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Thread: Best ar-r pct first h drol cycle

  1. #1

    Best ar-r pct first h drol cycle

    190 lbs.
    17% bf
    what is the best pct for a 5-6 week cycle of hrol?????
    50/50/75/75/100/ and maybe 100 for wk 6
    I already have cycle assist milk thistle a multi and superpump 250.
    So should i use liquid clomid as well as liquidex or liquid stane.? Or will clomid suffice alone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Clomid at 50mg a day
    tamox at 20-40mg a day

    I always run h-drol at 100 way better results. I also run my PH for 6 weeks. My liver handles it very well. Other people I have seen have trouble going to 5.

  3. #3
    Ok ill up the dosage. Thanks for the heads up. So I shouldnt take an aromatize inhibitor????? like liquidex of liquid stane

  4. #4
    and shouldnt i taper them both clomid 50/50/25/25 tamox 40/40/20/20????

  5. #5
    So i ordered clomid and tamox. 40402020 on both is good????

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