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Thread: Need a thumbs up or down on my diet

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Need a thumbs up or down on my diet

    I will start by saying that I have been on this site for a long time but rarely post. I am a big fan of the search feature and even google, so I usually find a lot of info that way. I appreciate the level of knowledge on this website but for someone like me who is not a nutrition expert, I feel sometimes there are too many opinions and too much info. This is better than not have enough but I'm afraid the more I read, the more likely I am to get myself into trouble. I appreciate any help.

    Some personal info.
    6'2" - 255lbs
    BF ? Prob around 20, fat stomach but everything else is pretty tight. Never tested it though.
    Goal for now is to drop some BF.

    I have based this diet on the Milos Sarcev sticky at the top of this fourm, great videos. I guess before I ask questions if someone could give me some feed back on this that would be a good start. Thanks again.

    Meal 1 8:00 AM Protein Shake with 1/2 cup of oats/natural PB and half a banana plus 2 slices WW Toast 52gPro 80gCarb
    Cardio 8:45 AM Elipticle or treadmill
    Meal 2 10:30 AM 5 Egg Whites 20gPro 0gCarb
    Meal 3 12:30 PM Fish/Green Beans 26gPro 0gCarb
    Meal 4 2:15 PM Chicken 8oz/Brown Rice or Yam/2 slice WW bread 53gPro 74gCarb

    Workout 3:00 PM Weights
    Meal 5 4:30 PM (PWO) Whey/Dextrose1.25tsp x10/Malto Shake 1/2cup 36gPro 87gCarb
    Meal 6 7:30 PM Beef Meal 8oz/vegtable 40gPro 0gCarb
    Meal 7 11:00 PM Casen Shake 24gPro 4gCarb

    Totals 251gPro 245gCarb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Where's the fats? You need some. Otherwise, your food choices for pro/carb seem decent.
    I see why you've timed your carb meals the way you have but especially without a lot of EFA's in your diet, you need to even-out your carbs throughout the day and not eat them in 2 pre-training meals only.
    Last edited by Damienm05; 03-14-2010 at 01:17 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Where's the fats? You need some. Otherwise, your food choices for pro/carb seem decent.
    I see why you've timed your carb meals the way you have but especially without a lot of EFA's in your diet, you need to even-out your carbs throughout the day and not eat them in 2 pre-training meals only.
    Ok, I have also started taking Udo's Choice oil (pill form) once I started this diet. See, I really did watch the Milos videos, lol. Will that be enough to cover the fats? I really have not been tracking the amount of fat, just trying to keep it minimal.

    Also, for the carbs, which meals would you add some to? Should I really try to avoid them later in the evening?

    Thanks a lot.

  4. #4
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    why not do the cardio before your first meal mate?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    why not do the cardio before your first meal mate?
    Convenience really. Make the shake as soon as I wake up. Have the ingredients and blender and all at home. My gym is located in my office building, so I can not make it there really. Since the shake has PB and Oats in it, gets kind of nasty if I don't drink right away.

    That being said, if there is a significant benifit to doinng the cardio first I would certainly make the adjustment. How soon after cardio would you drink the shake?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValeTudoFighter View Post
    I will start by saying that I have been on this site for a long time but rarely post. I am a big fan of the search feature and even google, so I usually find a lot of info that way. I appreciate the level of knowledge on this website but for someone like me who is not a nutrition expert, I feel sometimes there are too many opinions and too much info. This is better than not have enough but I'm afraid the more I read, the more likely I am to get myself into trouble. I appreciate any help.

    Some personal info.
    6'2" - 255lbs
    BF ? Prob around 20, fat stomach but everything else is pretty tight. Never tested it though.
    Goal for now is to drop some BF.

    I have based this diet on the Milos Sarcev sticky at the top of this fourm, great videos. I guess before I ask questions if someone could give me some feed back on this that would be a good start. Thanks again.

    Meal 1 8:00 AM Protein Shake with 1/2 cup of oats/natural PB and half a banana plus 2 slices WW Toast 52gPro 80gCarb No banana, no wheat toast, no PB. 1 cup of oats and 2 scoops whey.
    Cardio 8:45 AM Elipticle or treadmill
    Meal 2 10:30 AM 5 Egg Whites 20gPro 0gCarb add 3 whole eggs. Since this meal is post-cardio and you've got some time until you train again, doing pro/fat only is fine. 3 whole eggs, 5 whites.
    Meal 3 12:30 PM Fish/Green Beans 26gPro 0gCarb I'd add 40g complex carbs to this meal. 1 large sweet potato/yam for me.
    Meal 4 2:15 PM Chicken 8oz/Brown Rice or Yam/2 slice WW bread 53gPro 74gCarb
    skip the 2 slices of bread. Just do 1 large sweet potato/yam or 1 cup brown rice here.
    Workout 3:00 PM Weights
    Meal 5 4:30 PM (PWO) Whey/Dextrose1.25tsp x10/Malto Shake 1/2cup 36gPro 87gCarb Scratch this. 2 scoops whey, 1/2 cup oats as your PWO shake. Simple carbs PWO aren't needed, especially when cutting.
    Meal 6 7:30 PM Beef Meal 8oz/vegtable 40gPro 0gCarb This should be either 93% lean ground beef or a very lean steak. Veggies should be a fibrous green variety. Add 1 tbspn. extra virgin olive oil.
    Meal 7 11:00 PM Casen Shake 24gPro 4gCarb add 2 tbspn. natural PB.

