I dont know, I have seen a lot of people go from very calm to extremely aggressive using benzos.
the benzos will calm you down tho and if u do get in a confrontation you really dont give a fck cause thats what they seem to do
"make you not give a fck"
It's interesting how people think taking AAS will make you turn into the incredible hulk and blame loosing their temper on gear. When I am on test I actually feel more focused and no change in my attitude.....but I am not the "my new haircut" type who purposely throws dumbbells and plates around in the gym like an asshole.
chris brown blammed steroid for beating riahnna
When I take test I give out free aborations. I just push really hard on there stomach then when I am done I kiss my biceps and make my pecs bounce and yell next. Seriously self control if you are unable to control yourself when off steroids then you wont control yourself on them.
Roid rage is made up to scare kids.. like the Boogeyman and Michael Jackson.
There is no such thing as roid rage from a medical perspective other really than just psychological. Your ego just tends to grows while you are on gear is basically the reason behind the myth "roid rage".
when I get mad I just throw on some kenny g, lite the candles, run a bubble bath and write in my journal. I mean ahh ahh I go to the gym and kick some ass, yeah that's what I do, kenny g is for pussies! But really test is a mood elevator it makes me happy and confident, if you have mood swings maybe you don't inject often enough, keeping hormone levels stable is key to having a steady temperament.
this thread is a bit ridiculous. it is quite clear, that testosterone will increase your agression. it is the reason why men, are more aggressive than women. so all the things that normally annoy you. will just annoy you a little quicker now.
but that is not roid rage. roid rage is a term made up by the media. and it is the idea, that on roids, you will snap and possibly kill someone in a blind rage. which just isnt true, unless this is something you do in your normal life. but you still wont take your actions any farther, than you normally would. youll just get to your annoyance threshold quicker.
perfect example is me driving on the highway. when i am off cycle. and i come upon someone driving in the left(passing) lane. and they are not passing, just holding up traffic. i might pass 3 of them, before i start giving them the finger and hoinking my horn. but when im on cycle, i start flipping off the first one i come across. but im certainly not going to freak out, and run the person off the road, and beat them with a baseball bat. even though the law, should allow me to do this. lol
This thread is hilarious.
i'm so angry gggrrrrrrrr
Roid rage is a myth. It does not exist or else all the people on asthma medications would be killing each other in the streets.
the best thing for roid rage is a good old ass kickin, but then again a good old ass kickin also works on kids that dont listen in the mall, and so so so. so if you have some rage go get your ass kicked and you will feel much better.
Just smoke reefer and you'll be fine.
No seriously though its just a myth. If you're predisposed to anything then steroids will just amplify it. Acne, agression, etc. If you're typically a laid back person then you should not have any problems.
What is this roidrage myth you speak of ?
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