Alright So i'll give you a little info before I tell you what happened. Im doin a cycle of test Cyp for 12 weeks of 400mg a week. I'm on something like my 10th week. I inject every monday night and friday morning.
Well today (ugh talking about it just pisses me off more) I was doing my normal routine. I started injecting into my quad and after I got done with like .2 ml or something the f%ckin needle DETACHED from the syringe, I don't know if it's cuz I started injecting to fast or what but I must have lost atleast .4ml or something, I was able to save some and inject that but WTF!! I had Test all over my leg.
Should I jsut consider this a loss and wait for Monday to come along, considering I should still have way more then normal test levels even if I didnt get the full .8ml in (Its cyp 250 so .8 is 200mg)?