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Thread: My Diary. Clen+ECA+DNP.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    My Diary. Clen+ECA+DNP.

    . I asked this question in the Steroid question section and no one could tell me why it would be harmfull for me to take an ECA while on Clen.

    Starting out on clen and eca untill my DNP gets here. Should be here in 7-10 days. I'll then drop the clen but stay on the eca.
    I've been training for 4 1/2 yrs and have never done a cycle.

    I did an 8 day test run on Clen and got off it 8 days prior to starting this cycle. Felt jittery but ABSOLUTLY NO THERMO EFFECTS FROM IT.

    mid 20's
    218 starting weight
    Normal BP: 130/60
    Resting h/r= 53 bpm
    I'm pursuing a professional athletic career in my sport and need to drop fat to be faster. Upper body muscle needs to be kept moderate but i can build as big a pair of wheels as i possibly can.

    I workout for my sport on average of about 1 1/2 2 hrs a day. Lift on average 3/4- 1 1/4 hours a day. I have one day off from my sport usually on Mondays and off from the gym usually on sundays. I'm professinally coached by what some would say is the top coaching company in the world. I train w/ a h/r monitor that i'm able to d/l to my puter for post workout analysis. I'll try to log as much info as possible. ALL QUESTIONS AND COMMENT ARE APPRECIATED.

    Day 1

    First day back in the gym in 10 days. Had a BIG event i needed to qualify for. I don't lift while competing.

    Major muscle leg day.

    GYM 8:00am.workout 1 hour 14 minutes. average h/r= 134.
    Had a phenominal day in the gym. I haven't had legs this fresh in 4 months. It feels good to be recovered!

    Sport: Day off.
    Last edited by Mealticket; 03-26-2005 at 04:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Slept well last night. no problems.
    bp/ 144/74. Up a little but not worried.
    resting h/r: 63bpm

    Day 2.
    Minor muscles leg day+ chest and bi's
    60mcg: 9am
    60mcg: 4pm
    Sport: 2:30pm -105 minutes average h/r 153bpm.
    Gym: 6pm -47 mintes average h/r 151bpm

    Felt good today. Legs hurt first 1/2 hour in my sport from liftin so hard day before. Gym work felt good. Chest felt strong. tagged my add and abbductors hard. Hipflexors felt strong.
    Feel slight shakes but no increase in temp.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Slept well.
    b/p 143/77
    resting h/r 74

    Major muscle leg day+ calf
    80mcg 9am
    80mcg 3pm
    eca 11am
    eca 5pm
    gym 6:30pm 37 minutes. average h/r 157
    Sport 8:00pm 75 minutes. average h/r 143

    Took it easy on legs today. Still sore from Monday. Hit calfs pretty hard. Sweating was a lil more than usually in the gym. Feel no thermo effect other than that. I've got the shakes. not noticable unless i hold my hand out. I'll stick @ 160 for 2 more days then bump up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Slept well last night.
    b/p 126/66
    resting h/r 74
    Minor muscle leg day+ shoulders

    80mcg 8:30 am
    80mcg 2:30 pm
    eca 11am
    eca 3pm
    eca 5:30pm
    Gym 11:00am 54 minutes- ave h/r 131
    Sport 8:30pm 65 minutes- ave h/r 154

    Felt o.k. in the gym today. Nothing to special. muscles feel good. tomorrow should be a good lift. Got to sport prettty late. Did some sick intervals w/ h/r toppping over 200 bpm. No shortness of breath like the side effects r suppose to be.

    Had a headace the first 3 days. It's gone now. And so is about 20 ibuproffen i took. My shoulders got crapped post workout during stretching. Picked up some taurine @ GNC and took a 1000mg. Got some potassium as well. Havwen't taken it yet. Had a very very light sweat @ some points during the day, when i was really moving a lot. Sweated a lot more in the gym and during sport than i normally do. Feel good overall.

