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Thread: diet experts please lend me a hand

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  1. #1

    diet experts please lend me a hand

    ok lets say i need to eat 4000 calories a day. i know the best way to do that is by eating all the rigth foods in like 6-7 meals a day. but how bad would it be if i gor say 2500-3000 calories from protein and other shakes, maybe weight gainer????? just wondering. i mean i would still eat like 3 solid meals a day for carbs and proteins and calories but what about a big liquid diet for some of the meals?? 2500-3000 calories????????????? please give me any feedback u may have

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    2500-3000 cals from protein means you have to have at lease 625-750 grams of protein that is awhoooole lot a protein.. but what are you exacly tring to do wit this?

  3. #3
    i am wondering if i could eat like 2 or 3 meals a day of good food and have a few snacks and get the rest of everything from shakes. like if i got 250 or 300 grams of protein out of a total of 300 as day from protein shakes. like maybe i could have like 5 protein shakes a day and get 1200 calories from that and then get the rest of my calories from 2-3 meals and all shakes like weight gainer and other shakes. I just want to know if i can get the majority of the calories and protein i need from shakes so i dont have to bring food with me to school and work and everywhere i go.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    what are your stats..? and if your rying to gain weight get a weight gainer insted of pure whey...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by efunk33
    ok lets say i need to eat 4000 calories a day. i know the best way to do that is by eating all the rigth foods in like 6-7 meals a day. but how bad would it be if i gor say 2500-3000 calories from protein and other shakes, maybe weight gainer????? just wondering. i mean i would still eat like 3 solid meals a day for carbs and proteins and calories but what about a big liquid diet for some of the meals?? 2500-3000 calories????????????? please give me any feedback u may have
    Well thats hard to tell as no one knows for sure how much the body can use at one time as we all vary composition wise. But I would be safe to say that if you took 75% of your diet from protein, you would most likely be wasting some protein. You need carbs and fats in your diet. Also it depends on what your goal is, bulk up or cut up as they need different ratios of nutrients. Use the search button, read the stickys at the top of the page and come up with a good diet plan. We will then critique it for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    75% of protein from shakes is too much...2500-3000 calories from shakes will just make you fat...the nutrients will be hitting the bloodstream too fast and will force the body to store as fat.

    If you're really dedicated to the bodybuilding lifestyle there's no way around dragging food around with you everywhere you go. Just have pre-made meals that you can wolf down in a couple minutes where ever you may be.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    it cant be a money issue either because if you add up the cost of cheap sources of protein like tuna and eggs it doesnt go over the cost of all those over priced weight longhorn said too, the nutrients from shakes are absorbed too quick so you either dont get them all, or they are saturating your body.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    If your trying to eat 4000 to 5000 calories, using shakes is the easiest way, however over eating protein is not the best way to do so. instead make your shakes more dense with other macronutrients for example use quick cooking oats in your drinks, slow cooking oats are better but you need to grind them into a powder first. Add in MCT oils or flaxseed oils as well (the good fats). Your body can only use so much protein any more the body will use it as an energy source. Try not to mix your protein drinks in milk either. By adding in the oats your body will also metabolize better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by phase
    If your trying to eat 4000 to 5000 calories, using shakes is the easiest way, however over eating protein is not the best way to do so. instead make your shakes more dense with other macronutrients for example use quick cooking oats in your drinks, slow cooking oats are better but you need to grind them into a powder first. Add in MCT oils or flaxseed oils as well (the good fats). Your body can only use so much protein any more the body will use it as an energy source. Try not to mix your protein drinks in milk either. By adding in the oats your body will also metabolize better.
    Good post Phase. I agree.

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