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Thread: Advertising ruining TV???

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Advertising ruining TV???

    I saw another thread about how TV is beginning to suck and reality shows bite.
    I feel it is greed for advertisors money. Here is the first example. A close friend of mine is high up in the entertainment industry. He knows a lot of the inside stuff before it happens. I always hated Britany Spears just due to the fact that I hate all attention whores. I got stuck watching Access Hollywood and Britany Spears was being talked about AGAIN. It seemed aggrivating that she seems to be talked about on that show EVERY WEEK and always in a good way. You know they brought up her kissing Madona and her wedding and how Justin was shocked about the kiss (no he wasnt, he could have gave a **** less about her kissing madona). Anyway. Come to find out, Britanys publicist PAYS ACCESS HOLLYWOOD to do interviews with Britany and to always put Britany in the spotlight everyweek. They pay Access Hollywood and that other show right after it to mention her very often. Usually it is the other way around ACCESS usually pays the actor or what not just to have them on the show.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    attention whores...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    The other thing with advertising. Monster garage is just ruined. Everyone and their mother is trying to get their product sponsored on monster garage. Chevy, Ford, UHAUL, etc. MG is starting to build some of the GAYEST crap possible just to get free crap from sponsors. A wrestling ring in the back of a uhaul truck. It was the worst episode EVER. Freebies up the ass. Whats the point of having to build stuff if you have FREE ENGINES, free wheels, free everything.

    American Chopper. What kind of bike is he gonna build next? A DORRITOS bike??
    Every company is begging to GIVE THEM FREE STUFF just so their name will be said on tv. SNAP ON TOOLS had them build a custom chopper and in edtion to buying the bike, OCC got almost 100k worth of tools, tools chests, etc. Then they had to build an AMERICAN WELDING BIKE. In addition to the price of the bike, they also got every type of welder they could want for their shop.
    Just as long as their name was said a certain number of times and their product logo was shown a certain amount of times.
    Monster house is getting the same way.
    Reality tv is the same way. Sure sponsors deserve to have their names shown if they are paying but: It kinda ruins it when the entire episode is arranged so that the name is mentioned so many times.

    It is even stipulated in the editing contract that the final on air show has SAID NUMBER of times product placement name and logo shown. So if they film for a month and have 10 hours of film to edit into 45 minutes of air time, the editor HAS TO find (lets say 20) times the product was mentioned and maybe 20 times the logo was actually shown. If less, they can be sued and if more the editor get reamed up the ass.

    Reality TV. How can you call it that when EVERYONE has a script to read. They do 20 takes just on the entrance of the whores or the bachelors. They have certain lines to say when saying hello. etc. It is just so bogus. Even SURVIVOR has certain things they need to work into the show.

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