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Thread: Front loading?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO

    Front loading?

    What is the consensis on front loading?

    Do we load for 1 week or 2 weeks?

    And do we double our weekly amount to come up with our FL amount. eg... 5oomgs/week for 10 weeks ...Fl 1000mgs for 1st week and/or 2nd week?

    And should we front load Everything that is long acting eg... test,
    Eq,deca,primo ... I know we don't need to FL water base like prop,winnie etc...

    So if someone ran 5oomgs/week of sus and 400mgs/week of EQ,
    would we FL 1000mgs/sus and 800mgs/EQ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    this might not help but i ran test at 750for 2 wks and then droped to 500 for 8 and I have to say I liked 750 better then only 500.

    I would not double it

  3. #3
    good question mallet.....i think most know that i usually recommend frontloading the medium/long esters....

    i want to get my levels up as fast and safely as possible, so a 2x frontload for the first 2 weeks on the med/long esters sounds good.....

    if you frontload a 10 week cycle and the test levels are high enough to be effective by week 3 or 4........
    and you run the same cycle without frontloading and your levels are effective on week 4 or 5....which cycle should produce the greatest gains.....

    we have some very intelligent members on if someone can give another opinion as to why not to frontload, i would appreciate the knowledge.....

    i'm always willing to learn....thanks......

  4. #4
    should also say....i only consider frontloading when the dose is well below 1000mg.....

    500mg/week---frontload with 1000mg
    1000mg/week ---no frontload

    no need to take all your gear in one day..(LOL)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    ThanKS Viper!

    I will be running 750mgs/week of sus starting in a couple of weeks, so I thought about FL the first week with 1500mgs.

    I will be running Eq with the sus, but I wasn't plannin on FL the EQ.
    I've run 1000mgs/week of sus before without Fl and had good results,
    but they usually don't start kickin till week 4 or 5!

    I will be splitting up the injects mon, wed, fri. 250 sus with 200 EQ
    3 times/week

    What do ya think?

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