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Thread: Progress log

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!

    Progress log

    Hi, some of you may know about 3 weeks ago i started back dieting properly and training properly and have finally been able to post up some pics!!

    The first pics i post up will be the starter pics from 3 weeks ago, then next post will be after 2 weeks and then after the 3rd week. You get the picture, please dont flame me, im just posting up progress

    Thanks for any positive feedback
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Name:	Week 1 start paint.jpg 
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    These are the pics after 2weeks
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Now these pics are after 3wekeks, where im up to now!! next pics will be in a weeks time

    Thank you for any positive feedback
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Name:	Week 3 (3) paint.jpg 
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Name:	Week 3 (5) paint.jpg 
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Good progress, keep going! A word to the wise - i'd post pics once a month, not once a week. Weekly changes are barely noticable even on people with gifted genetics.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Thanks man, you actually think there is some good progress there?

    First pic i was at 12stone 6lbs (188lbs)
    The last pics there i am currently at 182lbs (13stone exactly)

    Its very psychological with me, one minute i think im doing well, then next i think im not!! but i think iv made some progress!! ya i probably will do that, thanks for commenting

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    It could just be the pics since the lighting is different, but you look better in the last set of pics IMO. Not a drastic difference, but a difference nonetheless.

    LoL your preaching to the choir when it comes to the psychology of this. Ask anybody who knows me here and they will probably tell you i'm a neurotic nut!!! I second guess EVERYTHING i'm doing - think i'm too skinny one day, too fat the next, etc.

    Just keep going in the right direction and it'll pan out - i'm hoping it will for me as well!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    ya im the same, i go into bad form about how i think i look on a particular day, its mad!! but ya i think there is a difference, i feel i can see a difference myself in the mirror and that.....(that i look in constantly) haha!! man u look in good shape, and you know your stuff so your well on your way!!

    Thanks for your opinion, its much appreciated!!

    Anyone else wants to make a comment then they are more than welcome

  8. #8
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    doin well mate,,,keep up the good work and i agree to posting a pic every month instead!...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Thanks man really appreciate it! definately going to keep it up with the positive feed back!!

    Anyone else feel free to comment

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    man u look in good shape, and you know your stuff so your well on your way!!

    Thanks bro!

    Thanks for your opinion, its much appreciated!!

    You're welcome!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Was thinking maybe uploading here every 2weeks, maybe i just like taking pictures,haha!!

    Also just bumping up this thread for others to see

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I only notice gains myself once every 3 months so that's when I would be taking pics man. Good work and remember lift heavy as you can.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Just wanted to ask you guys a question, hope you can see it properly in the attachment but i have market out the hip area where i would like to get rid of this fat as i am losing some off my sdes but not down low where it will start to look very bad!!

    How would a man go about cutting this down quickly? is it purely through some cardio or is there certain good exercises i could use? anyone else have this problem before?
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Name:	Week 3 (2) paint bad point.jpg 
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ID:	107239  

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Cardio and diet my man, that's all you can do! Unfortunately you can't target a specific area; you're body is going to lose fat in whatever order your genetics dictate...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Yep thats exactly the answer i was expecting and exactly the answer you dont want to get!! still never mind, we'll continue on the progress and c where it takes me

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    You are making good progress bro, i can see that.

    Just remember, this is not a sprint its a marothon but you'll get all the support you need right here....

    keep up the good work...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Thanks 007 it means alot for people to see a difference and to be so supportive!!

    Just to update my log, today is the end of the first month and am currently happy with my progress, im quite an impatient guy when it comes to this sort of thing but im learning you cant get it all in a few short weeks!!

    So today and the other day i realised my stregth has gone up a bit which i am happy about!! also i feel my shoulders are becoming a little more noticeable than before. Got 1 or 2 comments off my friend that i was looking better, alos 1 or 2 people have asked if i lost weight (at first i didnt know if i was happy about that but i was in a shirt and tie so im pleased)!

    Apart from the last 2 nights drinking i have been eating ok, maybe not enough but no crap food at least!! last 2 exams for this year are this week so after next weekend eating and preparing food should become easier!!

    No pics this week, gonna leave it for a week or 2 but will update the log every few days!!

    At the start i was 188lbs
    Now i am at 181lbs and feel i have gained some muscle!!

