush inherited a load of problems from Clinton, they didn't just spring up out of no where. All Clinton cared about was the image of his presidency.
    HA, HA. Yeah it's all Clinton's fault. Let's look at some other of Bill's fuck ups. Biggest budget surplus in history booming stock market,rising productivity, low unemployment, peace, etc. Maybe Bush ought to find a nice 20 year old intern to give him head too. It may get the defecit under control and get this country moving forward again.

  39. #39
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    Strong Island, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    HA, HA. Yeah it's all Clinton's fault. Let's look at some other of Bill's fuck ups. Biggest budget surplus in history booming stock market,rising productivity, low unemployment, peace, etc. Maybe Bush ought to find a nice 20 year old intern to give him head too. It may get the defecit under control and get this country moving forward again.
    The kind of peace Clinton had and wanted was the kind of peace that Neville Chamberland had, when England signed peace treaties with Geramany before WWII. They both knew the threat was there, and both did nothing to stop it, and both of them cost their nations dearly. And the economy is a direct result of 9/11, so you can thank you're pal Billy "boy" Clinton for that too. And I'm sorry Alan Greenspan was the reason for economic prosperity not Clinton.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    HA, HA. Yeah it's all Clinton's fault. Let's look at some other of Bill's fuck ups. Biggest budget surplus in history booming stock market,rising productivity, low unemployment, peace, etc. Maybe Bush ought to find a nice 20 year old intern to give him head too. It may get the defecit under control and get this country moving forward again.
    He was a true pimp....i'm with you markas...i would rather let saddahm do whatever the hell he wanted and have jobs in my own country

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