Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:58 AM.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:58 AM.
bf i think is 12-14%, jus a rough estimation based on ur pics? how did you find your 1st injections?
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:58 AM.
Ok, well then good luck with that.
You seem to have done some research, which is good. But you already said why you shouldn't cycle, so why ask our advice?
I also don't think at your height/weight that you need to carb cycle
I agree, your bf is less than 18-20. Probably 14. But that doesn't mean you should cycle.
Bodyfat is not an issue, I would put him closer to the 10-11 range.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:59 AM.
Your goal of adding 5lbs of muscle should be easily obtained doing what you outlined in your original post. If it were me I would add in another 200-300 calories from fats and carbs and kick in some cardio if you see the bodyfat getting higher.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:59 AM.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:59 AM.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:59 AM.
too young
Good Luck!
how long have you been on that diet?
PCT Nolva Trib , Clomid Vit E and keep up your work out it might not be as fun as when your on juice.. but keep it up!!!
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:59 AM.
dude why even bother posting the picture of you in a sweater, stating that you are 300lbs? we cant see anything but your puffy jacket that you have on. and as far as cycling goes, if you dont have time to do cardio what makes you think that you are going to have time to hold on to the gains you make after the cycle?, bodybuilding isnt a part time hobby its a lifestyle. But you have already made up your mind that your going to cycle i just hope you be careful. in my mind i think you could of got alot more natural muslce if you would of just ate more, but to each is on. Good luck with your cycle and keep us updated.
Come on now, what sane human being would post this?
See a psychiatrist , and a nutritionist.
Not an insult, seems it would benefit you in many ways.
Scratches head in puzzlement..........refrains from commenting...
What a waste of good steroids.
Good Luck Kid.....
You will NOT be happy with the results of this cycle, as you do not know how to eat
as stated
GOOD LUCK !! you will need it
Think of it this way....
Why do you wanna be hitting the juice now and still be weak as fukk in the gym??? I don't understand??? What do you squat, deadlift, and bench??? Would you not be embarrassed of yourself if you had only a meager bench under 225 and wasn't able to press it without the juice..... GET UR WEIGHT UP, train natural, and get into the habit of things..... otherwise you doing this quick fix/short cut will end up with problems once the cycle is over (PCT depression) and won't be happy then will just think I need more and more.......
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 07:59 AM.
Your starting at a point where you clearly have put no effort into your diet, training or anything else for that matter. Your too young and you're just wanting to take a short cut.
Your asking questions on how to train and diet and how to improve when you should have that done a head of time and learned it..... thats ridiculous..... you haven't even learned how your body responds to any type of training or food.......
We are able to deal with PCT depression much easier cause one most built a solid foundation so that they can still lift a decent amount why they are in this phase.... two most know how to diet properly and know how they respond to food..... i think you'll crash pretty freaking hard at your weight and build once you come off and will have shut yourself down.....
Last edited by Reed; 02-24-2009 at 10:02 AM.
^^^^ That is what your doing wrong
But go ahead and outline your entire diet of what you eat the food sources and everything with meal timing etc.... not I eat like a horse or I eat about 30 grams of protein at this meal w/ 30grams of carbs etc. I want to see the food you are eating and the amounts and at what times
then outline your training routine, exercises performed, weight and reps.
you want help right????
Oh good lord, words fail me..
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.
Nope this is not what I wanted..... you just repeated everything
Needs to be like this
split the macros protein/carbs/fats/calories
Meal 1: 10 egg whites 50/0/0/250
1/2 cup of oats 6/27/2.5/150
PWO: 1 scoop of whey 21/4/1.5/150
etc etc
why??? you may ask so you know exactly what you are getting in everyday so you know you will be growing..... You can eat an equal amount of protein from different sources and not get the calories you need in order for your body to utilize. Example would be fish and steak..... saying you mix everything up seems to me that your diet is an absolute mess and you really DON'T have it organized in order to grow. Yeah you may have gained some weight but you sure thats 100% muscle or could it be fat and water.....
And at you size and weight why are you carb cycling????
Then your workout split needs to be outlined with detail you need to do the same exercises for a few weeks in a row in order to get better at THAT exercise then switch IMHO.... not one week I'll do lower chest, this week I'll do upper..... yes nice to confuse your body BUT you need to make sure you are getting better at that certain exercise otherwise you routine looks and sounds like a mess and you may not make the necessary improvements.....
do it like this
Incline Db press: 40lbs x10
50lb x8
BB squats: 135lb x10
145lb x8
etc and break down each day with the weight you do the, reps, exercises for each part etc..... the whole bit
sorry if this is may be too hard but you should have figured it out before you started to cycle... This is the type of stuff that is done in order to be successful....
Last edited by Reed; 02-24-2009 at 11:29 AM.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.
ok save the pics
Get that spread sheet or whatever you got and post it ASAP
then I'd start utilizing this thread as a log to keep track of your progress... If I was you I'd look into a better training routine. Keep track on the exercises and weights you are doing everyday in here so we can watch you progress hopefully. Take a look at my log in the cycle section to see how to do it right
The best thing would be to keep that log alllllll the way through PCT just so you can prove us wrong as most that start like this usually lose interest due to lack of gains and progress and stop updating.... will you be one of the many.... we will see
Reed, you are a better man than I for sticking with this.....!!!
I give up
You need food, not steroids.
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.
4th shot + 3 days = 9th day
Test e is not a fast acting testosterone you wont feel anything from it for a while give it another 2 weeks then report back on it.
So can you give us an example of some the your lifts in the gym??
Like what you pressed today and what you squat.....
Bump to my above questions??
Last edited by nonotone; 06-24-2011 at 08:00 AM.
What 30kg on bench...I did that in the 7th grade. WOW...
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