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Thread: Why not tren only?

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  1. #1

    Why not tren only?

    If you run a tren only cycle its impossible to get gyno right since tren cant cause it? When someone says they got gyno from tren maybe its because they stacked it with something? And its that something that caused the gyno and not tren? So why not tren only? Then there would be no chance for gyno plus no water retention. So what if u get some libido problems for a while? How much longer will it take to recover from a tren only cycle compared to if u would have stacked it with test?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    SE Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Ballerboy
    If you run a tren only cycle its impossible to get gyno right since tren cant cause it? When someone says they got gyno from tren maybe its because they stacked it with something? And its that something that caused the gyno and not tren? So why not tren only? Then there would be no chance for gyno plus no water retention. So what if u get some libido problems for a while? How much longer will it take to recover from a tren only cycle compared to if u would have stacked it with test?
    There is a very rare chance you can get gyno from Tren. Only in rare cases your body will convert it into a different form of estro (sorry don't have the MD that I read this in to give the acurate name).


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    progesterone gyno. different hormone, same effect. i really think fina works better stacked, and i like my sex drive. i did fina by itself in the past and it shut me down pretty bad. you will inhibit your hpta by running tren only, so you loose your test levels, and will only have a heavy androgen, and little anabolic running through your system. doesnt sound like the best idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by sin
    progesterone gyno. different hormone, same effect. i really think fina works better stacked, and i like my sex drive. i did fina by itself in the past and it shut me down pretty bad. you will inhibit your hpta by running tren only, so you loose your test levels, and will only have a heavy androgen, and little anabolic running through your system. doesnt sound like the best idea.
    I second Sin, fina shut me down EVEN WITH test. Just gotta bump the test dosage next time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    one trick I learned is to run tren by itself for the first 3 wks (about when libido becomes an issue) then add prop for the final 3 wks (I only run tren for 6 wks).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by 6p6
    one trick I learned is to run tren by itself for the first 3 wks (about when libido becomes an issue) then add prop for the final 3 wks (I only run tren for 6 wks).
    sounds like quite the hormonal rollercoaster to me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Anything not taking full advantage of being "on" cycle and maximizing possible gains. Also tren can shut you test keeps you jewels working properly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    no I agree with you guys, I have better luck with shorter cycles anyways but 6 wks is the shortest. I usually use this 6 wk cycle between cycles (not a bridge) and usually to solidify my gains. I actually get great gains from this cycle and but there is nothing wrong adding the test from the beginning I was just trying to tell him to it is OKAY to use it by itself if you HAVE too....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I agree that potentially one could run tren by itself just like you could run deca alone. It is not the smartest thing to do but yet people do it anyway. You can run it alone by why do something half ass, if you're gonna do it, do it right. Test is the hormone responsible for supporting muscle mass anyway so wouldn't it make since to run test with everything?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Test should be the base for every cycle. If not run test alone not tren. Few guys up here hit it on the head. Good points made. Tren is not good alone. It works wonders stacked and you will keep hard anyways even though you run it with test. It is working for me. If your worried about estrogen run an anti-e with your cycle keep retention down to a mim and to curb chance of gyno from the test. Thats what I would do IMO.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    If your going to do it do it right! simple

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