Originally Posted by
I will start by saying that I have been on this site for a long time but rarely post. I am a big fan of the search feature and even google, so I usually find a lot of info that way. I appreciate the level of knowledge on this website but for someone like me who is not a nutrition expert, I feel sometimes there are too many opinions and too much info. This is better than not have enough but I'm afraid the more I read, the more likely I am to get myself into trouble. I appreciate any help.
Some personal info.
6'2" - 255lbs
BF ? Prob around 20, fat stomach but everything else is pretty tight. Never tested it though.
Goal for now is to drop some BF.
I have based this diet on the Milos Sarcev sticky at the top of this fourm, great videos. I guess before I ask questions if someone could give me some feed back on this that would be a good start. Thanks again.
Meal 1 8:00 AM Protein Shake with 1/2 cup of oats/natural PB and half a banana plus 2 slices WW Toast 52gPro 80gCarb No banana, no wheat toast, no PB. 1 cup of oats and 2 scoops whey.
Cardio 8:45 AM Elipticle or treadmill
Meal 2 10:30 AM 5 Egg Whites 20gPro 0gCarb add 3 whole eggs. Since this meal is post-cardio and you've got some time until you train again, doing pro/fat only is fine. 3 whole eggs, 5 whites.
Meal 3 12:30 PM Fish/Green Beans 26gPro 0gCarb I'd add 40g complex carbs to this meal. 1 large sweet potato/yam for me.
Meal 4 2:15 PM Chicken 8oz/Brown Rice or Yam/2 slice WW bread 53gPro 74gCarb skip the 2 slices of bread. Just do 1 large sweet potato/yam or 1 cup brown rice here.
Workout 3:00 PM Weights
Meal 5 4:30 PM (PWO) Whey/Dextrose1.25tsp x10/Malto Shake 1/2cup 36gPro 87gCarb Scratch this. 2 scoops whey, 1/2 cup oats as your PWO shake. Simple carbs PWO aren't needed, especially when cutting.
Meal 6 7:30 PM Beef Meal 8oz/vegtable 40gPro 0gCarb This should be either 93% lean ground beef or a very lean steak. Veggies should be a fibrous green variety. Add 1 tbspn. extra virgin olive oil.
Meal 7 11:00 PM Casen Shake 24gPro 4gCarb add 2 tbspn. natural PB.
Totals 251gPro 245gCarb