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  1. #1

    Exclamation IGF-1 LR3 Journal

    <Mods: not sure where best to place this thread... I opted to place it in the question section because of the number of queries about IGF-1. By all means, move it if need be>


    > Height: 5' 10"
    > Weight: 202
    > BF: 10%
    > 3 months since last AAS cycle.
    > Taking 50mg clomid ED. (I am experiencing some hypogondism from my last cycle and will continue the clomid until my next AAS cycle. I will be starting HCG as soon as I get it in, about two weeks.)

    I will only be running IGF-1 LR3 at 40mcg ED (bi-lateral injections of 20 mcg) for 25 consecutive days.

    Day 1:

    8:40 am - IGF-1 Injection:

    Had some problems, the amount of the draw is so small that it is tricky. I drew in 20 mcg and could not seem to get the air bubble out of the way to inject. I decided to draw in some BW, 40 mcg. When I drew in the BW, the IGF-1 foamed with a ton of tiny bubbles. My guess is that part of this reaction was due to the fact that the IGF-1 was kept in the freezer and the BW was room temp. I now have the BW in the fridge for future draws. After injecting into tricep, I drew in another 60 mcg of BW and inject that into the same tricep. (The idea behind this is to get any residual IGF-1 that may have been left in the syringe or needle)

    10:00 am - Workout - Chest and Triceps:

    I did not notice anything with my warm up. However, after the second set of bench press, I went to the restroom to take a leak. I looked in the mirror, and the pump I had was the equivalent to the pump I only get at the END of my work out. I have never had a pump like this after the second set.

    I went back out to the guys, and they even noticed without me saying a word.

    This is where is gets strange. I wasn't able to do my normal routine of sets/reps/weight. The first few sets all came out fine, with great pumps. But when I went to lift the heavier sets, there was no 'oompf'. It wasn't that my muscles were numb, it was like they had no energy. What is strange is that I felt full of energy. So, for my entire workout, the first sets were standard, the last sets below my normal range. The pump I got from the workout was one of the best pumps I have ever had, yet I felt guilty that I couldn't put up my normal range. It was strange.

    12:00 noon - IGF-1 Injection - 20 mcg in opposite tricep.

    3:00 pm -

    I am extremely nauseous - I felt like throwing up but did not (at least not yet!), have a slight headache and am much more tired than I usually am at this time of day. My hunger is almost non-existant because of the nausea. I am having to force protein down, preferably in the form of a shake.

    <I will be taking measurements of body parts (chest, arms, waist, hips, thighs, calves) but am too nauseous to do it now. >

    5:00 pm -

    Still tired, even after I drank 16 oz of coffee. Still have nausea, not as bad though.

    Summary of Day 1:

    I have no doubt that the IGF-1 LR3 is having some type of effect on my body. However, I am not willing to conceed that all of the above was due to the IGF-1 at this point. I will draw my conclusion at the end of the 25 days based on the metrics I am employing (which are not perfect metrics by any stretch of the imagination, but they will at least give me some idea if IGF-1 run solo is worth it.). I must emphasize that the IGF-1 is having some effect OR I am getting the flu. There is definitely something going on. We will see.
    Last edited by Solrock; 11-29-2003 at 08:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    This is very interesting. I hope you keep up the journal the way it's already been set up.

    There's nothing better then documented experience to help answer a lot of questions, especially when it comes to IGF-1.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Keep the info coming, bro. I am gathering as much info as possible for a soon to come IGF cycle. I am very interested in the day to day effects. I've read quite a bit, here and other sites, but first hand info from a bro is best.

    Good luck--Train hard

  4. #4

    Still Day 1

    5:10 pm

    I am between the small to moderate range for ketones, tested via a Ketostix - around 30 mg/dL based on coloring. This morning, for my morning urination on the Ketostix I was in the trace range - 5 mg/dL.

    I have followed my usual diet today (despite nausea), and would never be in the range that I am in now. At most, I would be a solid 15 mg/dL at this time of day.

