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Thread: Clen/T3 Cycle Questions

  1. #1

    Clen/T3 Cycle Questions

    Hello everyone,

    I'm very new to this site and new to taking clen/t3 in a liquid form. I have some questions and after some searching on the boards I've really ended up with more questions then when I started.

    Firstly, allow me to explain some details as it may help provide the correct information for myself and anyone else who happens to be in the same boat as me. I'm a 25 yr old male, 5'6", 30%bf and about 220lbs.

    I have taken cytomel and clenbuterol before however, I took them in tablet format and with a generic dosing chart that a friend of mine had compiled. After searching here it almost seems that depending on my height/weight/body type that dosing could be nearly custom tailored to suit me best. Is this correct?

    My sister is getting married in 6 months and I would like to drop as much weight as possible for this. Previously I was doing 8-10 week cycles, slowly ramping up the clen, stopping, then ramping back down, with the t3 I was ramping up, kept it at peak for 3 days or so and then ramped down. Provided I were to get the combo listed, what kind of dosing could anyone recommend to me?

    My last question aside from benadryl that I have just recently found out about on the boards, how useful is glucophage/metformin as a stack with the clen/t3? Is there anything else that I should or could stack with the clen/t3 that would help lower the bf%? I'm not as concerned with the muscle atm as I am with jumpstarting the decrease on my bodyfat, but anything and everything helps.

    Thank you so very much to whomever reads this and can provide me with help. I'm pretty desperate at the moment. Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    you forgot to mention your cardio regime. What is it?
    What does your diet look like?
    If these are not 100% then forget clen and t3.
    I have a clen FAQ in my sig you might want to look at.
    your T3 dosage schedule is totally flawed, you need to do some research, start by reading the t3 profile in the steroid profiles section.
    Glucophage will not help at all, it may even make you gain fat, unless you must take it for diabetes then leave it well alone.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the speedy reply, reading up on your advice now.

  4. #4
    I forgot to mention my cardio and diet. They were terrible, no cardio and my diet consisted of whatever was available. Since today is when I have begun my training.

    For cardio I ran approx 1 mile and as for the dieting, I had oatmeal w/honey, 2 hrs later a yogurt, lunch I had a chicken breast w/ one hard boiled egg, around 3 hrs later I had a cup of mixed veggies, for dinner I'm planning on eating light since I'm not too hungry, tunasalad with lite mayo. All of which has been washed down with water.

    I'm trying to drink as much water as possible. I've started my ECA stack again but I'm looking for something a bit more effective. Also, sorry for being a newbie at everything. Thank you very much for helping.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    you need to get your cardio and diet 100% before you consider any drugs. Working out your diet correctly will take a couple of hours but is an absolute must. The diet above sucks a big one im afraid.
    I was once over 30% bf and it took me a year to cut. Diet and cardio are the keys. The other stuff might help a little when you reach a plateau, it is not a crutch.
    Cardio should be done daily on an empty stomach for at least 30 mins.

  6. #6
    for me when I do crazy cardio, I can loose weight and eat anything in sight. I totally believe in dieting, but when i am doing my training, i burn soo many calories that i can eat anything in training i mean military...burn lots of calories just to keep body weight up.

    my point is, do more cardio than a run 1 mile. I know it is hard at first, but you gotta do more and longer. I'm in the same boat. I'm up from about 15% to 20% right now and my dbol cycle added too much weight so I'm trying to loose extra weight.

    perfect beast is on point though..dead on.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it. I'm pretty dumb when it comes to the real mechanics of actually cutting. I barely know the basics.

    I hate to be the one to ask this question, but where do you learn how to actually compile a good diet? I see alot of people with quite complex diets. I just barely know foods that are "good" for you. As for different foods, measurements, etc I dont know much.

    I'd love to be able to actually diet good and by dieting I dont mean like lean cuisine garbage that my sister gets into but just eating foods that work with my body for what I want to do and in the right proportions and at the right times. Again, thanks for all your help guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    if you read the "things to consider" FAQ in my sig it will set you on your way to making yourself a good diet. It does not have to be complex but it does have to be accurate. That is the part most people miss and they end up adding extras or snacking. This is not about "going on a diet" it is about changing your lifestyle for the better. Spend a few hours doing some research then post a diet up for critique in the diet section. You will get lots of help. A few hours out of your life is nothing when compared to the health benefits (and cosmetic benefits) a good diet provides.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I am doing 60 mg of clen and 20 mg of T3. This is hardcore shit, they really work well together.

  10. #10
    Running the clen/t3 combo myself almost to the 3rd week when i will use the benadryl at night for that week... Perfect beast will the side effects increase over time.. i'm up to the 120mcgs , feeling a little jittery, but not as shaky as I thought I would be... My other friend who is doing it ( not sure what amount he is taking ) but seems at the gym he is really shaky....

    thanks for any input.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    you need to get your cardio and diet 100% before you consider any drugs. Working out your diet correctly will take a couple of hours but is an absolute must. The diet above sucks a big one im afraid.
    I was once over 30% bf and it took me a year to cut. Diet and cardio are the keys. The other stuff might help a little when you reach a plateau, it is not a crutch.
    Cardio should be done daily on an empty stomach for at least 30 mins.
    Great except for one thing. I would never tell anyone to do cardio on empty stomach. Everyone is different, but I have seen alot of people pass out while doing cardio on empty stomach. just to be safe you should always have something to eat at least one hour before your cardio workout. i.e a piece of fruit, bowl of oatmeal.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Exclamation Im starting this tomorrow and need advice. Clen/t3 stack for fat loss

    I'm looking to loss fat. I'm going to stack clen and t3. I'm on a hard core diet which includes a daily intake of 60% protein/20% fat/10% carb and im only taking in around 2000 cal a day. My weight is 300 and my goal is to be 210 in 5 months which entails me to loss 18lbs a month which is a lot. My goals are high and are my focus.

    Im only planing to take t3 for one cycle. and Clen for 3 cycles which is 21 days on and 7 days off.

    Day 1 Clen 40mcg / T3 off
    Day 2 Clen 40mcg / T3 off
    Day 3 Clen 40mcg / T3 25mcg
    Day 4 Clen 80mcg / T3 25mcg
    Day 5 Clen 80mcg / T3 25mcg
    Day 6 Clen 80mcg / T3 25mcg
    Day 7 Clen 80mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 8 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 9 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day10 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day11 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day12 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day13 Clen 120mcg/ T3 75mcg
    Day14 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day15 Clen 80mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day16 Clen 80mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day17 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day18 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day19 Clen 40mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day20 Clen 40mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day21 Clen 40mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day22 Clen off / T3 50mcg
    Day23 Clen off / T3 50mcg
    Day24 Clen off / T3 50mcg
    Day25 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day26 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day27 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day28 Clen off / T3 25mcg

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