    Weight down to 216

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Slept well last night.
    b/p 126/66
    resting h/r 74
    Minor muscle leg day+ shoulders

    80mcg 8:30 am
    80mcg 2:30 pm
    eca 11am
    eca 3pm
    eca 5:30pm
    Gym 11:00am 54 minutes- ave h/r 131
    Sport 8:30pm 65 minutes- ave h/r 154

    Felt o.k. in the gym today. Nothing to special. muscles feel good. tomorrow should be a good lift. Got to sport prettty late. Did some sick intervals w/ h/r toppping over 200 bpm. No shortness of breath like the side effects r suppose to be.

    Had a headace the first 3 days. It's gone now. And so is about 20 ibuproffen i took. My shoulders got crapped post workout during stretching. Picked up some taurine @ GNC and took a 1000mg. Got some potassium as well. Havwen't taken it yet. Had a very very light sweat @ some points during the day, when i was really moving a lot. Sweated a lot more in the gym and during sport than i normally do. Feel good overall.

    Weight down to 216
    Why are you spacing only 2 1/2 hours between your ECA doses. You should give at least 5-6 hours between doses...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by daman1
    Why are you spacing only 2 1/2 hours between your ECA doses. You should give at least 5-6 hours between doses...
    c'mon bro. Look at the history. That was the ONLY day i had it taht close, and that was because of work. And 5-6 hours like you said is too close, if i want to get any sleep. The 1/2 life of ephedra is only 3 hrs!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    c'mon bro. Look at the history. That was the ONLY day i had it taht close, and that was because of work. And 5-6 hours like you said is too close, if i want to get any sleep. The 1/2 life of ephedra is only 3 hrs!!
    Ahh didn't see that. Also, the halflife isn't 3 hours. It is around 4-4 1/2. You space it out every 6 hours for good platelet aggregation. Anyways, good luck with it! I'll be watching.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sorry Bro's. My phone has been out of service and i've had no way of updating My journal. I'll recap for the last 5 days in this post.

    Slept well
    Major muscle leg day: Still sore from wed.

    90mcg @ 9am
    90mcg @ 3pm
    eca x 3 @ 4 hour intervals throughout day
    Gym 6:30am 51 minutes. ave h/r 149
    Sport off.

    Day 6
    slept well. Partied and had drinks last night. First and last time in 2 months i've had liquor.
    slept well.

    90mcg 8am
    90mcg 2pm
    eca x 3 @ 4 hour intervals throughout day
    Gym 9am 50 minutes. Forgot to wear h/r monitor
    Sport 5pm 148 minutes. ave h/r 151

    Day 7
    Slept good again.

    100mcg 10am
    100mcg 5pm
    eca x 3 @ 4 hour intervals throughout day
    Gym off
    Sport. 3pm 114 minutes ave h/r 151

    Got a small headache today. Nothing major. Felt exhausted and tired during sport.


    Total training time: 13 hrs 46 minutes
    Total k/cals burned during exercise alone. 11,123

    the only side affects from clen i'm seeing is Headache, shaking, higher b/p and elevated h/r I have no noticable increase in body temperature and no noticable sweating unless i'm in the gym. I train harder than EVERYONE. I'm feeling no shortness of breath of lack of energy during the workouts. I've taken the clen later in the day and noticed NO difference in my sleep prowless or patterns. More vascuality and hardness? NOT @ ALL. This stuff just makes me shake a little.

    Day 8
    bp 144/76
    resting h/r 76
    120mcg @ 9am
    120mcg @ 4pm
    eca x 3 @ 4 hour intervals throughout day
    Slept like a baby last night.
    Major muscle leg day. YA BABY!!

    gym 9:30am 53 minutes. ave h/r 154
    sport off

    Legs didn't feel super strong today. Just tired from all the training. But that's what periodization is all about!

    Holy **** i got a headace from this clen. 800mg IB twice 4 hrs apart finally kicked it.

    Day 9

    b/p 149/67
    resting h/r 81
    120mcg @10am
    eca x 3 @ 4 hour intervals throughout day

    GGGGRRRRR Headache again. And down we go w/ the ibuprofen.

