Hey wasup:
I´m a 25 year old male i´ve been working out for already about 6 years, i got a trainer 6 months ago and i´ve been working, dieting and taking supplements as a CRAZY ASS!
I haven´t seen a huge difference as i expetcted and it´s been already six months, my trainer is a very good one a lot of experts and body builders have told me so.
Anyway i´ve decided to go for the last alternative and i got a 10 ml ampoule of Trenabol Depot and another one of Masteron QV100, i´m very new to this it would be my first time i do it, but im very decided to do it, i´ve spent already thousand of dollars in training sessions, supplements, food, a lot of time and crazy EFFORT!!
I did read a whole article about Trenabol Depot, there´s just thing i´m very concerned about, the article mention this: "Since Trenabol Depot considerably reduces the endogenic testosterone production, the use of testosterone-stimu-lating compounds at the end of intake is suggested"
Which basically means my body wont be producing testosterone anymore???
and i will have to stimulate my body by taking testorone via artificial dosages foreves after i take trenabol? or it will be only for a while?
Can somebody answer that?
And also if the Trenabol Depot and MasteronQ100 mixed are good?
I would appreciate A LOT your answers don´t wanna do it until i´m very sure what im doing and that im not gonna mess my body that much, i just want to see results, i want t o be as ripped as possible and increase a little bit od muscle just a little, im doing modeling so i just need maximum definition, my trainer is a guru diet so he can hook me up with the diet but i just need advice about steroids since he´s not into steroids at all.
How would u recommend me to take them, are this steroids ok for me and my goal? should i just take any other? recommendations? suggestions?
Thanks guys i appreciate it A LOT!![]()