    Talk soon

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Ok so just some more pics to add here, taken about 20 mins ago!!! now i think i have just finished my 4th week, god sound stupid forgetting but nearly sure i have so heres some updated pics!! pics are actualy 4 weeks in, im in the middle of my 5th week now

    Feeling alright, hope people can see some improvements!! feel free to comment

    Thanks guys
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Name:	Week 5 paint 2.jpg 
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Name:	Week 5 paint 4.jpg 
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ID:	107457  
    Last edited by gettingthere; 05-25-2010 at 08:45 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You are doing very well. Its a lot of work to take something down that has taken so long to build. Just keep chizling away at it. You will get a lot smaller and feel verry skinny. Don't wory all the new muscle will be well worth the work. Also gbrice is a nutt! Lol! he works verry hard and is always on top of his situation. Best luck man. Keep us posted
    Last edited by 6ft5; 05-24-2010 at 04:58 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Thanks man, it means a lot of people like yourself to see changes in me and support me!! its great when people say that i am progessing and doing very well and they are being genuine, it give me more motivation to continue!!

    Ya i hate the feeling about getting smaller, but its all psychological i know!!

    Thanks guys and any more comments are always appreciated

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Never Never Land
    Whats the new weight?

    Your like me in that your skin will tighten up up top first the flatten out on your stomach like u are sucking in but still have the love handles.

    Keep going man. You'll get them

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Im down from about 188 to about 181/180 lbs!!! ya i seem to be tightening up a nice bit but want to get them god damn love handles gone, but all this is considering i have not done much cardio at all!! so im probably just going to add in 15-20mins cardio post workout 2 or 3 days a week to try and get rid of some of it quicker!!

    Think im doing pretty well, hopeing another few weeks and il be at a new level then ever before!!

  23. #23
    Solid work so far I think once you add that cardio in the mix you will notice some more positive changes. Keep up the good work.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    Also gbrice is a nutt! Lol! he works verry hard and is always on top of his situation. Best luck man. Keep us posted
    LoL thanks bro!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    You're making progress bro, just like your name, you're getting there!

    I would suggest a minimum of 30 mins of cardio though, ESPECIALLY if you're only doing 2-3 days/week. You should try hard for 5 days, at least 30 minutes. I didn't think it was a big deal when I started, but cardio is a huge piece of the puzzle!

    I'll be posting progress pics this weekend - of my fat 205lb ass lol!

  26. #26
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    You're making progress bro, just like your name, you're getting there!

    I would suggest a minimum of 30 mins of cardio though, ESPECIALLY if you're only doing 2-3 days/week. You should try hard for 5 days, at least 30 minutes. I didn't think it was a big deal when I started, but cardio is a huge piece of the puzzle!

    I'll be posting progress pics this weekend - of my fat 205lb ass lol!
    You reckon? post workout that is? cardio is psychological with me,you know that feeling you will lose size if you do cardio etc!! but i will definatly incorporate it in to my workout now to get the toning faster!! think my shoulders are getting a bit bigger and am happy enough with progress!!

    Ya the name i changed to that because i think i am getting there lol!! thanks everyone and gbrice too your a god support bro thanks again!!

    Will check them pics out when you post up, im sure their good you know your diet inside out

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere;519***1
    You reckon? post workout that is? cardio is psychological with me,you know that feeling you will lose size if you do cardio etc!! but i will definatly incorporate it in to my workout now to get the toning faster!! think my shoulders are getting a bit bigger and am happy enough with progress!!

    Ya the name i changed to that because i think i am getting there lol!! thanks everyone and gbrice too your a god support bro thanks again!!

    Will check them pics out when you post up, im sure their good you know your diet inside out
    Yep, I do my cardio PWO as well. I think you definitely need 30 minutes, the first 15-20 are a warm up, you're barely burning anything. Don't worry about losing muscle, just keep intensity relatively low (heart rate around 130 BPM) and you should be burning primarily fat. When it gets too high (150 BPM range I believe?) you can start torching muscle.

    You're welcome bro, looking forward to your next batch of pics!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75;519***6
    Yep, I do my cardio PWO as well. I think you definitely need 30 minutes, the first 15-20 are a warm up, you're barely burning anything. Don't worry about losing muscle, just keep intensity relatively low (heart rate around 130 BPM) and you should be burning primarily fat. When it gets too high (150 BPM range I believe?) you can start torching muscle.

    You're welcome bro, looking forward to your next batch of pics!
    Agreed, just enuf cardio to feel good about it and not over analize, your young and you get that lifting down, you'll grow like a weed! When I was younger I didn't hardly do cardio but I worked out w high itensity. If I did cardio it was in short sessions. Reason is I wanted to grow sum muscles so all the cals I took in were for that reason. I got huge, Way bigger than I am now, then I had to do an ass load of cardio to cut a little. Moral of the story, have a decent cardio scedual to keep sum the fat down or a bunch of cardio when your fat. Lol! Wish I knew about this place when I was 21. Keep up the good work!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Just letting you guys know i incorporated cardio post workout yesterday and today!! only 15minutes threadmill but MY GOD I HATE CARDIO lol!!

