i know you guys live downstate, just wanted to know if you guys are alright. my girl lives in Nassau and she knows mad people who got caught up in that shit. just wanted to make sure you're alright
i know you guys live downstate, just wanted to know if you guys are alright. my girl lives in Nassau and she knows mad people who got caught up in that shit. just wanted to make sure you're alright
I was thinking the same thing... I think I lost a couple of very good old college friends who were brokers at Morgan Stanley Dean Whitter. Can't get in touch with them.
Curse those bastards and may God and the US not only make them suffer but their families and country too!!!
yeah bro, me too. MSDW had offices in like 50 floors. sooo many of my boys from school worked there. one of my boys works for sun microsystems. he was supposed to have a meeting in the WTC at 8 am, but luckily the fucker missed his train. i can't beleive some of my boys are gone. i'll never see them again. it's fucked up
we should just bomb the hell out of everybody. anybody who survives will be used for government testing. this will piss me off for as long as i live
yea..im good.. scary shit though...what realy ppissed me off even more was when they showed the fucks celebrating..mad e me wanna rip all the fucking heads off.....my mother and father knew somepeople who worked in the trade center.....they got out though>>verylucky>>> thank god, you know!!........i went to school with a few kids who actually worked in the city now...they were good though.....man ... thinkk about that shit though..the world trade center is gone...i used to be abel to ee the towers from my house...inlong beach.....thanksd for asking man..i dont think im gonna ask any questions about cycles or anything today....take it easy
Hey shadow, it's good to hear you are ok. Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who this affected.
i over slept and didn't go in for my bookings today.it's so surreal.i work in teh empire state building so if my alarm clock didn't go of i would have been there.we still are up waititng to hear from our friends in wtc2.no one knows where thay are.we've been calling st. vincent's hospital and all phone lines have been down on anf off all day.our cells don't work even now and it's 12:40.i'm gonna go but i'll talk to you guys soon.you don't know how much i honestly appreciate you guys asking.it';s a great act of human kindness.thanks friends
Good to hear guys!
Yea both my brothers work for Morgan Stanley, One was there and the other was was doing distribution. Thank God he was on the third floor when he seen everyone running out of the biulding. He seen the first one on fire and didnt give it much thought but figured he should get out when everyone was running. Im from long island originally so I paniced when this all happened. Lots of friends and relatives live in the city. So far I Got in touch with most of them. A few of my old buds still havnt got in touch with thier family yet so Im waitting.
Fast R
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