    Totals 251gPro 245gCarb
    OK, make those changes in bold ASAP. Your carbs should be coming down to 200g. Protein should be going up to 300g. Fats should be 50g at least, however, even with those changes you may be short. If that's the case, use your Udo's pills to get you there. When I used those, I recall that each pill was 1g of fat and 10 calories, so you may need to take 10 daily.

  7. #7
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValeTudoFighter View Post
    Convenience really. Make the shake as soon as I wake up. Have the ingredients and blender and all at home. My gym is located in my office building, so I can not make it there really. Since the shake has PB and Oats in it, gets kind of nasty if I don't drink right away.

    That being said, if there is a significant benifit to doinng the cardio first I would certainly make the adjustment. How soon after cardio would you drink the shake?
    well i dont have any studies or anything to say it will be more benificial but from experience and from what ive learnt, doing empty stomache cardio will have better results and if fat loss is No1 priority then thats what i would do.....

  8. #8
    Awesome, thank you guys.

    To expand a little bit, I have a desk job and my schedule can be a bit unpredictable. I was looking for a good snack that I could keep in my desk if I'm in a pinch. Sometimes I will have a spur of the moment meeting that can last hours.

    I looked at a bunch of different protein bars but it seems most are high in carbs and if not then they are high in fat. I didn't feel like that was a good option in this type of situation, sitting in a meeting for an hour or more. I decided to get a Beef/Ostrich jerky type thing. pro 14, carb 2, fat 1.5. Is this an optimal choice for that type of situation and do I have to worry about the sodium (300mg)?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValeTudoFighter View Post
    Awesome, thank you guys.

    To expand a little bit, I have a desk job and my schedule can be a bit unpredictable. I was looking for a good snack that I could keep in my desk if I'm in a pinch. Sometimes I will have a spur of the moment meeting that can last hours.

    I looked at a bunch of different protein bars but it seems most are high in carbs and if not then they are high in fat. I didn't feel like that was a good option in this type of situation, sitting in a meeting for an hour or more. I decided to get a Beef/Ostrich jerky type thing. pro 14, carb 2, fat 1.5. Is this an optimal choice for that type of situation and do I have to worry about the sodium (300mg)?
    I dunno man, I always find a way to eat a real meal. Even if it means rolling up a cold chicken breast in a piece of lettuce and scarfing it. If there's just no way, then yeah, the low-sugar Jerky is good. High sodium foods will cause water retention and you may feel bloated but won't actually affect fat loss. It's all about how you feel I suppose.

  10. #10
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    Lurking in the shadows
    Quote Originally Posted by ValeTudoFighter View Post
    Awesome, thank you guys.

    To expand a little bit, I have a desk job and my schedule can be a bit unpredictable. I was looking for a good snack that I could keep in my desk if I'm in a pinch. Sometimes I will have a spur of the moment meeting that can last hours.

    I looked at a bunch of different protein bars but it seems most are high in carbs and if not then they are high in fat. I didn't feel like that was a good option in this type of situation, sitting in a meeting for an hour or more. I decided to get a Beef/Ostrich jerky type thing. pro 14, carb 2, fat 1.5. Is this an optimal choice for that type of situation and do I have to worry about the sodium (300mg)?
    Get some tuna in those fresh pouches. Those are really convenient when your on the go or dont got time to sit and eat. I'll down two of them in less than 5 mins and theres 40g of protein right there. I'll also keep little bags of almonds on me too when i go to work or something.

  11. #11
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    I have eaten the ostrich jerky and it is great if you can ignore the sodium. At 20% bf I don't think sodium is gonna be big on the concerns list. But you should try to stay off the elliptical and stay with the stairmaster or on the treadmill. As far as the diet Damien's got you. I would only say that you can eat more vegetables without worrying. Since most of your carbs are veggies I would not trip with a 5050 ratio.

  12. #12
    Pacman and Twist, thank you for the input. Makes sense and very helpful, I forgot about those tuna packs. Just wonder what the shelf life is on them, like I mentioned these will be sitting in my desk for a just in case situation. Not a staple of my diet. Figured I caould probably leave the jerky in my desk for 20 or so years and would still be ok, lol.

    I will make the suggested adjustments to my diet (I already have made most on the fly) and recalculate this time including fat content. Thanks again for all the help.

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