    But anyway ya i felt pretty good about it once i was out of the gym and at home, also did chest and triceps today and felt pretty good, got a good pump going and i think my tri's are definatley getting that bit bigger!! gonna keep with the 15-30 mins cardio after each session to burn some of that lower ab fat, hopefully shouldnt take that long!!

    Just an update for you guys

    Take care

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Good work mate Definatley can see improvements round that mid section now.
    stick at it bro ive been going 6 months and still not done lol

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Alright mate just another thing I forgot to mention I see you asked if there are any other exercises you can do other than cardio to promote fat loss. And yes you can but they will not target fat poss in any specific area they'll simply help raise your metabolism burning more calories wich will lead to fat loss with diet being in check.

    Now I know we went through a workout together but here's a few exercises you should definatley be doing.

    DB snatch
    bent over row
    clean and press
    T- bar row
    bench press
    military press

    now I know that some exercises there hit the same muscle groups for example T-bar row and bent over row so you won't need them both in your workout at the same time but every 4-6 weeks you can swap them other it will keep that metabolism going and get the muscles growing.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Quote Originally Posted by jjfman View Post
    Alright mate just another thing I forgot to mention I see you asked if there are any other exercises you can do other than cardio to promote fat loss. And yes you can but they will not target fat poss in any specific area they'll simply help raise your metabolism burning more calories wich will lead to fat loss with diet being in check.

    Now I know we went through a workout together but here's a few exercises you should definatley be doing.

    DB snatch
    bent over row
    clean and press
    T- bar row
    bench press
    military press

    now I know that some exercises there hit the same muscle groups for example T-bar row and bent over row so you won't need them both in your workout at the same time but every 4-6 weeks you can swap them other it will keep that metabolism going and get the muscles growing.
    Good stuff mate, thanks for the complment too i feel as though iv shaped up a nice bit and am getting bettter all the time!!! some days are tough when u think u see no results but others are good, its all in my head so it helps when people on here are being honest!!

    Ya will start to change it up a little, been finding it really good but its near 6weeks now so maybe just a tweak here and there is in order!! next pics might be sunday or monday, think that would be the end of 6weeks then!!!

    Hopefully another 6 weeks and the abs might make a small appearance, considering iv never saw them before id say theyd make a good first impression

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    No worries man. Yeah i know what ye mean about feeling crap one day then the next feeling great, with me one day I feel skinny then the next I feel fat it's all in the head lol

    if you need to pm me when ur ready to change up that workout n I'll help out best I can mate

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Ya its amazing how your mid plays tricks on ya when training hard!!

    Cool, il probably pm you at the weekend sometime, cheers bud

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Hey guys, just giving this an update, was meant to upload pics on cunday but i will eventually get them up sometime tommorow or friday!!

    Training has been good, though im not going to lie my eating hasnt been as spot on as the previous 5 or 6 weeks!! stregth still gone up a tiny bit!! im going to start keeping a log book i think as if im just in the gym i get bored, if i have the book then i can try and beat what i did last week!!

    Will post up tomorow, cheers

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Stay with it bro, life and training is a long road don't let the small detours throw you off your course!

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Right so lads, heres some updated pics just taken about 10minutes ago so feel free to comment and whatever!!

    Not sure how im feeling about these pics, up and down i suppose!!!

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  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    there is a definate wieght loss improvement, well done

    what is your diet like

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Ya mate thanks iv lost about 15lbs now, im down to 174lbs now!!! i feel better but i dont feel as toned as i feel i should be, sometimes my arms feel smaller etc but some days are good!!

    Gonna keep going for a few more weeks and then maybe bulk on a few pounds would you think?

    My diet is pretty good, not been super the last week but getting it back together!! it was good thanks to jjfman and gbrice especially these 2 but everyone helped!!!

    Anyone else?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    What about me man! Kiddn..if you get a tan it will make a big diffrence how you look. I can see a big diffrence. Its just hard to gain whyle trying to loose. Don't wory! Just remembe 20% bf on a 200lbr is like 40 lbs of fat. Don't sweat it it gets way easier, like second nature. I screw my self w stimulants some times and get to worken and forget to eat sumtimes. Not good, but it could be worse. Just don't stress it raises cortisol.

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