    Gym off
    Sport. 3pm 67 minutes. ave h/r 152. That B-astard mainstreamed and refined intervals. God these hurt!!!!! But that's what it's all about baby!!!!!
    Last edited by Mealticket; 01-27-2008 at 01:40 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    day 10
    bp 131/74
    resting h/r 71
    Slept well.
    120mcg 8am
    120mcg 4:30pm
    eca x3 at 4 hr intervals throughout day

    Gym OFF- Sore as hizzell
    Sport- 3 pm 67 minutes. h/r ave 152

    I was tweaking like a mofo @ about 6pm. I was lit the fuk up. Not very hot but hrt felt very irregular.

    Day 11
    bp 147/76
    resting h/r 72
    gym 11 a.m. 44 minutes 152 ave h/r
    Sport- off
    120mcg 9am
    120mcg 4:45 pm
    eca x3 at 4 hr intervals throughout the day

    didn't feel real strong today. Still throwing up 300+ on the squat rack allthough i'm struggling to get my last 2 reps out of my 4th set. Did some 1 legged hack squats on the machine. WOW That hurts like a mug

    DNP got here today. Time to start it tomorrow morning.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    day 12

    bp/ 142/67
    resting h/r 71
    !!!OFF CLEN!!!
    200mg DNP @ 9:30am 1g calcium, 300mg ALA, 1g milk thistle,8000iu vit A,
    200mg DNP @ 6:10pm 2g calcium, 300mg ALA, 1g taurine, 1 prenatal supplement (4000 i.u. vit A, 120mg vit C, 400 i.u vit D, 30 i.u. vit E, 1.8mg thiamin, 1.7mg riboflavin, 20mg niacin, 2.6mg vit B6, 800mcg folic acid,8mcg vit B12, 200mg Calicum, 28mg iron, 25mg zinc)
    eca @ 9am
    eca @ 6:10pm

    gym- 9:25am 38 minutes ave h/r 124.
    sport- off
    Felt really weak in the gym today. H/r was much much lower. Obviously lack of clen. Body came off it hard today. Legs felt so-so. Kinda Blah. didn't sweat hardly @ all. sick of eating good. I've had nothing bad to eat in the past 11 days. Everyday @ least 1400 calories under daily expendature, w/ out the clen and eca effects.Today i ate seaseme chix/ brn rice. Pizza later that night. OHHH it's soo good. Back to diet tomorrow!! I got the ephedra shakes. Can really feel it come and go w/ the elevated blood levels. Haven't felt weird @ all from the DNP.
    Weight @ 214.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Day 13
    B/P 131/74
    resting h/r 71
    major muscle leg day.
    200mg @ 9am
    200mg @ 8pm
    9am 1g calcium, 300mg ALA, 1g milk thistle,8000iu vit A,
    6:10pm 2g calcium, 300mg ALA, 1g taurine, 1 prenatal supplement (4000 i.u. vit A, 120mg vit C, 400 i.u vit D, 30 i.u. vit E, 1.8mg thiamin, 1.7mg riboflavin, 20mg niacin, 2.6mg vit B6, 800mcg folic acid,8mcg vit B12, 200mg Calicum, 28mg iron, 25mg zinc)
    eca X 3 @ 4 hour intervals
    Sport- decided to take off for a couple days to see how i respond to the DNP. Better safe than sorry!
    gym 12:30pm 47 minutes. ave h/r 137. Recovered good from the lack of clen today. h/r felt more responsive to intense efforts and felt stronger on the squat rack today then i did on wednesday. Didn't feel any excessive heat in the gym. Later that night while laying on the couch i felt a little wamer, coud be the eca though. Had some hot flashes. Didn't want to take any chances while sleeping so i cracked the window and put the ceiling fan on. Ave temp in the room was about 57-59 degrees. Slept relatively well. If i don't feel any excessive heat after first initial dose tomorrow i'm going to go to 200mg 3x @ 4 hour intervals tomorrow
    Last edited by Mealticket; 03-13-2004 at 12:43 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    day 14.

