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Thread: Help, Need to know if My cutting Diet is good and whether u guys measure everything?

  1. #1

    Help, Need to know if My cutting Diet is good and whether u guys measure everything?


    Here is my cutting diet :

    My old cutting diet used to be this and currently is this:

    Meal 1:
    1 Bagel (whatever kind i got)
    1 Banana
    2 Scoops whey / water
    Coffee + 2 table spoon sugar + some milk

    Meal 2:
    1 cup rice or pasta or noodles or whaetver carb
    2 Scoops whey + water

    Meal 3:
    1 cup rice or pasta or noodles or whatever carb
    2 scoops whey + water

    Workout my regular split routine
    Cardio 25mins low intensity after workout

    Meal 4:
    PWO Shake = 2.5 scoops Whey + 2.5 Fruits + maybe some almonds

    This is my current diet, so far im getting stronger etc.. and fat somewhat shedding but at a snail's pace. I maybe lost some fat past 2 months, but this gut is still there and kicking.

    I have some fears of eating too clean or eating too weird, family members critcize "wtf u measuring" if i measure ill get into an argument. Or if i eat too clean and look too thin, i dont like that. I like to lose fat in baby steps and gain some muscle as well.

    I'm 6'2 204lb as of this morning. Last time i did a BF % I was around 15-16%

    I just wanna have some sizable mass, and have a flat stomach, been VERY VERY difficult to achieve that. Everytime i eat too clean or cut too much to 190lb, my msucle mass suffers, and my fat goes down alot but never reaching that flat stomach state, alwas a belly hanging. I been trying not to eat too clean, and allow gain muscle - lose fat motto to work, thats been hard. muscle goes up, fat does not go down in that motto. or maybe fat goes down at a snail's pace or stays the same.

    That diet was around 2600cals , the one where i gain mass/lose fat simulatenously.

    I'm just self concious when i get too thin when i cut or when i get too fat when i bulk. Isn't there a medium! Homestasis! Isnt that the word for balance between muscle/fat.

    So , I read the Diet cutting sticky thing, sounds fine, i just need a routine to follow on a daily basis, if measuring is requierd / buying own food then so be it. I'll have some bumps in the road ie, family invitations, dinners? wtf do u then? if u tell em ur on a diet they'll look at u like a fruit, "dont a girl, eat a steak" eat some fries. "ur already thin, u dont need to diet" shit like that.

    What to do? also, i often eat my mom's salad at will, its mostly letuce, tomatoes etc.. lemon juice, vinaigre, some olive oil, i eat that at will, i dont really count that in cal intake. However the rice she makes, flashes when u look at ti, i assume she pours in eggs/oil and whatever to make it, some recipe. So what do u guys do?

    What do u guys do? Measure ur own food? cook ur own food, dont go out? or go out and bring ur own food, and look like afool, ? Waiting a reply

    Just wanna achieve my goals of losing this gut by not looking too thin or mayb eeven gain some mass.

    Waiting some replies.


    -Sync NOW.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Last edited by svarturer; 02-22-2012 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #3
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    Last edited by svarturer; 02-22-2012 at 02:40 PM.

  4. #4
    bro, 4 meals is good , 6 would require me to wake up early.

    i wake up at 10:30 am these days, and go to school in afternoon then come back at night.

    6 meals is difficult...
    4 is easier to achieve, 6 would require mega work and is it that much difference? So let me know, what to tweak in my diet.