    I will be curious to see if this continues or if this is an anomaly. Either way, I will also log the Ketostix results through this 25 day cycle.
    Last edited by Solrock; 11-29-2003 at 09:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    keep this journal ALIVE. i want to see how igf goes. good luck bro !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Houston, Texas
    Well i was keeping my journal in another thread but i will continue it here:
    Day 23: I am taking 80mcgs of IGF (40 when i wake up and 40 postworkout) I am taking it alone to see the gains from it. I am up around 3 lbs and have become very lean. I have become very striated and vascular! I am loving this stuff. The pumps have gotten pretty strong as i have to rest around 2-3 mins between sets to let them subside a bit! My strength has gone up around 15lbs on bench! That is awesome since i have been off cycle for 3 months! I feel pumped and full all day even when i wake up. The only side i have been noticing are my hands aching a bit. But it only started when i upped the dose from 60mcgs to 80mcgs. I think IGF is definatly worth the money!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    New York

  8. #8

    Day 2

    Day 2

    9:00 am

    Had a good nights sleep. I felt like I rested 'deeply', that is the only way I can describe it. Nothing profound, but it was noticeable.

    No headache and no nausea this morning.

    I do notice that my triceps feel and look a bit different than they usually do after a training day. I wouldn't say they are pumped with that nice tight feeling. They actually feel 'watery'. Not bloated, but noticeably more volumous. Again, it is not the firm, tight feeling of a pump. But looking in the mirror, I would say it looks like I have a mild pump.

    IGF-1 Injection - 20 mcg left delt

    This mornings injection went a bit smoother than yesterday. One trick I found with drawing such a small amount of liquid (20 mcg) is to draw in roughly the amount you want regardless of the air bubble. Then, keeping the needle submerged in the IGF-1 in the vial, push the draw back into the vial and then re-draw while never removing the needle from submersion in the IGF-1. This prevents the air bubble (mostly).

    After I injected the 20 mcg into my left delt, I drew in 60 mcg of BW. I injected into my left delt and aspirated, drawing blood. Had to pull out and find another delt spot. Injection in second location went smoothly.

    There is one contributing confounding variable, and that is my neck pull. When I get a neck pull (fairly often) I will often get head-aches during the course. I cannot tell if the head-ache I had yesterday is related to the IGF-1 or the neck pull. I just hope this neck pull goes away soon.

    Negative on the Ketostix. I ate more than my usual amount of carbs last night, I was worried about going hypo in my sleep. I will test my ketones throughout the day to see if there is a relationship between IGF-1 injection time and ketosis.

    ************************************************** *****

    12:30 pm

    2nd injection - 20 mcg in right delt

    I went for a drive this morning around 10:30. About a half hour into it, I felt like I was falling asleep at the wheel. It almost felt like the effects of Ambien... I really thought I was going to fall asleep. It was strange though, because part of me, maybe my mind, wasn't tired at all. It's hard to explain.

    Slightly at or above the 20 mg/dL range. This is interesting, because this shift never occurs for me at thistime of day with the foods I have been eating.

    Hunger: Have not noticed hunger beyond the normal range. I do have what feels like cotton mouth, but it is not completely dry. This has been going on for several hours. It's like cotton mouth but with saliva, if that makes sense.

    ************************************************** ******

    3:00 pm

    I just woke up from a 2 hour nap. The only reason I woke up was because of the dream I was having... my girlfriend was moving into another guys house. Needles to say, I was pissed and it woke me up. But I had to struggle to get up. I am a light sleeper and never have problems with getting up. I feel like I could go back to sleep now.

    Small amount - 15 mg/dL. With the amount of carbs I ate I should be completely out of ketosis.

    Gastro-intestinal tract:
    I noticed this yesterday, but didn't think anything of it. Now that it is happening again, I think I need to include it. I have been getting what feels like a 'rumbling' at the lateral most sides of my upper abdomen by the rib cage. There is no pain or discomfort, but it is noticeable. I should also note that I have never felt it 'rumble' in these areas before.
    Last edited by Solrock; 11-30-2003 at 03:06 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Good stuff bro, but I have one question for you. Research I have done says 1 injection first thing in a.m. then 1 in the p.m. right before bed. Is this correct and if so, Why your variation of injecting in a.m. prior to training then 2-4 hours later. Maybe I am reading it wrong or (more likely) I just don't have all the info.

