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Thread: Gh/Slin in my next cycle, Mods/Vets take a look.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Thumbs up Gh/Slin in my next cycle, Mods/Vets take a look.

    Ok fellas this is a big cycle running 6 months... so any input would be greatly apprecited. I'm starting mid April, so here it is.

    Gh - 4iu/day, week 1-24
    Dianabol- 50mg/day, week 1-6
    Test Cyp or Eth - 1g/week, week 3-20
    Deca - 600mg/week, week 3-11, 400mg/week, week 12
    Winstrol- 200mg/week, week 11-20
    Humalin R - 20iu/day, Week 6-10, week 14-18
    Hcg 1500iu/week, week 22, 3500iu/week, week 23
    Clomid 100mg/day week 23 and 24

    So i'm running my test in week because it takes about 6-8 weeks for gh to take effect and with that it takes test 3-4 to kick in. 50mg of dbol a day because 17aa's release greater levels of IGF-1 which works great with Gh. Starting with 5iu/postwork with slin and working my up each day to a 10/10 split (Breakfast/Postworkout) and other then that 10, 500iu shots of Hcg 10 days after my last test injection combining that in week 23 with 100mg's of clomid a day for 2 weeks, This should have my system working the right way again. So any suggestions would be great! Peace. GQ

  2. #2
    The GH is doing it's thing the first time you inject. Unlike AAS, there is no plasma level buildup. It does its thing and is gone in a very short time. The reason you don't notice things immediately is because it'll take an additive effect of the GH administrations to actually "see" results of any kind. I'd start the test right away. 17aas do increase IGF-1 somewhat. I'd use humalog over R every time. I also think the winny dose is low. I'd switch out winny for some tren, but that's just preference.
    GH + slin + test + anything is amazing.....good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    The GH is doing it's thing the first time you inject. Unlike AAS, there is no plasma level buildup. It does its thing and is gone in a very short time. The reason you don't notice things immediately is because it'll take an additive effect of the GH administrations to actually "see" results of any kind. I'd start the test right away. 17aas do increase IGF-1 somewhat. I'd use humalog over R every time. I also think the winny dose is low. I'd switch out winny for some tren, but that's just preference.
    GH + slin + test + anything is amazing.....good luck
    Thanks a lot for the info man, I'm in the progress of changing little parts of my cycle... Peace

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I agree start the test from day 1. Your hcg could be run at 500iu e4d, the active life of hcg is about 64 hourd so there's no need to inject more then once every 3 days. Run it through out the cycle it'll keep the boys alive and help with recovery, because you won't be trying to bring the boys back from the dies so to speak.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Why not swap the humilin R for humalog! don't have to watch your fat intake for as long. Also would be a good idea to monitor your BG till you get the slin dosing just right!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    Why not swap the humilin R for humalog! don't have to watch your fat intake for as long. Also would be a good idea to monitor your BG till you get the slin dosing just right!
    The only reason I have Humalin there is because i have access to it and I hear it is very effective, But I'm going to ask my source about humalog seeing as how it's only active for 2 hours in your system as opposed to Humalin which is active for 4 hours which ofcourse can be more dangerous because of the longer half life. Believe me this is something i'm going to try hard to change and I think I will be able to get humalog instead.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    The only reason I have Humalin there is because i have access to it and I hear it is very effective, But I'm going to ask my source about humalog seeing as how it's only active for 2 hours in your system as opposed to Humalin which is active for 4 hours which ofcourse can be more dangerous because of the longer half life. Believe me this is something i'm going to try hard to change and I think I will be able to get humalog instead.
    Just to clarify, the windows of activity for the different slins are as, if not more, important than their peaks of activity. Consider Humalog active for 4-5 hours and adjust your diet (fat intake) accordingly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Just to clarify, the windows of activity for the different slins are as, if not more, important than their peaks of activity. Consider Humalog active for 4-5 hours and adjust your diet (fat intake) accordingly.
    Thanks for the info and the link

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    chi town
    I read about your cycle. You're alot more experienced than I am. I just wanted to ask you what of the body is best for gh. Some say the lower stomach and I've also heard on the arm. If I could get your advise, I would really appeciate it Thanks.

  10. #10
    SubQ is what most will do. Some say they notice fat loss at the injection site. Most will use the stomach area because it's easy, and there may be potential for site-specific fat loss. If you aren't convinced of the potential of the site-specific fat loss, then shooting subQ anywhere would be fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Ademokoya
    I read about your cycle. You're alot more experienced than I am. I just wanted to ask you what of the body is best for gh. Some say the lower stomach and I've also heard on the arm. If I could get your advise, I would really appeciate it Thanks.

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