    I mean im willing to do everything to the T, i just want results. i know there will be obstacles coming from family/friends. "u fruit stop measuring!" or wtf u on a diet, so gay, drink a beer , etc..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SyncNOW

    Here is my cutting diet :

    My old cutting diet used to be this and currently is this:

    Meal 1:
    1 Bagel (whatever kind i got)
    1 Banana
    2 Scoops whey / water
    Coffee + 2 table spoon sugar + some milk

    Meal 2:
    1 cup rice or pasta or noodles or whaetver carb
    2 Scoops whey + water

    Meal 3:
    1 cup rice or pasta or noodles or whatever carb
    2 scoops whey + water

    Workout my regular split routine
    Cardio 25mins low intensity after workout

    Meal 4:
    PWO Shake = 2.5 scoops Whey + 2.5 Fruits + maybe some almonds

    This is my current diet, so far im getting stronger etc.. and fat somewhat shedding but at a snail's pace. I maybe lost some fat past 2 months, but this gut is still there and kicking.

    I have some fears of eating too clean or eating too weird, family members critcize "wtf u measuring" if i measure ill get into an argument. Or if i eat too clean and look too thin, i dont like that. I like to lose fat in baby steps and gain some muscle as well.

    I'm 6'2 204lb as of this morning. Last time i did a BF % I was around 15-16%

    I just wanna have some sizable mass, and have a flat stomach, been VERY VERY difficult to achieve that. Everytime i eat too clean or cut too much to 190lb, my msucle mass suffers, and my fat goes down alot but never reaching that flat stomach state, alwas a belly hanging. I been trying not to eat too clean, and allow gain muscle - lose fat motto to work, thats been hard. muscle goes up, fat does not go down in that motto. or maybe fat goes down at a snail's pace or stays the same.

    That diet was around 2600cals , the one where i gain mass/lose fat simulatenously.

    I'm just self concious when i get too thin when i cut or when i get too fat when i bulk. Isn't there a medium! Homestasis! Isnt that the word for balance between muscle/fat.

    So , I read the Diet cutting sticky thing, sounds fine, i just need a routine to follow on a daily basis, if measuring is requierd / buying own food then so be it. I'll have some bumps in the road ie, family invitations, dinners? wtf do u then? if u tell em ur on a diet they'll look at u like a fruit, "dont a girl, eat a steak" eat some fries. "ur already thin, u dont need to diet" shit like that.

    What to do? also, i often eat my mom's salad at will, its mostly letuce, tomatoes etc.. lemon juice, vinaigre, some olive oil, i eat that at will, i dont really count that in cal intake. However the rice she makes, flashes when u look at ti, i assume she pours in eggs/oil and whatever to make it, some recipe. So what do u guys do?

    What do u guys do? Measure ur own food? cook ur own food, dont go out? or go out and bring ur own food, and look like afool, ? Waiting a reply

    Just wanna achieve my goals of losing this gut by not looking too thin or mayb eeven gain some mass.

    Waiting some replies.


    -Sync NOW.
    How do you think we can critique your diet without macros. List them please, for each meal and final (cals, fat, carbs, protein).

    The point of a cutting diet isn't to lose weight fast, it's to keep your lean muscle and slowly shed the fat away (around 1.5 lbs per week).

    I will give you a few suggestions so you don't post the same pitiful diet up again:
    1) Lose the milk
    2) Bagel.....Nah, drop it. Add oats. Remember your banana is around 27g carbs.
    3) Sugar....your kidding right?
    4) Limit your whey intake to PWO only.
    5) I hope for meal #2, your pasta is WW and the rice is brown or wild.
    6) Keep cardio in the am on an empty stomach. Start out at around 35 min and work your way up to an hour.
    7) Generally speaking, don't mix macros i.e fats/carbs in the same meal.
    8) You know fruit PWO only replaces liver glycogen and doesn't perform the same way as dextrose right?
    9) PWO, I have 2 scoops whey and 1 cup oats. Done! easy and fast. 1 hour later have a PPWO meal (pro/carb as well).
    10) Eat about 6 meals per day, split up so they are 2.5 to 3 hours apart.
    11) Eat lots of broccoli/spinach or lettuce for most meals. Great nutrients and works as an excellent "filler."
    12) You read the cutting sticky but you didn't understand it again, fvck, search others cutting diets. Svartur put up that link that has many of AR's cutters that have worked what diet you like best to your stats/needs.
    13) Make sure to eat lean protein with EVERY meal.

