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Here is my cutting diet :
My old cutting diet used to be this and currently is this:
Meal 1:
1 Bagel (whatever kind i got)
1 Banana
2 Scoops whey / water
Coffee + 2 table spoon sugar + some milk
Meal 2:
1 cup rice or pasta or noodles or whaetver carb
2 Scoops whey + water
Meal 3:
1 cup rice or pasta or noodles or whatever carb
2 scoops whey + water
Workout my regular split routine
Cardio 25mins low intensity after workout
Meal 4:
PWO Shake = 2.5 scoops Whey + 2.5 Fruits + maybe some almonds
This is my current diet, so far im getting stronger etc.. and fat somewhat shedding but at a snail's pace. I maybe lost some fat past 2 months, but this gut is still there and kicking.
I have some fears of eating too clean or eating too weird, family members critcize "wtf u measuring" if i measure ill get into an argument. Or if i eat too clean and look too thin, i dont like that. I like to lose fat in baby steps and gain some muscle as well.
I'm 6'2 204lb as of this morning. Last time i did a BF % I was around 15-16%
I just wanna have some sizable mass, and have a flat stomach, been VERY VERY difficult to achieve that. Everytime i eat too clean or cut too much to 190lb, my msucle mass suffers, and my fat goes down alot but never reaching that flat stomach state, alwas a belly hanging. I been trying not to eat too clean, and allow gain muscle - lose fat motto to work, thats been hard. muscle goes up, fat does not go down in that motto. or maybe fat goes down at a snail's pace or stays the same.
That diet was around 2600cals , the one where i gain mass/lose fat simulatenously.
I'm just self concious when i get too thin when i cut or when i get too fat when i bulk. Isn't there a medium! Homestasis! Isnt that the word for balance between muscle/fat.
So , I read the Diet cutting sticky thing, sounds fine, i just need a routine to follow on a daily basis, if measuring is requierd / buying own food then so be it. I'll have some bumps in the road ie, family invitations, dinners? wtf do u then? if u tell em ur on a diet they'll look at u like a fruit, "dont a girl, eat a steak" eat some fries. "ur already thin, u dont need to diet" shit like that.
What to do? also, i often eat my mom's salad at will, its mostly letuce, tomatoes etc.. lemon juice, vinaigre, some olive oil, i eat that at will, i dont really count that in cal intake. However the rice she makes, flashes when u look at ti, i assume she pours in eggs/oil and whatever to make it, some recipe. So what do u guys do?
What do u guys do? Measure ur own food? cook ur own food, dont go out? or go out and bring ur own food, and look like afool, ? Waiting a reply
Just wanna achieve my goals of losing this gut by not looking too thin or mayb eeven gain some mass.
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