    Keep posting.

  10. #10
    getnlarg: Good question. My intent was/is to inject an hour or so before my workout, and then again immediately after. I have found no solid research that indicates that am and pm injections are best. There have been several posts about people injecting only once a day. I will note that I am not fixed on staying with my current injection scheme. I will likely make adjustments throughout the 25 days based on how I feel my body is reacting. I am really just trying to get a feel for how it works and what it is doing to me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Houston, Texas
    Day 24: Today i have been really tired! I read that this is a side of IGF. I finally got my bf measured and im at 7% down from 10%! That is just f****** awesome!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleguy
    Day 24: Today i have been really tired! I read that this is a side of IGF. I finally got my bf measured and im at 7% down from 10%! That is just f****** awesome!

    I'll share here,I've just finished day 10@ 60mcg ed...down 2%bf,but I am running 8ius ed of HGH with it on top of my cycle.I think the combo is good,I do feel tired at times,but I've upped my carb intake and feel much better.i also added cardio 3 x a wk.btw,I do my shots after workout in the muscle group worked that day,on off days I hit the tri's.I have noticed I hold a pump alot longer also,strange thing is I get feet pumps when doing my cardio,not sure what that is???I see my doc on Tues. so I'll no more then.I'll chime in when i can.....all be cool.....DB

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I have noticed I hold a pump alot longer also,strange thing is I get feet pumps when doing my cardio,not sure what that is???I see my doc on Tues. so I'll no more then.I'll chime in when i can.....all be cool.....DB

    I do a lot of cardio and was wondering about that.
    DB let us know if you keep getting the feet pumps.
    You may have to buy new shoes, to accomadate

  14. #14
    Day 3

    7:45 am - Injection 20 mcg

    Weight: 204

    I am up 2 pounds. I do not think this is related to my food intake, because if anything, I have had sub-normal hunger. It's only day 3, so this may only be a cycle my body goes through. We'll see.

    I definitely have a pump in my triceps from my workout two days ago. The pump was there last night as well. I like it.

    Small - 5 mg/dL

    11:30 am

    Only slight nausea. My GI tract is still making 'rumbling' movements. A couple times I thought it was my cell phone vibrating. It's fairly pronouced and area specific.

    4:45 pm - Injection 20 mcg

    Still have pump. It's been with me entire day.

    Negative (I ate a fair amount of carbs today)

    Day 3 summary:

    There is no doubt that the IGF-1 is having an affect on my body. The pumps that I am maintaining are unique, and the GI tract 'rumbling' is also unique. There is definitely a correlation between injection time and tiredness that occurs a few hours later.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    You keep a great journal Solrock.

    I wish you the best in your trial with IGF-1 LR3. I hope things go very well for you and am very curious to your daily results and over all turn out.

    Best of luck.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    keep us posted Bro


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    This is very interesting bro. Keep up the quality journal entries, and best of luck with this. I'll be keeping an eye on this one!


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I am gonna BUMP this...very interesting and I am glad to see you guys are getting good results so far.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

  20. #20

    Day 4

    Day 4

    7:30 am - Injection of 20 mcg

    Weight: 205

    Arm measurement: 17 3/4 (this is up from 17 1/2 just 4 days ago)

    Waist measurement: 34 in (was 34 3/4 just 4 days ago)

    It's like I have a pump all the time. There is no doubt that the IGF-1 is working. My only concern is that if it is this effective at building muscle, is it also this effective at enlarging my organs?

    small - 5 mg/dL

    4:30 pm injection of 20 mcg

    I only get slightly tired a couple hours after injection. the first few days I was falling asleep everywhere. I only seem to get a very mild nausea, again, not like the first two days where it was intense. I have not notice any change in my appetite. If anything, I need to force food down a couple hours after injections.

    Still get the 'grumbles' a couple hours after injection.

    The IGF-1 is definitely working. No doubts.