    !!!!!Whoops!!!! Forgot to to tell you that my weight on day 13 had dropped to 211!! After my cheat day. LOL + You know i got to holding on H20 from all that MSG in the 2lbs of Chinese food i consumed.
    b/p is consistant w/ past reading.
    resting h/r=73
    200mg 8:30am
    200mg 3:30am
    200mg 7:15pm.
    eca and vitamins the same as above posts.
    Gym 10am 71 minutes. ave h/r=127. Back,bi's,shoulders.
    Sport 2:30pm 60 minutes. ave hr-145.

    Gym felt o.k. today. Much better than i was ecpecting to feel. Had less energy than normal obviuosly but nothing to shake a stick @. Sport was kind of tireing. Felt o.k. when my h/r was oin the 165-170 range. Anything above that and my body just couldn't supply me w/ the energy i needed. I slept o.k. last night. Went to Appelbee's. Drank 5 glasses of water in 45 minutes. I had boneless chicken wings. I seriously felt like a fat guy eating chicken wings, the way i was beading up sweat and huffing and puffing while i was eating. My resperation is up alot. It's also much harder to breath after i eat. I guess less room for the lungs to expand. Tossed and turned a bit but not bad in relation to the whore stories i've heard. Room temp was in lower 50's w/a tornado fan on my head. (refer to next nights sleep)

    Day 15
    Holy f-ing chit. Mother of GEEEEZZZZZZ-US. I sweat my ass off last night. Worst night of sleep i've had in a year. No joke. Every 15-25 minutes i had to switch out pillows 'casue the one i was lieing on was soaked!. WTF was i thinking taking my last dose yesterday as late as i did. LESSON LEARNED!! Learn from ME. Take last dose WAYYYYY earlier than i did.

    b/p 132/ 65
    resting h/r= 74.
    200mg 10am
    200mg 2pm
    200mg 4:30pm
    eca and vitamins same as above.

    Now that i knew what to expect because of the sweating @ night i went better this evening. Taking the dose earlier deffinately helped out.
    If i don't have air constantly blowing on me i'll bead up sweat in under 4 minutes. I mean bead up as in it's rolling off the top of my forhead. I go to take a piss in the bathroom w no fan and come back 30 seconds later and i'm allready sweating. It's not bad sitting or lying down to watch t.v. You can slightly move your head or legs every couple minutes and not really get uncomfortable at all. It's @ night when you lay motionless for 15-20 minutes that i soak whatever i'm lying on. Sport and gym are off today. I'm just to busy. NOt really lathargic though.

    Day 16
    200mg 9am
    200mg 11:30am
    eca and vitamins same as above.
    Gym 1pm 50 minutes. ave h/r 119. Sweating like a whore in church boys!!!! Yeah baby. Heavy leg day. I tried the less weight fewer reps regimen like a bunch of people have said to do and i didn't like it. If i had 60 lbs or 180 lbs on the leg extension machine i couldn't get it past 6 reps. It wasn't a matter of the weight i was pushing it was the reps i was doing. SO i go 80% a s heavy as normal on the single leg press, leg extension, and seated leg curl and am getting ready to call it a day. Don't want to overdue it! So i go get my bag (which is by my favorite piece of equiptment and debate for 2-3 minutes whether or not to hit the rack. So wtf, lets see what happens. So i load up 2 plates on each side and get ready to pop it up and decide, WTF. Lets go 3 plates on each side. (about 90% of what i normally rep for 4 sets of 6). I get under it and BOOM! I pop up first set of 5 like grandpa on Cialis. Felt good. @nd set Boom! pop it up again, 5 rep is a little harder than normal. 3rd set. Not such a big boom!. I barley get up my 4th and 5th rep, but i still get it up!. My consensus is that this DNP affects more so my abilitly to do high reps than it does my ability to rep higher weight @ lower reps. So i walk out of the gym feeling pretty darn good about throwing up that much weight @ the end of my workout while on DNP. \
    Oh YEAH!! Weighd myself today and i'm up 5lbs! Up to 216, must have a lot of water on.
    Sleep: Taking the Dnp wayyyy earlier than the fitst day helped out more than i can stress in this sentence. It seemed as though after 12 hrs passed the first night i was able to sleep for 2 hrs straight. Same dilly THE NEXT DAY. aFTER ABOUT 2:AM I WAS ABLE TO SLEEP CONSTANTLLY FOR MORE THAN 2 HRS. I'm going to take my last dose about the same time tomorrow and see what happens.

