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Thread: first cycle any advice?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Belfast, Northern Ireland

    first cycle any advice?

    in my newly aquired novice knowledge appears to be a good starter one, what u fink?

    Andriol (40mg per cap) Primobolan H.C.G.
    Week 1 8 caps/day 50mg
    Week 2 8 caps/day 50mg
    Week 3 8 caps/day 50mg
    Week 4 8 caps/day 50mg
    Week 5 8 caps/day 50mg
    Week 6 8 caps/day 50mg
    Week 7 8 caps/day 50mg 5-7,500 i.u.
    Week 8 5,000 i.u.
    Week 9 3,000 i.u.

    i'm 6'2 210 good diet

    looking to bulk up, but first time trying tablets rather than natural.

    i've opted for tablets as i've never used needles before and they appear to have the least liver damage. the primobolan only comes in 50mgs is it something i can take 2 or 3 tabs of to get up to 100mg a day?

    Does it look a bit weak? or should i be looking at something else? i had this as a build up to taking a stronger second cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
    hopefully displayed a bit better......

    Andriol (40mg per cap) -----Primobolan --H.C.G.
    Week 1-- 8 caps/day --------50mg
    Week 2 --8 caps/day --------50mg
    Week 3 --8 caps/day --------50mg
    Week 4 --8 caps/day --------50mg
    Week 5 --8 caps/day --------50mg
    Week 6 --8 caps/day --------50mg
    Week 7 --8 caps/day --------50mg --------5-7,500 i.u.
    Week 8 --------------------------------5,000 i.u.
    Week 9 --------------------------------3,000 i.u.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    Your profile says training experience to be 2-3 months, well if thats true i would stay away from AAS for awhile and learn the BBing and diet before you dive head first.

    As for that cycle, i would use injectables as the base of any cycle. Just a thought.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
    cheers for the good advice tmeoe,

    I'm looking for something that will give me a helping hand to get up to the next level and i thought a cycle would kickstart it. i'm not looking to get massive tomorrow, i've sorted the of hand is there any thing that i should be researching that might be help?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by --BeLfAsT-HoTsHoT--
    cheers for the good advice tmeoe,

    I'm looking for something that will give me a helping hand to get up to the next level and i thought a cycle would kickstart it. i'm not looking to get massive tomorrow, i've sorted the of hand is there any thing that i should be researching that might be help?
    bro, if you have been training for 2-3mo's, you haven't even reached the first level yet, so stop worrying about the second. you will get much better results if you've reached your natural plateau first.

    put aside the fact that your planned cycle is horrible, a cycle is the wrong idea for you at this point.

    keep working naturally, you will be happier in the long run

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    erm whereabouts in belfast ya from?

    if its ur first cycle then u should throw in some Test eth/cyp

    injections are better imo.

    i cant stomach any tabs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Andriol? WAy to Expensive and trust me you won't see results your looking for. 2 or 3 months? You need one thing. PROTEIN. Do you realize guys on this board have lifted for years and some of them still haven't done a cycle?


    You will get big. Steroids are NOT the easy way out. NO Steroid in the world will get you big unless your DIET is PERFECT. Show us what your diet looks like. Are you eating 6 meals a day? Are you consuming at least 1.5g of protein per body weight?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    agree with everyone else.... train naturally a while longer... and eat eat eat especially protein and you will grow like you would on the gear. How many grams of protein do you get a day??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I disagree. Steroids arent about being physically ready, but rather mentally.

    If you think ur ready bro, then no one elses say really matters here. But your cycle plan is HORRIBLE.

    First off orals are WORST for ur liver than injectables by far. Wherever you heard the opposite at, you were badly informed.

    The cycle itself is rather weak, you'd not enjoy the results. The PCT would be uneffective as well.

    Id go with a test-based ester and stack either tren or EQ/Deca with it. Maybe run first 4 wks of the cycle with 30mg/ed dbol. Cycle for 12 weeks, wait 2 weeks after last injection, hit 1,000iu/eod of HCG for 2 weeks. At the same time start using 40mg/ed Nolvadex for 4 weeks, then 20mg/ed for 2 more. Also consider running an anti-aromatase such as Letrozole or Exemestane throughout the cycle.

    I personally dont think ur ready yet, mentally. Keep researching!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy Sphinx
    I disagree. Steroids arent about being physically ready, but rather mentally.

    If you think ur ready bro, then no one elses say really matters here. But your cycle plan is HORRIBLE.

    First off orals are WORST for ur liver than injectables by far. Wherever you heard the opposite at, you were badly informed.

    The cycle itself is rather weak, you'd not enjoy the results. The PCT would be uneffective as well.

    Id go with a test-based ester and stack either tren or EQ/Deca with it. Maybe run first 4 wks of the cycle with 30mg/ed dbol. Cycle for 12 weeks, wait 2 weeks after last injection, hit 1,000iu/eod of HCG for 2 weeks. At the same time start using 40mg/ed Nolvadex for 4 weeks, then 20mg/ed for 2 more. Also consider running an anti-aromatase such as Letrozole or Exemestane throughout the cycle.

    I personally dont think ur ready yet, mentally. Keep researching!!
    do you not belive in clomid??? nolva and HCG will not do the trick for a PCT...bad advise IMO

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    do you not belive in clomid??? nolva and HCG will not do the trick for a PCT...bad advise IMO

    Why wouldnt nolva do the trick? I know dozens of bro's who come off cycle with nolva only PCT and recover fine.

    Nolva and clomid are both SERM's and both enhance LH secretion. Clomid is more potent at LH secretion but its also got more sides. If ones really all so concenred about LH secretion, people need to start using LHRH for their PCT instead of stupid SERM's which are indirect ways of LH stimulation. But no one got the brains to go buy some LHRH, its dirt cheap, insanely potent, minimal sides.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    No, train naturally first for at least 5 years bro, use lots of creatine , protein, high calories those three are the main foundation along with whole foods and intense training, don't forget cardio too!
    Good Luck in anything you choose to do!!!

  13. #13
    Do a search for "first cycle" and you will find a ton of recommendations. I don't like your proposed cycle at all, and doubt you would need HCG, not to mention you have not planned for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

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