Hi bros
I am planning my third cycle and i would like some advice for a third cycle but first let me explain my situation, right now fund are low and ill be going back in school in 5 month soo i want to hit the sauce one last time. Since after that the budget gonna be even tighter for the next 3 year.. I am 23 215 lbs 5'9" i have already done 500 mg of test e. and 25-40 mg d-bol for 10 week and also made prop winny var for 6 week.. at aprox 125 mg eod 50 mg ed and 30 mg ed...
For my third cycle, i wanted to try omnadren maybe 1 ml eod i also have a 10 ml qfs prop (50mg/ml) available maybe for kickstarting.. I have enough clenbuterol for 10 week and some dianabol 5 mg thai if that could be usefull.. My question is should i add deca? i have access to organon yellow top and pvl deca or orbit... Will adding deca to the cycle make a big difference since i am low on cash and what brand would you use?.. I will use clomid for pct and have novaldex on hand in case i dont think ill need hcg...
Sorry for the long post help would be very appreciated..
Thank you!