    No way in hell thats 2,600 calories your currently taking.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Last edited by svarturer; 02-22-2012 at 02:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SyncNOW
    bro, 4 meals is good , 6 would require me to wake up early.

    i wake up at 10:30 am these days, and go to school in afternoon then come back at night.

    6 meals is difficult...
    4 is easier to achieve, 6 would require mega work and is it that much difference? So let me know, what to tweak in my diet.

    I mean im willing to do everything to the T, i just want results. i know there will be obstacles coming from family/friends. "u fruit stop measuring!" or wtf u on a diet, so gay, drink a beer , etc..
    Don't complain to us about waking up early......either do it or don't!!!!!
    I'm planning on 8 meals when I bulk and ya I'm in college too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by SyncNOW
    bro, 4 meals is good , 6 would require me to wake up early. Is waking up at a decent hour too dificult? He suggested six, as do I. Minimum of 5.

    i wake up at 10:30 am these days, and go to school in afternoon then come back at night. Unless you go to bed at 3am, maybe try getting up a bit earlier.

    6 meals is difficult...
    4 is easier to achieve, 6 would require mega work and is it that much difference? So let me know, what to tweak in my diet. 6 meals is "mega work"??? How do you think we all do it? Hell, I'll even do 8 a day when I'm bulking. I don't consider it any work at all.

    I mean im willing to do everything to the T, i just want results. i know there will be obstacles coming from family/friends. "u fruit stop measuring!" or wtf u on a diet, so gay, drink a beer , etc.. There are always sacrifices to be made. Your passion defines your priorities.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005

  10. #10
    Allow me to hand you everything on a silver platter.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    well said, buffsob

  12. #12
    Well i'm doing my best considering its a struggle to diet , lift, cardio. Its easy to diet , lift cardio, when u look good and are happy. But when ur kinda depressed and have a gut, and low mass, its harder to diet , lift and cardio and to stick with it.

    I have a phobia fear, whenever i cut by eating too low cal, i feel im losing lots of mass and start paranoing, whenever i eat too high cal, i feel like im getting fat and ugly, and paranoi.

    I just want a medium. I wanna lose fat without having to worry about my muscles looking too thin. Thats my main priority.

    Regarding waking up early, i go to bed at 1am yet fall asleep at 2-3 am, that explains waking up at 10:30. I have trouble sleeping , i have stress from life.

    Meal 1 :
    Bagel Or 1 cup Oatmeal (50G Carb -5 G Fat)
    1 Banana (25G Carb)
    2 Scoops Whey Protein (50G Protein)
    Coffee (10G Sugar)

    Meal 2:
    1 Cup Rice (50G Carb)
    Shrimps (40G Protein)

    Meal 3:
    1 Cup Rice (50G Carb)
    Shrimps (40G Protein)


    Meal 4:
    PWO Shake :
    2.5 Scoops Whey + Fruits or Dextrose. (65G Protein + 70G Carb)
    Frankly id prefer fruits cuz dextrose is liquid and not filling.
    So id prefer fruits as its solid food.
    Maybe pop in a low cal yogurt. some almonds. (10G Carb + 10G Protein + 10G Fat)

    Thats bout it.

    Macro BreakDown: 265 Carbs / 205 Protein / 35 Fat
    Calories : 1060 + 820 + 315 = 2195 Calories

    Physical Stats: 6'2 Height, 202lb BodyWeight , 25 Age.

    Goals : Lose alot of fat while gaining some muscle or at least appear to look big and not skinny. Just the appearance of looking big while i cut will suffice, no need for it to be real mass. The pump will suffice to satisfy my confidence,
    self esteem and worries.

    Waiting replies for this post.


    -SYNC NOW.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cutting sticky! do some searches!

    No PPWO meal! Still with the sugar!

