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Thread: Benifets of a No-Sugar diet.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Benifets of a No-Sugar diet.

    hey guys, im looking to cut down in body fat and a buddy of mine was telling me about a high protien NO sugar diet. He says you have to eat a source of protein every 2 hours to keep the protein levels high. The purpose of having no sugar is so that you body will take what it needs from stored fat. Is this true. My buddy competes, he weighed in at 175. shredded and he is only 5'7". hes a big boy. this is the diet he said he did before the show to loose all his fat. can anyone expand on this a little. Is this what you competitors do before shows. im currenty running 500 mg of eq and 400 mg of test cyp. Im looking to gain some muscle and lean out.

    i basically eat meats, white rice, and a gallon of water a day. about 200 mg of protein a day. i weight 190.

    is not eating any sugar bad for you. i take vitamins everyday seeing im not eating any fruits or vegs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I know if you eat alot of sugars it can give you a soft appearance. I cut out all added sugars. Just fruit, some honey, and such. I would eat veggies though but I have never competed "YET" either so......maybe some body with actual pre-contest dieting experience can help you out more.

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