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Thread: :yellowcon homemade test suspension/propinate mixture -- bad shot???

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  1. #1

    Question homemade test suspension/propinate mixture -- bad shot???

    when i say homemade, this is the kind that you must first boil to reduce the alcohol crystals into liquid form - then inject it. this is a 10cc vial with the rubber stopper in the top that must be removed prior to boiling. i am told you must do this on all alcohol based test. my training partner took a shot of this about 6 months ago in the leg, and his quad swelled up and he couldnt walk for a couple days. i have a few questions about this. can certain mixtures like this cause this to occur, or do you think it would possibly be just his body reacting to something he could be allergic to? also, is it possible he got some into the bloodstream? or ultimately could this have just been a bad batch of test? i was considering taking it - 8cc leftover - but i wanted to get your opinions first about whether anyone else has had problems with this one.
    Last edited by pinstick; 11-23-2003 at 08:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Throw it away now. It sounds like it may have been a synovex conversion that didn't have the proper solvents in it to kep it in solution. The crystals in it are test crystals, not alcohol. Have you ever seen alcohol crystalize? Me neither. The pain and swelling that occurs after the shot of this mix can be caused by two things...the crystals reforming inside of the muscle, or the BA content in the solution. Most anything over a 5% concentration of BA will hurt. 8cc isn't enough to do anything by itself anyway, just trash it, bro.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Oh, and removing the stopper often can compromise the sterility of the gear as well. Injecting bacteria into your muscles is a very bad idea. Throw it away.


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