    If you force yourself to wake up earlier, do AM cardio, eat properly, train later in the day you may find yourself having an easier time falling asleep.

    put some effort into revamping the diet AND lifestyle, bro.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SyncNOW
    Well i'm doing my best considering its a struggle to diet , lift, cardio. Its easy to diet , lift cardio, when u look good and are happy. But when ur kinda depressed and have a gut, and low mass, its harder to diet , lift and cardio and to stick with it.

    I have a phobia fear, whenever i cut by eating too low cal, i feel im losing lots of mass and start paranoing, whenever i eat too high cal, i feel like im getting fat and ugly, and paranoi.

    I just want a medium. I wanna lose fat without having to worry about my muscles looking too thin. Thats my main priority.

    Regarding waking up early, i go to bed at 1am yet fall asleep at 2-3 am, that explains waking up at 10:30. I have trouble sleeping , i have stress from life.

    Meal 1 :
    Bagel Or 1 cup Oatmeal (50G Carb -5 G Fat)
    1 Banana (25G Carb)
    2 Scoops Whey Protein (50G Protein)
    Coffee (10G Sugar)

    Meal 2:
    1 Cup Rice (50G Carb)
    Shrimps (40G Protein)

    Meal 3:
    1 Cup Rice (50G Carb)
    Shrimps (40G Protein)


    Meal 4:
    PWO Shake :
    2.5 Scoops Whey + Fruits or Dextrose. (65G Protein + 70G Carb)
    Frankly id prefer fruits cuz dextrose is liquid and not filling.
    So id prefer fruits as its solid food.
    Maybe pop in a low cal yogurt. some almonds. (10G Carb + 10G Protein + 10G Fat)

    Thats bout it.

    Macro BreakDown: 265 Carbs / 205 Protein / 35 Fat
    Calories : 1060 + 820 + 315 = 2195 Calories

    Physical Stats: 6'2 Height, 202lb BodyWeight , 25 Age.

    Goals : Lose alot of fat while gaining some muscle or at least appear to look big and not skinny. Just the appearance of looking big while i cut will suffice, no need for it to be real mass. The pump will suffice to satisfy my confidence,
    self esteem and worries.

    Waiting replies for this post.


    -SYNC NOW.
    You didn't even read out suggestions did you? Why should we give more suggestions when you barely changed your diet??

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    cutting sticky! do some searches!

    No PPWO meal! Still with the sugar!

    If you force yourself to wake up earlier, do AM cardio, eat properly, train later in the day you may find yourself having an easier time falling asleep.

    put some effort into revamping the diet AND lifestyle, bro.
    Notice that keyword..... LIFESTYLE.

    Do you really think looking good makes it easier to diet, train, cardio, etc. ??? It takes the same amount of effort whether you look good or don't. So what if you're depressed about how you look now? You think all of us just woke up looking the way we do? Hell no! A lot of us were skin and bones when we began training. And even more of us started out looking like fat slobs with less muscle tone than a canned ham.

    I suggest you man the **** up. So you're depressed and insecure with the way you look. Welcome to the club. But how do you expect to change that unless you actually put forth some effort???

    I don't mean to sound like a jackass, but you need a wake up call. With the outlook and attitude you currently have, failure is inevitable. You've been given advice and failed to utilize it. Yes, you're diet is horrible and needs lots of work. But what's more important is your attitude. If you can't change that, then what's the point?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    SyncNOW you are getting some harsh words now. But it is simply because each and everyone of us that has posted in this thread know how hard it is to bust our ass.

    I had insomnia to the point where I was happy if I could get 3 hours of sleep, I still got up a hour early so that I could do cardio before classes. Already in high school I always got shit for eating my own food at lunch instead of the one the school serves and for brining protein shakes instead of bear to the parties.

    Point is we have all sacrificed alot to achieve goals. Getting lean is hard work. If your family or friends cant accept what you are trying to achive tell them to **** off.