    Hope this journal is helping some of ya'll out. I'll post up tomorrow after my gym workout!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'm following this bro..just because I'm not piping in doesn't mean I'm not looking.

    Keep up the great job bro.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nice work on the journal

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Day 17.
    Came off the DNP Today. Sleep has been ridiculous. b/p still the same.
    Day 18-30

    I think today is around day 30.

    My final weight came down to around 210. So i guess i Lost 8 lbs give or take a couple.
    It took 10 days for all the water to come off. I held about 214 till about 7 or 8 days off and then started to lose a little more.

    On day 2 of coming off my DNP it felt like i went form zero to hero when i did my sport that day. But only that day. It was as though i had enough ATP and Glucose stores for only that day. I started carb loading the day i went off and ate serious amounts of carbs for 3-5 days after. Still, i couldn't seem to get any energy back in my legs. I would do intervals during sport and had enough for one or two. My legs just weren't getting enough juice to carry me through my training.
    My h/r wouldn't respond either. Normally @ full power feeling fresh for intervals i can easily get my heart rate up into the 205-215 range repeatedly. for the first couple days after i couldn't get it over 195.

    11 days out and i got really sick! I haven't had a fever in prob 3-4 yrs. I don't get sick often, and when i do i bounce back in a matter of 3-4 days. Well i've trained several yrs for the next couple months of competition i have. One of which i blew a couple days ago. I had a 101.5 temp and couldn't do sport that would have helped qualify me for the olympics. I did sport the follwing day and considering how bad i felt i did o.k.(top 10), but still did chitty overall.

    Getting sick was a direct result of the DNP. I guess it just weakened my immune system too much for what ever virus i caught. Like i said i haven't had a feaver in yrs, so i know it was the DNP that assisted me in getting sick. What's the point in losing 8lbs to get faster if you're too sick to compete?

    I'm not going to use DNP during competition ever again. @ least not within 4-6 weeks of a big event. If i was your everyday Joe Schmo then i'd cycle it again to drop weight. I'm one the most talented athletes in the nation in my sport and i won't use again unless i'm at least 6 weeks out from competition. I'm not trying to blow my own horn here @ all. I'm just trying to make whomever is reading this understand that i've dedicated my life to my sport that i do. It's not a pipe dream. I have a persoanl coach who i pay nicely to help kick my @$$. I am as almost as perfectly trained as you can be and follow everything to a T, and i got sick! I miscalculated, and i fuked up. I was very iognorant and didn't allocated a time frame in case i got sick from the DNP.I mean, i haven't had anything more than a cold for 4 years, i just forgot about getting sick. And it wasn't that i was THAT sick, i wasn't too bad, but it was just the time that i got sick could not have been timed more inconveniently for me. So instead of competing im lying in the hotel room 1000 miles from home sick! I've trained to long and hard to get sick from DNP.

    I'm just really disappointed that i didn't get to compete. I had a ligitimate shot @ qualifiying and representing the USA overseas in 2 weeks and getting my name too the top of the list for guys to watch for an olympic spot.
    In my sport it's as much politics for getting picked to go to the GAMES as it is qualifying. I got one more good shot in 4 weeks to get my name out there so i'll give it my all till then.
    Using the DNP was my own choice and i feel it was the wrong one for the time frame i allocated it's use for. Excuses are like @$$holes, everyone's got one!

    Since clen is on my banned substance list and no one really knows the detection time of it(it's not 3-5 days. Tha's impossible. It has @ least a 36 hr 1/2 life, do the math, there is no way it's out of your system in 5 days) i'm going to stay clear of it this next 4 weeks and just use my ECA. While DNP isn't on ANY IOC or 2004 WADA banned list for athletes i'm choosing not to use it again @ this time.

    I'll keep you guys updated on my progress and thanks for the support ya'll have offered!
    Last edited by Mealticket; 03-31-2004 at 12:43 PM.

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