  21. #21

    Day 5

    Day 5:

    7:45 am - 20 mcg injection

    Still pumped. I love this. When I look in a full length mirror I swear that my muscles look better as far as shape. I don't know how to explain it. It's like there is a slightly new dimesnsion to them. It's only day 5, so hopefully this will continue and my metrics will demonstrate a change.

    4:30 pm - 20 mcg injection

    Still pumped. This amazes me, because I am completely relaxed, yet my muscles have a great fullness to them. This is addictive in and of itself.

    My workout are still different... I can bust out the first few sets, but then it seems like my muscles have no 'umpf' (see day 1).

    Bowel Movement: I really didn't want to have to comment on this, but I feel I have to becuase it is very noticable to me. My diet has remained identical to pre-IGF-1, yet my BM is completely different. I will spare you the details, but the difference is significant.

    Still pumped.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Cool Solrock,

    The only way to know its growth effects on the organs is to get x-rayed right?

    I hope your growth continues in the same manner too.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    A CT (cat) scan would be better than just getting a KUB radiograph. CT shows soft tissue a hundred times better than standard diagnostic x-ray. costs a bit more, but might be worth it if truly concerned. The only thing x-ray MIGHT show is renal or hepatic enlargement.

  24. #24
    Yes... I am intending to get a complete scan of my internal organs in January (not sure what it is called, perhaps a CAT scan as rococo). I won't do another cycle of IGF-1 or HGH until then.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    can u keep posting your diary

  26. #26

    Day 7

    Day 7

    7:30 am - Injection 20 mcg

    Weight: 207

    My whole body has nice full pump with improved definition. The effect is definitely different than roids... and my abs are definitely more chiselled. I am beginning to see my obliques. My waist is down another 1/4 inch... but the way my abs looks, it seems like more.

    Trace - 5mg/dL


    Okay, the IGF-1 definitely has a significant effect on blood sugar. I have had enough carbs to take me out of ketosis and into the 'negative' (as in no ketones in my urine), and the Ketostix is reading close to Moderate at 40 mg/dL.

    I am a bit tired. There seems to be a relationship between the IGF-1, ketosis, and tiredness. Actually, it isn't even so much tired as it is sleepy, if that makes sense. I am not 'tired' per se, just sleepy. It is a strange effect.

    I cannot say what is causing what in what order or sequence. I do know that this process seems to begin with the IGF-1 injection. I cannot infer causation from a correlation, at least not with the metrics I am using. Perhaps a detailed study will be done on IGF-1 LR3 some day... one can only hope.

    I could defnitely see how someone on a consistant low card diet could go hypo. I suspect, with the carbs I am eating, a small but consistant amount, that a larger dose could make me go hypo.

    4:45 pm - Injection 20 mcg

    Full muscles. Not a pump, but full. Full, but not bloated. Hard to describe, but completely enjoyable.

  27. #27

    Day 9

    Day 9

    7:45 am - Injection 20 mcg

    Weight: 208

    Small - 15 mg/dL

    I gotta say, I like this stuff... at least with what it is doing on the outside. Everything looks more defined.

    5:15 pm - injection 20 mcg

    Small - 15 mg/dL

    I am amazed at how the IGF-1 is keeping me in ketosis.


    I am beginning to get excited about this stuff. At first I thought I was making it up, but I now know there is no way... this stuff is the real deal. totally different than roids though... I am very curious as to how the IGF-1 would mix with a cycle.

  28. #28

    Day 11

    Day 11

    7:30 - Injection 20 mcg

    Small - 15 mg/dL

    Weight: 209

    I can't believe how my weight just keeps going up... I still have some hypogonadism from my last cycle, and have lower than normal testosterone in my system now, but this stuff just keeps making me grow.

    Not tired, but sleepy. I am mentally alert, but want to sleep.

    5:00 pm - injection 20 mcg

    Moderate - 40 mg/dL

    Okay... I am finally going to say it, Igf-1 LR3 kicks ass. So long as my blood and organ test results are healthy before my next gear cycle, I am definitely going to include IGF-1 LR3 throughout the cycle. Probably weeks 1-4, 9-12, and post 17-20. I am flat out amazed how this stuff is working.