    The advice given in this thread is all you need to follow. Read through the post carefully and follow the advices. Remove the obstacles from your mind and life.

    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    1) Lose the milk
    2) Bagel.....Nah, drop it. Add oats. Remember your banana is around 27g carbs.
    3) Sugar....your kidding right?
    4) Limit your whey intake to PWO only.
    5) I hope for meal #2, your pasta is WW and the rice is brown or wild.
    6) Keep cardio in the am on an empty stomach. Start out at around 35 min and work your way up to an hour.
    7) Generally speaking, don't mix macros i.e fats/carbs in the same meal.
    8) You know fruit PWO only replaces liver glycogen and doesn't perform the same way as dextrose right?
    9) PWO, I have 2 scoops whey and 1 cup oats. Done! easy and fast. 1 hour later have a PPWO meal (pro/carb as well).
    10) Eat about 6 meals per day, split up so they are 2.5 to 3 hours apart.
    11) Eat lots of broccoli/spinach or lettuce for most meals. Great nutrients and works as an excellent "filler."
    12) You read the cutting sticky but you didn't understand it again, fvck, search others cutting diets. Svartur put up that link that has many of AR's cutters that have worked what diet you like best to your stats/needs.
    13) Make sure to eat lean protein with EVERY meal.

    No way in hell thats 2,600 calories your currently taking.
    Except 4 and 8 I could not agree more(there are plenty of other carbs in fruits than fructose so they work excelent pwo).

  17. #17
    Yea i read the sticky, i read the diet recommendations and everytihng looks good. I'm ready to establish it. BTW having a positive attitude doesn't come overnight, positive attitude is established as you get closer to your goals. Offcourse when you are still in the hole, things don't look great, and you cant have a positive attitude 24/7 when you keep failing.

    I never quit really, i'm always trying, i'm doing things in small baby steps as to allow myself to adjust. I'm improving my sleeping habits etc..

    For me baby steps is key, anything too big will cause me to get lost and fall back. I'm trying to lose fat and keep my muscle intact in baby steps, where in past SPEED was essence , losing fat FAST was essence and that's why i kept on failing.

    NWAY, eating like you guys do, maybe is that too extreme? Eating nothing but oatmeal cardboard and 2 other foods, isnt that a bit extreme and will contribute to more depression?

    I'm gonna read sticky post, even tho i read it already and basically will emulate the diet.

    BTW does whey cause a rash?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SyncNOW
    Yea i read the sticky, i read the diet recommendations and everytihng looks good. I'm ready to establish it. BTW having a positive attitude doesn't come overnight, positive attitude is established as you get closer to your goals. Offcourse when you are still in the hole, things don't look great, and you cant have a positive attitude 24/7 when you keep failing.

    I never quit really, i'm always trying, i'm doing things in small baby steps as to allow myself to adjust. I'm improving my sleeping habits etc..

    For me baby steps is key, anything too big will cause me to get lost and fall back. I'm trying to lose fat and keep my muscle intact in baby steps, where in past SPEED was essence , losing fat FAST was essence and that's why i kept on failing. If you want to take baby steps. Why not just do one... Cut first.. When your happy with the results bulk up. Many on this site say it's impossible to do both at the same time. (cut/add mass) Since you even stated your having trouble pick one and stick to it.

    NWAY, eating like you guys do, maybe is that too extreme? Eating nothing but oatmeal cardboard and 2 other foods, isnt that a bit extreme and will contribute to more depression?No you can have other foods (ie brown rice, yams, oats,chicken,tuna,turkey, extra leen beef, egg whites) it's a lifestyle as BUff stated. AND there are many creative recipieces to spice up the meals you need to quit moaning. Many have giving you advice

    I'm gonna read sticky post, even tho i read it already and basically will emulate the diet.

    BTW does whey cause a rash?

    See bold
    Last edited by JohnboyF; 09-16-2006 at 03:25 PM.

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