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Thread: winstrol oral & liquid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Cellar Dweller

    winstrol oral & liquid

    Was just wondering if anyone has tried using both liquid and oral winny togather (1 day liquid next day oral) for the best benefits of both? I would like to try that when I do decide to take winstrol, according to some literature on winstrol the oral is said to be slightly more anabolic and the inj more androgenic, just figured it would make sense if you had the option to take both just to get a synergetic effect.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    If anything, it is opposite.
    Oral causes a spike in IGF-1 and also binds up SHBG better (so it behaves more like DHT).
    Injectable just nets you higher blood concentrations (more anabolism).

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