    I must confess, and I am not trying to scare anyone, but I am getting a little concerned about my internal organs. I have had no symptoms other than intestinal grumbling, but the way this stuff is making me grow... I hope it is mostly just my muscles.
    Last edited by Solrock; 12-08-2003 at 08:40 PM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Solrock

    I must confess, and I am not trying to scare anyone, but I am getting a little concerned about my internal organs. I have had no symptoms other than intestinal grumbling, but the way this stuff is making me grow... I hope it is mostly just my muscles.
    It'll be your intestines too.. There have been studies that showed IGF-1 supplementation to increase intestinal weight by 10% over an 8 week period.

    Oh, by the way.. hope you got a cancer screening before you started.. becuase if you've got any cancerous cells, IGF-1 will cause them to proliferate.

    Say the word and i'll link to the studies... or at the very least their abstracts.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    It'll be your intestines too.. There have been studies that showed IGF-1 supplementation to increase intestinal weight by 10% over an 8 week period.

    Oh, by the way.. hope you got a cancer screening before you started.. becuase if you've got any cancerous cells, IGF-1 will cause them to proliferate.

    Say the word and i'll link to the studies... or at the very least their abstracts.

    By all means, include the links to the study or abstracts. I have read several. And 'yes', I did have a complete check-up before IGF-1 LR3 administration to check for cancer. What I did not get done was a scan to record the size/weight of my organs. I will be doing this before my next cycle of AAS/IGF-1 LR3. This is an area with HGH and IGF-1 that I feel needs to be monitored closely. There is no sense in killing yourself while trying to improve/maintain your health.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Solrock
    By all means, include the links to the study or abstracts. I have read several. And 'yes', I did have a complete check-up before IGF-1 LR3 administration to check for cancer. What I did not get done was a scan to record the size/weight of my organs. I will be doing this before my next cycle of AAS/IGF-1 LR3. This is an area with HGH and IGF-1 that I feel needs to be monitored closely. There is no sense in killing yourself while trying to improve/maintain your health.
    I agree wholeheartedly. here we are. the first, proves that upregulation (binding) of the IGF-1 receptor causes maintanance and proliferation of the mutated cancer phenotype.

    New england journal of medicine is down and i can't get the other article, but bear with me.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I wish you all the best with your internal results. I hope nothing major comes of it. If nothing does, I will be sure to try it.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    Very interesting- this is exactly what is most useful... a comprehensive account.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    Can I ask you what your cycle of IGF-1 cost you? And what part of the "chain" did it come from? Euro pharmacy, distributor, gym prices? seeing if it's viable for my budget... thanks

  35. #35
    rococo , I'll PM you. I don't want to source post. I paid $200 from an online research company.

  36. #36

    Day 13

    8:40 am - Injection 20 mcg

    Weight: 209

    Arms: 18"

    Waist: 33 1/2"

    Ketones: Trace - 5 mg/dL

    I love this stuff. I am really happy with how my body is looking in the mirror. There is definitely more definition. My muscles feel awesome and have a nice full look.

    I haveto comment that my workouts have been consistently different while on IGF-1 LR3. It's as if i do not have endurance. My muscles get tired so fast... just a handful of sets in, and i am just about beat. The pumps seem disproportionate to what i am lifting. I am remaining in the same range for lifts, sometimes even below. It is a strange effect, totally opposite of gear. It is definitely working... I have no doubts.

    I am anxious to try this while on cycle. Soon.... soon...

    1:30 pm - injection 20 mcg

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Sounds good Solrock, I've been on it for 2 weeks too, but I've been on gear. Results are definetly there, espeically in size. I'm not really getting the fat loss, even though i'm stacking w/ GH, but I've been downing 4500 calories so I didn't really expect to lose fat.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Have you tried consuming simple carbs right after injection to see if that dulls some of the fatigue? Maybe some complex carbs an hour or half hour before injection times as well? The timing of your carbs might be able to help in your workouts.

    I’m just wondering if that might help.


  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    okay sol... where are you and where's the updates???

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ok...I'm bumping this just so I get the email when he adds to the journal. Amazing insight.....thaks.


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