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Thread: COMPLETELY re done to rambo's unofficial how the cut thread

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Brazy COMPLETELY re done to rambo's... 01-19-2004, 10:05 AM
Brazy swole? anyone? please not... 01-19-2004, 03:24 PM
rambo Looks good. Answeres to... 01-19-2004, 03:31 PM
usualsuspect One question Brazy... Are... 01-19-2004, 05:00 PM
Brazy lol.. i am definatly not... 01-19-2004, 05:24 PM
usualsuspect Placebo effect...:p 01-19-2004, 05:41 PM
Brazy lol, wtf is a placebo? 01-19-2004, 05:43 PM
Brazy ok about the grape fruit.... 01-19-2004, 08:16 PM
Brazy could i please get some more... 01-19-2004, 10:29 PM
ddoublevision I also heard of good things... 01-19-2004, 11:38 PM
Brazy as i stated above.. i can... 01-20-2004, 12:00 AM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    COMPLETELY re done to rambo's unofficial how the cut thread

    ok, i am going to continue to follow my low slin diet for 1-3 weeks and see how the progress goes. what i have done now is i am doing cardio in the AM on empty stomach for 45min to see how that works!

    what i have done is recreated a diet which i will implement if my low slin diet isnt working.

    18 year old male
    174 lbs
    17% body fat
    5' 8"

    Post Cardio cal pro carb fat

    1/3 cup cooked oatmeal 114 4 33.3 2
    whey isolate x 1 scoop 140 33 1 0.5

    Meal 2

    whey isolate x 2 scoops 280 66 2 1
    flax oil x 2 tsp 81 0 0 9.2


    2 cups green beans 75 2.5 10 0
    1 grilled chicken breast 140 25 0 0


    post workout
    whey isolate x 2 280 66 2 1
    creatine w/ dex 150 0 38 0
    1/8th tsp salt

    meal 5

    2/3 cup cooked brown rice 175 3.3 38 2
    1 grilled chicken breast 140 25 0 0
    1/2 red grapefruit 40 0.6 10 0

    meal 6

    whey isolate x 2 scoops 280 66 2 1
    flax oil x 2 tsp 81 0 0 9.2

    CALORIES 1976
    PRO 291.4
    CARBS 136.3
    FAT 25.9

    ** i drink no coffee or add anything to my meals to make it taste sweeter, etc. i consume 2-3 cups of green tea per day **

    2000mg vitamin C a day
    2 cal/mag tablets a day
    400 I.U. vitamin E after a workout
    1 multi vitamin

    OFF days (monday/tuesday).. i will reduce my caloric intake by 100-200

    1. how much water should i add to my protein/flax drinks?
    2. on weekends i cant do cardio in the am. should i lower my food intake or keep it the same?

    i think i might have a full grape fruit on actual cardio and training days. currently i consume 1990 cals on my current diet and i am slowly losing fat BUT perserving and building my muscle.
    Last edited by Brazy; 01-19-2004 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    swole? anyone?

    please not grilled chicken and whey protein are my only healthy sources of protein. i dislike all other sources

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Looks good.

    Answeres to your questions...

    1. Add as much as you want to make it taste right. Amount doesn't matter.
    2. You'll be fine, if those are your off days, since your carbs will be much lower- no PWO or P-PWO meal.

    I'm not sure what your penchant is for grapefruit, it can be left off, but if you must have it, then you can I suppose.

  4. #4
    One question Brazy...

    Are you running any gear right now???

    Even though I desperately hope your not since your 18 yrs old, I find it very hard to believe your building muscle on such a low calorie diet. But ff you can pull it off naturally please let us in on your secret. Actually I bet you can make millions of dollars selling your secret to the natural bb community.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    lol.. i am definatly not doing gear, i never will.

    and i AM building strength in the gym and losing my fat. its noticeable to others even.

    example since starting my buddies program

    week1: 5 pull ups x body weight to failure
    week2: 7 pull ups x body weight to failure
    week3: 9 pull ups x body weight to failure

    week 1 i could only dead lift 225 for 3. now i can do it for 7. chest strength is slowly climbing. for the first time im adding weight to my dips. be it a mere 10 lbs, you gotta start somewhere!

    added 20 lbs to my squat

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Brazy
    lol.. i am definatly not doing gear, i never will.

    and i AM building strength in the gym and losing my fat. its noticeable to others even.

    example since starting my buddies program

    week1: 5 pull ups x body weight to failure
    week2: 7 pull ups x body weight to failure
    week3: 9 pull ups x body weight to failure

    week 1 i could only dead lift 225 for 3. now i can do it for 7. chest strength is slowly climbing. for the first time im adding weight to my dips. be it a mere 10 lbs, you gotta start somewhere!

    added 20 lbs to my squat
    Placebo effect...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    lol, wtf is a placebo?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ok about the grape fruit. what should i replace it with?

    should i be consuming more carbs than 140ish?

    i was thinking 150 carbs on cardio/lifting days... 120 on non cardio/lifting days

    would it also be ok to split my second meal into 2 portions.. since i work in the AM and get 3 breaks.. id like to split them up.. 1 scoop protein 1tsp flax.. and than next break, 1 scoop pro, 1tsp flax

    also if i work and hr shift and get 3 breaks.. 1 30min, the rest 15min..

    since my workout would be done after work.. could i eat my preworkout meal with veggies/lean protein during my 30min break and split that 2 whey protein 2tsp of flax into first and last break..

    so essentially:

    normal breakfast
    break1: whey w/ 1tsp flax
    lunch: veggies/lean protein
    break2: whey w/ 1tsp flax


    pwo shake
    pwo nutrition
    2 whey/tsp flax
    Last edited by Brazy; 01-19-2004 at 08:21 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    could i please get some more responses? i really wanna hit this program up ASAP

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I also heard of good things about grapefruit, but have decided against it for my diet.
    My only carbs are 1/2 cup oats for breakfast and 1 small yam or 1/2 cup brown rice for pwo meal. Also the dextrose in my pwo shake. I have lost about 13 lbs in the last 30 days while on a diet similar to yours.
    I would replace the first shake(breakfast) with 8 egg whites because I like to have more solid foods than liquid.
    You could also insert a meal with a side salad(olive oil and vinegar) with a can of tuna somewhere before the workout, then subtract 1 tsp of flax oil from a shake.
    Just my opinions, I am having good success, and adding more poundage to my workouts.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    as i stated above.. i can only eat chicken breast and whey isolate for my protein sources..

    eggs make me sick, tuna makes me puke.

    maybe i'll remove one protein scoop and add 1 grilled chicken breast, than down a shake with flax? same calorie, just less protein but in solid form
    Last edited by Brazy; 01-20-2004 at 12:05 AM.

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