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Thread: if i do my 1st inject today does it matter my next w/o wont be till tues ? 1st cycle

  1. #1

    if i do my 1st inject today does it matter my next w/o wont be till tues ? 1st cycle

    so as title says guys ....

    also is it best 2 do 2mls in 1 hit or split it into 2 ? 1ml today (wed) night and then 1ml sat arvo?

    oh yeah its test cyp 200mgs/ml

    1st cycle

    excited !!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Its better to split it. But yeah its fine, the test wont start "kicking in" till about 3,4 weeks so your not wasting any of the juice.

    Also, Stats? And what you doing for PCT.

  3. #3
    yeah been around a while so got most of it sorted .....

    5ft 10-11inchs
    89-93 kgs fluctuates with diet and bf% etc
    bf 17% had skin fold test the other day
    cycle is 10 weeks test cyp @400mgs
    wait 2 weeks then nolva 40/20/20/20/10 clomid150/50/50/50
    adex on hand if needed
    will run clen thru pct as well

    yeah thought it wouldnt matter knowing it takes a while to kck in just thoughtid check tho might front load with prop or run itin the 2 weeks leading up to pct we'll see how that goes

    thx 4 reply there mate cheers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Ok, Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    why a week between workouts

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    On top of the world
    I dont really like your lifting schedule. 2 on and 5 off is just a waste of time if you are looking to put on any size. and if you can do all that in ihr and 20 mins then I also fell you are not working to your full potential. I hit 1 or 2 muscles per day with 1 or 2 days off per week and it takes longer then 1 hr and 20 mins. and I dont F around when I'm in gym. I think you should reevaluate what you want and see what you can do with some hard work!!!!!! Just my .02

  7. #7
    work, life etc ...
    work out is


    inc db 4 10,8,86
    cable fly 10,10,10,6
    dec bb 2x5 maxd out

    shoulder press 4 x 10,10,8,8
    lateral raise 5 x 8 (ly fav)

    ( thats day 1 )

    day 2
    back bys leg s

    lat pulldowns 2 x wide 3 x close 10,10,8,8,6,
    seate rows as above
    serratus pull overs machine 4 x 10

    rear flys 4 x 10

    barbell curls 4 x 10
    inc db curls 4x 8
    2 x hammers

    4 x squats
    2 x ham curls
    5 x calf curls

    in and out no fukn around 1hour 20 mins MAX!!!!!!!!!! i dont fuk round!!!!! thats the 2 day split so 2 on 5 off rpeat etc otherwise its nearly the same but more attention to chin ups and calves carido abs etc

    yup thats it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    work, life etc ...
    work out is


    inc db 4 10,8,86
    cable fly 10,10,10,6
    dec bb 2x5 maxd out

    shoulder press 4 x 10,10,8,8
    lateral raise 5 x 8 (ly fav)

    ( thats day 1 )

    day 2
    back bys leg s

    lat pulldowns 2 x wide 3 x close 10,10,8,8,6,
    seate rows as above
    serratus pull overs machine 4 x 10

    rear flys 4 x 10

    barbell curls 4 x 10
    inc db curls 4x 8
    2 x hammers

    4 x squats
    2 x ham curls
    5 x calf curls

    in and out no fukn around 1hour 20 mins MAX!!!!!!!!!! i dont fuk round!!!!! thats the 2 day split so 2 on 5 off rpeat etc otherwise its nearly the same but more attention to chin ups and calves carido abs etc

    yup thats it
    if you can't commit to 3-4 days a week in the gym, you more than likely not commited to your diet and you will more than likely be wasting your money on gear. not a flame just my opinion

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    work, life etc ...
    Why don't you just wait to start your cycle when you can completely dedicated to training/eating/etc?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    I dont really like your lifting schedule. 2 on and 5 off is just a waste of time if you are looking to put on any size. and if you can do all that in ihr and 20 mins then I also fell you are not working to your full potential. ifi can do that im pretty sure im lifting to near my full potential I hit 1 or 2 muscles per day with 1 or 2 days off per week and it takes longer then 1 hr and 20 mins. that would be coz your over training imo or takng to long weather its back bys chest trys , back trys hest bys shouldrs legs what eva u like theres no reason 2 groups should take that long 16 sets per big group max and 12 or abuts 4 iso ex;s eg bys trys calves etc and I dont F around when I'm in gym. I think you should reevaluate what you want and see what you can do with some hard work!!!!!! im not working hard pfft please Just my .02
    just my .02

    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    if you can't commit to 3-4 days a week in the gym, i can its work that doesnt allow me , not an excuse a fact !! i run a carpentry business a sole trader and employ a few ppl between 12 hour days then quoting invoicing and kids 6 days a weeim lucky to get there twice you more than likely not commited to your diet another assumtion happy to post diet 4 u if u like and you will more than likely be wasting your money on gear. not a flame just my opinion
    thx 4 your opinion

    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Why don't you just wait to start your cycle when you can completely dedicated to training/eating/etc?
    good point, ive wanted now 4 ages ill soon be adding another emploee few weeks so ill give myself a another day if i can train 3 hard dayssay a chest bys , shoukders legs, back try split + my physical work i think thats good , a solid diet hard work what ya say ??

    if i come across as rash or rude thats bcoz i dont like assumers or finger pointers

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    just placed my order with ar-r nolva /clomid will let you know if it arrives as im in australia

    You started your cycle without having your pct supplies on hand?

  12. #12
    no i have nolva already and adex , can never be to careful , was just ordering more nolva and clomid, good to see your reading my other posts

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